Cedar class learning for 05 JUN 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at quick subtraction skills. Get someone at home to ask you 10 quick-fire subtraction questions and see how fast you can tell them the correct answer!

English: LO: to have a P4C discussion.

Today I would like you to have a P4C discussion at home. There is an expression which is ‘an eye for an eye’. Is this a good way to live your life? Talk through this with someone and remember to give clear reasons for your opinion and be respectful of the opinions of others.

Maths: LO: to use different forms of measurement.

I would like you to try and bring all of the different forms of measurement we have studied this week together in a mini-building project. I would like you to try and make a 3d shape which can contain some liquid. To do this, you will need to use your measurement skills to work out the lengths of the sides of your shape. Once you have built it, I would like you to try and work out the capacity of your creation. Use a jug with measurements on the side to work out how many litres of water it can hold. How much does your creation weigh when it is empty? How much does it weigh when it is at full capacity? Take some pictures of your object and share them so that others can see what you have made.

Topic: LO: to investigate the skeleton.

Today I would like you to look into skeletons. What is a skeleton? What does a skeleton do? Find a drawing of a human skeleton and look at which bones correspond to your body parts. Try and learn some of the names of the main bones in the human body and label them onto a drawing of a skeleton.

How many bones do humans have?

What do you think would happen if we didn’t have a skeleton?

Do all living things have skeletons? Find and compare a skeleton of a different animal to a human skeleton, what differences can you see?

Do insects have skeletons?

Oak Class Thursday 4th June

Phonics: Use the sk blend to make the words skill and skate. Say the words, write the words, use the words in a sentence. Write your sentence down and read your sentence out. Make sure you write with finger spaces!Maths: Can you use scales to weigh different objects. Which is heaviest? Which is the lightest? Try weighing 5 things and put them in order from lightest to heaviest.

Literacy: Can you write out the alphabet in lower case letters, now can you write it down using capital letters?

Science: Today we are learning about teeth! Why do we have teeth? How many teeth have you got? Have you lost any teeth? Have you been to the dentist before? How often do you clean your teeth?

Can you make your own set of teeth?

Have fun getting crafty!

Mrs Tinkley

Maple Class home learning for Thursday 4th June 2020

Spellings – an apostrophe (‘) is also used to create a contraction, indicating where a letter or letters have been left out (like I am= I’m, do not= don’t). Try these words and put into sentences:

You are, it is, can not, where is, he is, she will

English – Can you design a new front cover for your favourite book? What information do you think is important to have on the front of a book? What would encourage someone else to pick the book up and read it? 

Maths – can you explore which items in your home weigh 100grams? How many Lego bricks would you need to weigh 100g on the scales? Would you need more or less pencils to make 100g? What does 100g of pasta look like? 

Theme –  ‘Our teeth’. Can you research the different names and uses for the different types of teeth in your mouth? Have a try at the ‘Teeth Labelling’ sheet or the ‘Human Teeth Cut and Stick’ activity. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Thursday 4th June 2020, Elm Class learning

Spellings: Can you practice some of the words you collected, starting with the prefixes inter. super, anti and auto using one of the activities from the spelling menu on the class webpage or fun way of your choice!

Arithmetic: This week, we will be looking at rounding. Remember with rounding, you look at the column to the right of the one you are rounding. If this is 5 or greater, you round the number up, if this is 0-4, the number will remain the same. If you need some extra help with this, the video attached will explain more.

Can you have a go at rounding these numbers?

1)    123,663 to the nearest

Grammar: Think about the character in your reading book. Can you have a go at describing that character, using sentences, which include a semi- colon? It could be about what they do in the book or describing the character’s appearance and personality. Remember, a semi- colon should join two related main clauses, which could be standalone sentences themselves. For example: Sentences describing Lucy from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Lucy was always curious in her nature; she pushed through the coats in the wardrobe, stunned to feel a cold gust of wind on her face.

Lucy was astounded at what she saw; she couldn’t help herself but venture further into the snowy forest.

English: Today we are going to start reading the beginning of our new book Holes, by Louis Sachar! I would like you to read chapter 1 and a bit of chapter 2, up to the line ‘Stanley was a poor family. He had never been to camp before.’ Following this, can you have a go at drawing a picture of Camp Green Lake and add some descriptive words for the setting?

Maths: Can you choose another activity today from the list of activities attached on measurement? Maybe you could challenge yourself to converting between metric and imperial units today! Use the knowledge organiser on measurement, on the class webpage to help with your conversions.

Topic: Our human body topic today is teeth! Can you have a go at one of the suggested activities below?

•      What types of teeth do we have? Why do we have these types?

•      How do types of teeth differ between different animals? You could draw the different skulls of animals to demonstrate this.

•      How can we protect our teeth and keep them healthy? Produce a leaflet/poser to encourage good dental hygiene.

•      Investigate the ingredients in toothpaste. Why are these ingredients used? Can you use any natural ingredients to do a similar thing? Can you design a ‘natural’ toothpaste which only contains natural ingredients?

A good link for finding out about the different types of teeth is below:


I have also uploaded a diagram of our teeth to label, to the class webpage, which may help with your research and the presentation of your work!

I look forward to seeing some of the wonderful work you have done and your creativity!

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates. 

Cedar class learning for 04 JUN 2020

English: LO: to use a wide range of adjectives.

