Elm Class Half term activities!

Well done everyone, you have worked super hard and deserve this half term break! Hopefully the good weather will stay with us for a little while to enjoy! Below is a list of activities as inspiration you could try over the half term, have a great week!

A lovely idea is to think about the future and the things you may like to do when these times are over. You could maybe write these down and put these into a jar to remind you!

Could you get outside and build yourself a reading den? A great way to relax is to have a comfy space to read in.

Could you make something for your room, as a memory of this time spent at home? A lovely idea is cutting the first letter of your name out of cardboard and wrapping it in different colour wools! They look really effective and can stand on a shelf or a desk in a room!

Yarn Wrapped Cardboard Letters - ARTBAR
Yarn-Wrapped Initials | Play | CBC Parents

Could you try some new recipes when baking or cooking? I would love to see what you have made? Maybe you could help make dinner for the other members of your family?

Get outside and enjoy what nature has to offer! Go on a scavenger hunt, help with some gardening and help plant something, take some inspiration from nature to do some sketching or artwork! You could even lay down and look at the different shapes the clouds make! If you feel like being creative, you could collect some things from outside and create your own mobile!

autumn mobile

The RSPB are also running a ‘wildart’ competition, find out more here:


I have attached some Lego building challenges to school website if you would like to have a go! For example, can you build some famous world landmarks using Lego?

Audible by Amazon have some free children’s audiobooks to download during this time, take a look!

Oak Class Friday 22nd May

Well done everyone! We have made it to half term! I hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather as well as doing your school work!

Phonics: I would like you to work on the tricky words posted below. See which ones you can read, have a go at spelling them too. Some of them are really tricky and might need extra work!

Maths: Can you make a treasure map and draw different things on it. It could be an island or a map of your garden. Where would you hide the treasure? Can you guide someone in your house to find the treasure but directing them around your map. Have fun!

Japan: It is our last day of learning about Japan. I hope you have enjoyed this topic! One final thing to try out could be some Karaoke, which originated from Japan. Why not sing a song with your family or make one up about something you liked about Japan!

Happy Half Term!
Mrs T x

Maple Class home learning for Friday 22nd May 2020

Spellings – just add a ‘y’ to words ending in two consonants to form describing words (like dirt=dirty, health=healthy). Try these words, and put into sentences:

Rock, wealth, chill, filth, smart, fuss

English – today is about using commas in lists. Can you write a list of your favourite foods, using a comma between each one? Remember to change the comma (,) to ‘and’ before the last item in your list. 

Maths – today visit Purple Mash – Mathematics – topics – geometry/shape – activities – position and direction – activities – coordinates. Play the coordinates games and test your knowledge. Remember to use the number along the bottom first, then the number at the side. 

Theme – this week you will be in charge of your own learning about Japan. Below are some suggestions, but feel free to come up with your own ideas:

  • Did you write some questions about things you wanted to know about Japan in week 1? Have you answered them? If not, complete some research to find out. 
  • Research what animals are native to Japan. Have you seen any of them before? Draw and label some pictures. 
  • Make a presentation of everything you’ve learnt about Japan. It could be in the form of a poster, leaflet or you could tell someone else all you know. Maybe write a letter to a friend or family member to tell them, or make a call, FaceTime, Skype. 
  • Karaoke originated in Japan – why not hold a karaoke party with your family and sing along to your favourite songs. 
  • Write your own quiz about Japan.
  • Compare living in Japan to living in England. What would be the same? What would be different? 
  • Would you like to visit Japan. Tell someone else why or why not? 
  • Look at some of the other classes previous suggested activities on Japan – is there a craft activity you would like to try? 

I can’t wait to see how you round up your research and learning on Japan. Please email me or post on the Maple class facebook posts with what you’ve been up to. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Skylarks suggested learning Friday 22nd May

Well done for another week of home learning! On Sunday I will be posting some ideas for some fun activities you could try over half term. 

Maths – Translating coordinate points and shapes. Translating means moving. Today we will be moving coordinates or a whole shape up, down, left or right across a grid. Choose your challenge, 1, 2 or 3 if you are more confident.  

English – P4C Discussion time! Can you think about what is most important to be happy and put the cards in order from most to least important. Discuss with your family and see if they agree with you or if they would have a different order. 

