Cedar class learning for 15 JUN 2020

English: LO: to identify features of a postcard.

This week in English we will be looking into postcards and the style of writing we would use in a postcard to someone we know. To start off, I would like you to think about what a postcard is! Write a list of the features of a postcard. How is it different to a letter or report? When would we send a postcard to someone?

Have you ever received or sent any postcards? If you have some at home or can find a picture of one, use this to help you identify the features of it. We will be exploring writing postcards from tomorrow!

Maths: LO: to define ‘fractions’.

This week we will be exploring fractions in our maths sessions. When we talk about fractions in maths, a fraction is an equal part of a whole. For example, if I had a whole cake and sliced it straight down the middle, the two equal parts I now have would both be half of the whole cake. Were I to equally cut those two halves in half again, I would end up with equal-sized pieces of cake; these are quarters.

To start the week off, I would like you to create a definition poster on fractions. Write the word ‘ fractions’ in the middle of the page, and below it write what the word ‘fractions’ means in the context of maths. Are there any other words associate with fractions (see below for some to help you), write what these words are and what they mean. Are there any other words which sound similar to fractions? Why is it important for us to know about fractions? How are fractions used in our lives? On your poster, show how fractions are written (you might be able to label the parts of the fraction using some of the other related words). Finally, draw some shapes on your poster and cut them up into equal parts; label these fractions.

Related words: numerator, denominator, equal parts, whole, proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed number.

Monday 15th June 2020, Elm Class learning

Welcome back to Monday, hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Spellings: Today we are going back to practicing words with the suffix ending ‘cious’. With these word, usually if the root word ends in –ce, the sound is usually spelt as cious rather than ious – e.g, grace – gracious, space, spacious.

Your task: Can you remember any words ending in cious or can you make your own list?

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to recap multiplying fractions. Remember, when you multiply a fraction by a whole number, you multiply the numerator (or top of the fraction) and when you multiply two fractions together, you multiply both the numerators together and both the denominators. If you want to challenge yourself further, you can have a go at simplifying the fraction after the calculation.

See if you can attempt these below:

3/10 x 5 =

4/8 x 7 =

3/7 x 6 =

2/9 x 5/6 =

5/8 x 4/5 =

6/7 x 2/3=

Grammar: We are going to continue this week looking at sentence structure and main and subordinate clauses. Can you identify the main and subordinate clauses in the activity below? Can you write your own definition for what a main and subordinate clause are?

English: Today we are going to read more of Holes! Can you read up to page 16 and answer these questions after reading:

Why didn’t Elya want to marry Myra in the end?

Is there a lesson to this story? What do you think it is?

What do you think about this part of the story? Why do you think the author included it?

Maths: This week our focus is Fraction! Have a look at the list of suggested learning ideas below, there are lots of practical and printable activities to have a go at, I would love to see some of the activities you have had a go at! Can you challenge yourself?

Topic: For the next four weeks, you will be studying Mexico!

Everyone in the school is doing the same project so that if you have younger siblings, then you can all do similar activities and teach each other things.

I have suggested some activities below which are suitable for a Year 5/6 class but can also be done by younger children with some help.

Choose the activities you would most like to do and present them creatively! You can present your work however you like, for example, in the form of artwork, a scrapbook, a PowerPoint.

Our weekly focus for this week is Climate and Geography.

Suggested activities for the week:

•      Locate Mexico on a map and describe its location. What continent is it in? Which other countries are near it? Is it in the northern or southern hemisphere?

•      Research the weather in Mexico. Is it similar to the weather in the U.K.? Why might this be the case? Could you create a temperature/rainfall graph to show the temperature/rainfall throughout the year?

•      Are the seasons the same in Mexico? Why/why not?

•      Research the plantlife in Mexico. Are there any species of plant native to Mexico? Could you draw or paint these?

•      Research the wildlife of Mexico. Present this information in a fun way- perhaps in a poster.

•      What is the landscape of Mexico like? Are there any famous mountains or rivers? Is it similar of different to the U.K.?

•      Have there been any big natural disasters in Mexico? Why have these happened? You could write a newspaper report of one of these or a diary entry from someone who was there.

•      Research famous landmarks in Mexico.

•      Research the capital city of Mexico and compare it to other capital cities.

Stay safe,

Miss Coates.

Skylarks suggested learning Monday 15th June

Hi! Here is your learning for today. 

Maths – This week we will be working on our fraction knowledge. Today can you create your own fraction wall? Do this as creatively as you like! If you are in year 4, try to write the decimal equivalents for each fraction. 

English – To use prepositions to write setting descriptions of the city from the book, The Promise. 

Afternoon – We are looking at Mexico for the next 4 weeks. This week we will focus on climate and geography. Pick an activity from the list to have a go at, or come up with your own! Remember you can also use ideas from other classes PowerPoint if you like. 

Maple Class home learning for Monday 15th June 2020

Spellings – when adding a vowel suffix to words ending in an e, drop the e and add the suffix (like live+ed = lived, amaze+ing = amazing). Try these words and put into sentences:

Use+ing= , nice+est=, arrive+al=, store+age=, like+en=

English – this week we will try and improve our drama and story telling skills. Can you act out a well know fairy story for someone at home to guess? Do you need any props to help? Are there any famous sayings you could repeat to help someone guess (e.g. “what big ears you have grandma” – from Little Red Riding Hood).

Maths – this week we are learning about Fractions. Can you explore different ways to find a half today? What does it look like? How would you write it? Can you cut your sandwich in half? Can you share your crisps in half? Can you draw some shapes and fold them in half. Can you make a Lego model that is half one colour and half another? Remember each half must be equal. 

Theme – this week we will be thinking about the climate and geography of Mexico. Below is a list of suggestions, pick an activity you are interested in. 

– where in the world is Mexico? Find out which continent it is in. 

– What is the capital city of Mexico?

– What does Mexico look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city? 

– Which oceans are near Mexico? Can you label them on your map? 

– What does the flag of Mexico look like? Can you make your own Mexican flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks. 

– What would you like to learn/find out about Mexico? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.

– What is the weather like in Mexico today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Mexico? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Mexico? Is the temperature in England higher or lower? 

– What is the population of Mexico? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)

– Can you name some rivers in Mexico? 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Home Learning Week beginning 15th June

This week we are starting a new whole school topic all about the country of Mexico. I will post suggestions for you each week and your English activities will be linked to reading and writing about what you are finding out.

Spellings: soft and hard g sound

Year 4 Suggestions: Year 5 Suggestions:

gel generous

general gypsy

ginger aggressive

regular exaggerate

strange government

strength recognise

guard vegetable

guide gymnast

group giraffe

giant magician

Can you sort them into hard & soft g sounds?

Look – Say – Cover – Write – Check
Can you use them in sentences?

Select the word list ‘hard & soft g’ in the word animator on letterjoin .

Arithmetic: Finding fractions of numbers
– To find a fraction of a number we divide by the denominator (bottom) and multiply by the numerator (top). At school we use bar models to work this out.
– BRONZE: ½ of 30 = ¼ of 32 = 1/5 of 45 = 1/3 of 270 = 1/6 of 42 = 1/3 of 42 =
– SILVER: ¾ of 48 = 2/3 of 60 = 3/5 of 45 = 2/5 of 60 = ¾ of 240 = 2/3 of 360 =
– GOLD: 3/7 of 49 = 2/3 of 426 = 1/10 of 3.5 = 3/8 of 112 = 4/6 of 222 =

Mexico Suggested Focus for the Week: Climate & Geography

You might like to find out:

  • Where in the world is Mexico? Which continent is it part of? What countries does it border?
  • What is the capital city? Can you name some other large cities?
  • What is the weather like? Is it the same all over Mexico? Does it change at different times of the year?
  • What is the landscape like in Mexico? Can you draw any of the natural features?
  • Can you compare the geography of Mexico to what you learnt about Japan? Are there any similarities between the two countries? How are they different?

Suggested Activities:

  • Design a front cover page for your Mexico project.
  • Make an ‘I know, I think, I want to find out’ chart. Make sure you use the correct punctuation for statements and questions.
  • Imagine you were visiting Mexico: how would you get there. Plan the journey.
  • Design a post card from Mexico.
  • Draw maps from your research.
  • Make the Mexican flag.

English Suggestions

Monday: Reading
– Download the reading comprehension below or do some research into Mexico. Can you use your reading skills to find answers to some of the questions above?

Tuesday: Fact & Opinion
– A fact is something that is definitely true and can be backed up with evidence.
– An opinion is how someone feels. It can be disagreed with.
– Example: Mexico is a country in South America (fact). Mexico has rainforests (fact). Mexico is a beautiful country (opinion). You will enjoy learning about Mexico (opinion).
– Can you write 5 facts and 5 opinions about Mexico?
– You can find an online lesson on fact and opinion here. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zs44jxs/articles/z3wgqhv

Wednesday: Make a glossary of words for our Mexico topic
– Pick some technical words to do with geography and Mexico and try to write your own definition of each one. Can you also say what word class each is (noun, verb, adjective, adverb etc.)? Your word classes knowledge organiser should help you.
– You could compare your definitions with those in a dictionary.
– Organise your glossary into alphabetical order.
– Some example words to get you started: population, desert, rainforest, climate, weather, migrate, inhabit/inhabitant, crops, settlement, mountainous, colourful.

Thursday: Punctuating Bullet Points & Lists
– We already know how to use commas to separate items in a list sentence. You use a comma between each item except the last one where we use and. By Year 4 & 5 we can write lists that consist of more than just one word for each item. EXAMPLE At school we learnt about commas, adding different fractions, the country of Mexico and the human body.
– We can also write lists using bullet points. The heading introduces the list and is followed by a colon (:). Then each item is listed underneath. We must be careful to use punctuation consistently in our bullet points. If each bullet is a sentence use capital letters and punctuation. For lists of words, use commas and a full stop for the final item.
– Can you write some list sentences from your research about Mexico?
– Cab you use bullet points when making notes about the country?

I want to find out:

  • What do they wear in Mexico?
  • What do they eat?
  • How to make some Mexican food.
  • What is the weather like there?

This we week are learning about:

  • commas
  • adding different fractions,
  • the country of Mexico,
  • the human body.

Friday: Writing Challenge
– Make a factfile about Mexico, using what you have learnt this week.
– Can you include some list sentences?
– Can you include some bullet point lists?
– Make sure you use capital letters correctly for proper nouns.
– If you include any questions in your factfile (such as Did you know …) that you punctuate them correctly.

Maths: Fractions

Children should understand that fractions and decimals are both ways of describing part of a whole. Children should recognise that fractions can describe part of a set, part of a shape, part of a number of part of a measurement and should also be able to associate fractions with division. They should recognise equivalence between simple fractions (e.g. that two quarters is the same as a half) and year 5 pupils should also recognise equivalence with decimals and percentages. Year 5 pupils should also be able to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions (e.g. 3 ¼ = 13/4).

Your Maths Knowledge Organiser given out in the Spring Term will also help you this week (see further down this page for a digital copy if you can’t find it).

Monday: Representing Fractions in Different Ways

  • How many different ways can you demonstrate fractions?
  • Do a search around your house for all the places you can find fractions being used.
  • Take one fraction and represent it in as many different ways as possible (see the photo above for ideas).
  • Take a packet of sweets and record the fraction that is each colour.
  • Can you represent different fractions with lego (see the photo below)?

Tuesday: Equivalent Fractions & Decimals (+ Percentages for Year 5)

  • Make yourself a pairs or dominoes game matching equivalent fractions and decimals. You can download a set of cards below.
  • Can you use lego to find different fractions that are equivalent (the same)?
  • Can you convert each of these into a decimal: one half, one tenth, four-tenths, one-hundredth, three-hundredths, twenty-two-hundredths, one quarter, three-quarters?
  • Write these as a fraction: 0.3, 0.5, 0.07, 0.25, 0.48
  • Year 5: Can you write each of the above as a percentage?
  • There is a game you can play to practice equivalences here.

Wednesday: Adding & Subtracting Fractions

  • We use bar models to help us add and subtract fractions.
  • “When adding fractions is your aim, the denominator must be the same.”
  • Year 4 should be able to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, e.g. 7/10 – 3/10 = or 2/5 + 4/5 =
  • Year 5 should be able to add and subtract fractions with different denominators by converting them to the same denominator first – an online lesson to help with this can be found here. Example: 2/3 + ½ (convert both into sixths) 4/6 + 3/6 = 7/6 = 1 & 1/6)

Thursday: Multiplying Fractions

  • Multiplying fractions is just the same as adding them lots of times (see yesterday), so 4/5 x 6 means 4/5 + 4/5 + 4/5 + 4/5 + 4/5 + 4/5 = 24/5 (Year 5 should then be able to simplify this to 4 & 4/5).
  • Can you work out: ½ x 7 = 5 x ¾ = 7 x 3/5 = 3/8 x 7 =
  • You can find an online lesson on this here.

Friday: Solving Fraction Problems

  • Download the fraction word problems from below.
  • Look at a takeway menu or shopping catalogue. Choose three things you want to buy. Which of these is the best deal to use: A) Get the most expensive item half price. B) Get the cheapest item for a quarter of its price. C) Take one-tenth off the total price.
  • The answer is ¾. What could the question be? How many different questions can you think of?


Useful Links

Purple Mash

National Geographic for Kids https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/

Skylarks suggested learning Friday 12th June

Well done for another week of home learning!

Maths – Choose some of the statements to investigate and decide if they are sometimes, always or never true. Remember to show your workings and give examples to explain what you think. 

English – Philosophy Friday! Have a discussion with your family about the picture using the question prompts to help you. 

Afternoon – Today is your chance to find out anything else about the human body that you haven’t had a chance to research yet.

Friday 12th June, Elm Class learning

Friday has come round again, which means it’s sharing assembly day! I would love to see some examples of your wonderful work! You can post it here or send it to me.

Spellings: Can someone test you on ten words that you have practiced over the week, ending in tion, sion, ssion and cian?

Arithmetic: I have attached to the class webpage the next arithmetic test and answers. Can you have a go at this? You do not need to print this, you could just copy the questions down and have a go! Could you challenge yourself to trying to improve on last week’s score?

Grammar: Look at the picture below of the forest explorers. Put yourself in their shoes, using the subordinate conjunctions, which I have attached to the post, can you write some sentences, including a main clause and subordinate clause as if you were an explorer?

For example: As I ventured further into the rainforest, the intense sound of the wildlife grew louder.

English: L.O. To consider Stanley’s character (P4C).

Do you believe Stanley’s story about how he got the shoes? Do you think it is still stealing?

What is stealing?

Have a discussion about these questions and see if you agree/disagree with each other. Remember the rules for P4C and be respectful of each other points of view.

Maths: Today’s Investigation is called Discs! Have a look at the investigation attached below, can you challenge yourself? Can you find all the different possibilities?

Topic: Today is the last day of our topic on the human body. Today is a bit like a research round up day! What else might you like to find out about the human body? Can you find out some amazing facts? You can present your findings in a creative way that you like! I look forward to seeing what you have found out!

Stay safe,

Miss Coates. 

Oak Class Friday 12th June

It is feel good Friday! Well done everyone for working so hard this week! I have seen some great work from some of you! Keep it up!