Today I would like you to think very carefully about the words you use in your writing, particularly when it comes to descriptive writing. Adjectives are words which describe nouns: In the sentence ‘The short, happy man was running’ the adjectives are ‘short’ and ‘happy’, and they describe the man. Whilst this sentence is a lot more interesting than a sentence without any adjectives (‘The man was running’), it could still be improved. How small is the man? If he was very, very small I could instead write, ‘The tiny, happy man was running’. If he was also the happiest he had ever been I could write, ‘The tiny, ecstatic man was running’. These more complex adjectives describe what is happening in more detail, and so the reader can picture the scene better.

I would like you to find some of your existing writing, or take a passage from your reading book, and go through it and try and improve the adjectives. You could use a thesaurus to help you find words, or use the internet. Make sure that the sentence still makes sense, as some words which appear to mean the same thing actually don’t in some sentences!

Maths: LO: to accurately measure.

Yesterday you practised accurately measuring smaller objects using both centimetres and millimetres. Today, I would like you to practise the skill of drawing to a set length; using a ruler and a pencil to draw to a length can be tricky, and so you need to take your time and learn this skill.

Pick a shape, then choose how long each side will be on the shape. Write this at the top of a piece of paper. For example: Square, 4 sides of 4cm and 5mm. Then underneath, do your best to draw the shape to your specified measurements. Once you have drawn it, remeasure the shape to check you drew it correctly.

To challenge yourself, draw shapes with sides of different lengths (right-angled triangle, rectangle) and label the lengths of the sides.

Topic: LO: to investigate different types of teeth.

For your topic work I would like you to investigate the teeth that humans have. What are the 3 types of teeth we have? What does each tooth type do? When describing the appearance and function of the tooth, try and use some interesting adjectives like in English.

Do all animals have teeth? Do all animals have the same layout of teeth as humans? What differences are there between the teeth of a dog, a cow and a human? If you can access pictures of teeth, you could use your labelling skills to label each feature.

Skylarks suggested learning Wednesday 3rd June

Hello! Please find the work for today. 

Maths – Today you will continue to look at measure but this time focusing on capacity and measuring liquids. Choose your challenge and think carefully about different containers, what they would hold and what they would measure in. 

English – There are 2 different pictures with some questions to answer about them using your inference skills. Try to think deeply and use clues from what you can see in the picture. 

Afternoon – Please choose another activity to do based on the digestive system. 

Maple Class home learning for Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Spellings – to indicate ownership by a person whose name ends in an ‘s’, just add an apostrophe (‘) (like Lewis=Lewis’, Gladys=Gladys’). Try these words and put into sentences:

Ross, Dennis, Chris, James

English – complete a book review for your favourite book. What is the story about? Where is it set? Who are the main characters? Would you recommend it to someone else in Maple Class? Why/why not? How many stars would you give it? 

Maths – today can you weigh and measure some ingredients accurately to follow a recipe? Ask a grown up to help. How many grams or millilitres of the different ingredients do you need? Share a photo of your bake on our post. 

Theme – ‘A balanced diet’ – Visit Purple Mash – Science – Topics – Food – 2diy&2quiz – Food groups. Can you label all the different food groups and match the food?  Visit Purple Mash – Science – Topics – Food – Paint Projects – Plate.  Design a balanced meal with food from all the food groups. Remember to save your work in the Maple folder. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Wednesday 3rd June 2020, Elm Class learning

Spellings: Can you practice some of the words you collected, starting with the prefixes inter. super, anti and auto in your neatest handwriting today? Choose 5 words to practice and write a line of each in your neatest handwriting!

Arithmetic: This week, we will be looking at rounding. Remember with rounding, you look at the column to the right of the one you are rounding. If this is 5 or greater, you round the number up, if this is 0-4, the number will remain the same. If you need some extra help with this, the video attached will explain more.

Can you have a go at rounding these numbers?

1)    225,674 to the nearest 10

2)   321,773 to the nearest 1000

3)   312,887 to the nearest 100,000

4)  45.667 to the nearest tenth

5)   22.553 to the nearest whole number.

Grammar: We have been practicing using semi- colons this week, before writing your own sentences tomorrow, can you have a go at re-writing these sentences by replacing the conjunctions in these with a semi-colon?

1. I am starving so I can’t wait until dinner.

2. Sam was desperately tired and he wanted to go home to bed.

3. It was pouring outside so I needed to bring my umbrella to school today.

4. Fiona went to meet her friend at the airport because she hadn’t seen her for ages.

5. My team are at the top of the league so I expect we will win our match today.

English: Today is an opportunity to finish you big write from Monday. Could you read your story aloud and get some feedback from someone else at home? See if there is anything you would now change after getting some feedback from someone else.

Maths: Can you choose another activity today from the list of activities attached on measurement? Could practice your skills of converting metric units of measure today, for example: how many cm in 6m? Have a look at the activities on the list, what will you challenge yourself to today?

Topic: Can you choose a different area to research today about the digestive system or a balanced diet?

Suggested ideas (You are more than welcome to research and present your ideas and findings in your own way!)

•      Research the purpose and structure of the digestive system.

•      Design a balanced diet for a child and an adult. You could even consider what a balanced diet would be for different types of people- would a runner need a different diet to a writer?

•      How can we help our digestive system and keep it healthy?

•      Draw the digestive system and label it scientifically.

•      Look at how diets have changed through time. Why do you think this is?

•      How are foods grouped and why are they grouped in this way? Research this and make a poster about them.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates.