Cedar class learning for 17 JUN 2020

English: LO: to consider how to write in a formal manner.

Yesterday you wrote a postcard to a friend or family member. You also considered the type of language you use when writing to somebody who you know very well or are related to. Today, I would like you to write a list of features which would appear in a postcard you were writing to someone you don’t know as well, or need to be more formal around. For example: if you were writing a postcard to me, any of the other teachers at school, the queen, or if you were entering a competition with your postcard.

How would you start the postcard?

How would you end the postcard?

What kind of information might you not include in a postcard which is more formal? What might you not want to include?

Make a list which you can use for tomorrow’s activity!

Maths: LO: to subtract fractions.

Yesterday you practised adding fractions with the same denominator. Today, I would like you to work on subtracting fractions with the same denominator. If you are finding this tricky, you can use physical objects just like yesterday to help you.

For example: if I was solving the question 6/7 – 2/7 = ?, I could cut an object (or cake or chocolate bar!) into sevenths. I could then take 6 of these pieces and put them in front of me; this is 6/7 in front of me. I would then subtract 2/7 (2 of the pieces in front of me). I would then be left with 4 pieces, so 4/7.

Create some questions of your own for this activity.

If you are able to do this easily (or are a Y4), try these trickier questions:

1) 63/100 – 24/100 = ? (Column subtraction for the numerator will work best here).

2) 427/500 – 391/500 = ? (Same as above).

3) 512/64 – 448/64 = ? (Write this answer in two ways).

Cedar class learning for 16 JUN 2020

English: LO: to write a postcard.

Today I would like you to use what you learned yesterday about postcards to write one! We will be looking at how we write postcards (and other types of correspondence) to different people we know over this week, but today we will be writing to a friend or family member. I would like you to create a postcard from a place you either have visited, or would like to visit. Start off by cutting out a postcard piece of paper or card. Draw on the front of it to show where the postcard is being sent from (you could even make up a fantasy land if you would rather!),  on the reverse write a message to your friend or family member. Don’t forget to include an address, and definitely don’t forget that the people who are involved in posting and sending your letter can also read it!

Once you have finished, I would like you to think carefully about the type of language you used in your postcard. Was it very formal, or was it quite informal? Did you say things in the postcard that you wouldn’t say if you were writing to someone who you didn’t know very well, or if you were writing the postcard to me?

Maths: LO: to add fractions.

Yesterday you defined what a fraction was, and I am hoping that creating your poster helped you to remember all of the hard work we did on fractions back in the Spring term!

Today, I would like you to focus on adding fractions. Below I have put some questions I would like you to work through. Don’t forget, when adding fractions with the same denominator we don’t change the denominator!

To help you, you could always create the fractions you are adding up. For example, if you were solving this problem: 2/4 + 1/4 you could cut out a shape into quarters (as per the denominator). You could then take 2 of the quarters, and then add another quarter to it; in total you would have 3/4 which is the correct answer. If you really want to make it interesting, you could cut up things you can eat like chocolate bars or cakes!

Questions 6, 7 and 10 may require you to add the denominators using a column addition.

Questions 8, 9 and 10 are trickier (Y4s please make sure you have a go at these).

Once you complete these, make up some questions of your own.

1) 1/3 + 1/3 = ?

2) ? = 3/7 + 2/7

3) 1/8 + 5/8 = ?

4) 7/9 + 2/9 = ? (This can be written in two different ways).

5) 3/12 + 6/12 = ?

6) ? = 72/100 + 7/100

7) ? = 18/250 + 200/250

8) 3/7 + 10/7 = ? (This can be written as an improper fraction or a mixed number).

9) 10/12 + 10/12 = ? (This can be written as an improper fraction or a mixed number).

10) 14/28 + 42/28 = ? (This can be written in two different ways).

Skylarks suggested learning Tuesday 16th June

Maths – To recognise and draw diagrams of common equivalent fraction families. Choose a challenge that is the right level for you. 

English – To read/listen to the next few pages of The Promise and consider questions about what you have read. 

Afternoon – Choose another task to do from the list of suggested tasks to find out about the geography and climate of Mexico. 

Oak Class Tuesday 16th June

Phonics: Use the letters f and r to blend to make the words frost and fresh. Sound the words out, write the words and read the words. Can you use the words in a sentence? Write the sentence down, read the sentence to someone in your home.

Maths. Can you draw some shapes? If you have chalks can you draw them outside? Now can you colour half of the shape in? If you know what fraction this is, write the fraction next to it. I would love to see some pictures of your work!

Literacy: Can you play the rhyming match game? Use the website: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=online%20rhyming%20games

Topic: Mexico. Today I would like you to make your own Mexican flag. What can you find out about the flag?

Have a good day
Mrs T x

Tuesday 16th June 2020 Elm Class learning

Spellings: Today we are going back to practicing words with the suffix ending ‘cious’. With these word, usually if the root word ends in –ce, the sound is usually spelt as cious rather than ious – e.g, grace – gracious, space, spacious.

Your task: Can you practice some of the words you found yesterday using the look, write, cover, check method?

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to recap multiplying fractions. Remember, when you multiply a fraction by a whole number, you multiply the numerator (or top of the fraction) and when you multiply two fractions together, you multiply both the numerators together and both the denominators. If you want to challenge yourself further, you can have a go at simplifying the fraction after the calculation.

See if you can attempt these below:

4/7 x 3 =

5/6 x 4 =

9/12 x 7 =

7/8 x 9 =

3/5 x 4/9 =

5/9 x 6/7=

2/12 x 8/10=

Grammar: Today will be the last day we use subordinating conjunctions, before moving onto a different type of conjunction. Have a look at the picture attached called the Mountain pass, pretend you are venturing up the mountain, what happens next? Can you describe your surroundings and senses using a subordinate clause sentence? I have also attached the subordinate conjunctions below.

For example: As the winds grew stronger, it was almost impossible to see from the blizzard of heavy snow.

English: L.O: To have a P4C discussion.

Today I would like you to read up to the end of page 19 (beginning of chapter 8). Then, I would like you to have a P4C discussion based around this question: Do you think this is an adequate punishment for young boys?

Maths: We are continuing with fractions today. Have a look at the list of suggested learning ideas below, there are lots of practical and printable activities to have a go at, I would love to see some of the activities you have had a go at! Can you choose something different today?

Topic: For the next four weeks, you will be studying Mexico!

Everyone in the school is doing the same project so that if you have younger siblings, then you can all do similar activities and teach each other things.

I have suggested some activities below which are suitable for a Year 5/6 class but can also be done by younger children with some help.

Choose the activities you would most like to do and present them creatively! You can present your work however you like, for example, in the form of artwork, a scrapbook, a PowerPoint.

Our weekly focus for this week is Climate and Geography.

Suggested activities for the week:

•      Locate Mexico on a map and describe its location. What continent is it in? Which other countries are near it? Is it in the northern or southern hemisphere?

•      Research the weather in Mexico. Is it similar to the weather in the U.K.? Why might this be the case? Could you create a temperature/rainfall graph to show the temperature/rainfall throughout the year?

•      Are the seasons the same in Mexico? Why/why not?

•      Research the plantlife in Mexico. Are there any species of plant native to Mexico? Could you draw or paint these?

•      Research the wildlife of Mexico. Present this information in a fun way- perhaps in a poster.

•      What is the landscape of Mexico like? Are there any famous mountains or rivers? Is it similar of different to the U.K.?

•      Have there been any big natural disasters in Mexico? Why have these happened? You could write a newspaper report of one of these or a diary entry from someone who was there.

•      Research famous landmarks in Mexico.

•      Research the capital city of Mexico and compare it to other capital cities.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Coates.

Maple Class home learning for Tuesday 16th June 2020

Spellings – the letter g can have a soft sound or a hard sound (g in golf is hard, g in gem is soft). Sort these words into hard or soft g sounds:

Gym, ginger, goose, goat, giant, gutter 

English – can you tell someone a story today?  Make up your own characters, where does the story take place and what happens? Use all your imaginative ideas, and have a little practise before you tell someone else.

Maths – today can you explore different ways to find a quarter? What does it look like? How would you write it? Can you cut your sandwich into quarters? Can you share your crisps into quarters? Can you draw some shapes and fold them into quarters. Remember each quarter must be equal. What do you notice about quarters? How are they different to halves? How are they similar? Try the “Shading Shapes” activity. 

Theme – this week we will be thinking about the climate and geography of Mexico. Below is a list of suggestions, pick an activity you are interested in. 

– where in the world is Mexico? Find out which continent it is in. 

– What is the capital city of Mexico?

– What does Mexico look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city? 

– Which oceans are near Mexico? Can you label them on your map? 

– What does the flag of Mexico look like? Can you make your own Mexican flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks. 

– What would you like to learn/find out about Mexico? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.

– What is the weather like in Mexico today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Mexico? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Mexico? Is the temperature in England higher or lower? 

– What is the population of Mexico? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)

– Can you name some rivers in Mexico? 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Oak Class Monday 15th June

I hope you have all enjoyed the sunshine this weekend! Let’s have another great week of learning going on!

Phonics: Use the letters f and r to blend to make the sound fr. Now use the blend to help make the words frog, free and from.

Say the words, sound them out, write the words, read the words.

Can you use the words to make a sentence? Today I would like you to write the sentence, then cut it up, jumble up the words and see if you can stick them back down in the right order!

Maths: This week we are looking at fractions. Can you Find half of a shape? Can you find a quarter of shape? Draw round some simple shapes then fold them in half, what fraction have you got now? Stick them in your book. Now try other shapes, cut, fold and stick them in your books. If you know the fraction names, why not try and write the fraction down!

Literacy: Rhyme time! This week we are focusing on rhyming words. Can you find an object in your house and then say what it is. Can you pass it round and see how many words you can think of that rhyme with that object. You could use a spoon, or pen or cake! Have fun with this one!

Topic: The next few weeks we are going to focus on Mexico as our new topic. Where is Mexico? Can you find Mexico on a map? What seas or oceans does it have around? Is it close to other countries? Use the map of the world to find and colour in Mexico and then find where you live and colour that in to. Is Mexico close to where you live? How could you get there?

Have a great day!

Mrs T xxx