Phonics: Use the letters gr to blend to make the words grip, grub and green. Say the words, sound them out and write them down. If you have sand you could write the words in the sand! Can you use the words in a sentence and write it down.

Literacy: Can you use letterjoin to work on your handwriting today. Why not try the letters with loops like g, j and f.

Maths: Use the website nrich to play the games Poly Plug on Activities for 5-7 ages, Interactive games.

Science: What amazing things can your body do? Can you jump? Can you skip? Can you ride a bike? Can you do a cartwheel?

Draw a picture of what you can do, or take a photograph or video and write about it. I would love to see what amazing things you can do!

Have a great day and enjoy the weekend!

Don’t forget to read at home! If it is raining, why not make a rainy day den from cushions and blankets and read your book in there!

Have fun and take care x

Maple Class home learning for Friday 12th June 2020

Spelling – can you recall all the spelling rules we’ve looked at this week? Pick some of the words and practise spelling them out loud, or writing them down. Can you ask a grown up to test you on some of the words? How many can you remember?

English – visit the letter join app and practise some of the letters or joins you find tricky. See the class webpage for log in details. 

Maths – today explore the “Square corners” activity. See photo below.

Theme/Science – “Amazing things about the body”. Have your own ‘No Plan Day’ all about your amazing body! What do you want to find out about your body? Complete your own research, online or from a book, and decide how to record the information you learn. Could you make a poster or a leaflet, call/video call someone and tell them, make a short film or a mini book? I can’t wait to see what you discover!

Thank you, Mrs Keeler 

Cedar class learning for 12 JUN 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at counting forwards and backwards in different multiples. Get someone at home to give your random multiples to count forward and backward from 5 random numbers and see how quickly you can answer them.

English: LO: to practise grammar skills.

The final English task for the week is also on grammar skills. Like yesterday, if you can print off the following to work on, then please do so. I have also placed the below work on a Word document on the class website to make printing more easy for you. If you don’t have access to a printer, you could copy the sentences out first which would give you a chance to practise your handwriting!

Common noun = person, place or thing that doesn’t need a capital letter e.g. woman, sweet, tablet, city.

Proper noun = person, place or name of something that starts with a capital letter e.g. Bob, Mr Keeble, Norfolk.

Adjective = describing word.

Verb = doing word.

Adverb = Describes the verb (doing word) e.g. Swam quickly, hopped slowly.

Task one

Write four common nouns beginning with P


Write four proper nouns beginning with P


Task two

Write an adjective next to each letter:-

I           _____________         

J           _____________

K          _____________

L          _____________

M         _____________

N         _____________

O         _____________

P          _____________

Task three

Circle the verbs and underline the adverbs in these sentences

  1. Jack quickly dribbled passed his opponent.
  • Finlay kindly stacked the chairs in year 3.
  • Catherine neatly brushed her hair.
  • Rosie accurately scored 3 goals in netball.
  • Joseph swiftly ran the 100m race.
  • Mya carefully carried in her 8 teddy bears to school.
  • Harriet played the piano sweetly.
  • Sarah skilfully sewed her puppet.
  • Stacey cleverly solved the maths problem.

Maths: LO: to use multiplication and reasoning skills.

For today’s investigation I would like you to use your multiplication and reasoning skills using the below PDF worksheet. The last 2 questions use the bar model; we used this in our fractions work last term. Once you have completed the questions, you could challenge yourself by choosing a random even number and creating a bar model for it where you break it into 2 or 4 parts.

Topic: LO: to investigate the human body.

Today is the last day of our science focus on the human body. Use today’s topic session to research anything which you find particularly interesting, or something which the past 2 weeks of work have made you wonder about. What amazing things can you find out about the human body which not many people might know about?

Present your findings in an interesting way and share them with someone at home. Did they know what you had found out? If you want to practise your presentation skills we learned last week, you could create paper or PowerPoint slides of your findings.