Afternoon – Last day of Japan research! 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Elm Class Learning Friday 21st May 2020

You have made it to Friday, sharing assembly day and nearly a well-deserved break for half term! I would love to see anything you have been working hard on this week, I have seen some fabulous work over the weeks, you have all been working tremendously hard!

Spellings: Can someone test you on ten of the words you have learnt this week which start with the prefixes we have been practicing? (sub, re, im, il and ir)

Arithmetic: I have uploaded to the class webpage the next arithmetic test for you to have a go at and the answers for you to check back your working. Or you could get someone to make up some questions on the arithmetic topics we have been practicing in the last few weeks to have a go at?

Grammar: Can you have a go at the test style questions I have linked to this post about prepositions and determiners. We have practiced these this week, so these shouldn’t be too hard!

English:  Today you are going to write a review of the story of Goodnight Mister Tom. You can present this in any way you like. Think carefully about the parts of the story which you liked/ disliked to back up your points.

Challenge: Consider the fact that the audience for the book is older children. Could you present your review in an engaging way for children? For example, in a poster format which is colourful and exciting!

Maths: This is the last day on position and direction, which activity will you choose today? Can you try something different? Have you described shapes and their properties yet? Have you thought about turns- clockwise and anticlockwise and their angles of degrees?

Japan Activities for the week!

Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!

This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!

Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates. 

Cedar Class Learning for 22 May 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at quick addition skills. Get someone at home to ask you 10 quick-fire addition questions and see how fast you can tell them the correct answer!

English: LO: to present your presentation.

Now we finally have our completed slides and cue cards, and are all set to finally present our presentation! Today I would like you to share your presentation with someone at home. Use your cue cards and make sure you show off all the hard work your put into your slides. This is a great chance to show off your speaking skills, and I really want you to think about how you present what you are saying. Speak clearly, make sure you sound knowledgeable (like you know what you’re talking about) and be prepared for any questions you may be asked!

Maths: LO: to manipulate shape to make a code.

Today I would like you to look at the positions of various shapes, and how we can manipulate these.

Get a piece of paper, and write the letters of your name out by creating a set of bubble writing type shapes.  This works best with line-drawn letters instead of more cursive bubble-writing styles. Then, I would like you to cut out these shape-letters and, keeping them in the same order, manipulate them all in the same way: you could turn them all 90 degrees clockwise, or a half-turn. If you look at the shapes now, they won’t easily read as your name. Can you find a way to turn the shapes to make a secret code which people won’t easily be able to read? Write down how to crack your code and then create a message for someone at home and see if they can work it out.

If you want to make your code even more tricky, you could do something different with vowels and consonants. For example: vowels could be twisted a half turn, and consonants could be twisted a quarter turn anti-clockwise.

Skylarks Suggested Learning Thursday 21st May

Maths – Plot coordinates and connect the points with straight lines to draw given polygons. There are 3 challenges so choose which one you think is best for you. There is also an extension for any year 4s who want to try. 

English – Today I would like you to either turn a news broadcast you watch on TV into a written report, or turn a written report into a filmed news broadcast. I wonder if there are any budding broadcast journalists out there? Watch the video from yesterday to see how a news reporter reads a report and the kind of punctuation to use if you are writing one. 

Afternoon – continue with your round up work on Japan 

Maple Class home learning for Thursday 21st May 2020

Spellings – double the last letter of words ending in a short vowel followed by a single consonant, before adding a ‘y’ (like fog=foggy, fun=funny). Try these words, and put into sentences:

Run, wool, fur, mud, skin, bad

English – today is about exclamation marks. An exclamation sentence beginnings with either ‘What’ or ‘How’ and ends with a ! Can you write some of your own exclamation sentences? Can you find any in your reading books? 

Maths – today visit Purple Mash – maths – topics – geometry/shape – activities/position and direction – 2Go.   Can you move the objects around the pathways by using the correct left, right, forwards, backwards commands? There are many different backgrounds to explore, or you can make your own. If you save your work in the Maple folder then I can have a look too! 

Theme – this week you will be in charge of your own learning about Japan. Below are some suggestions, but feel free to come up with your own ideas:

  • Did you write some questions about things you wanted to know about Japan in week 1? Have you answered them? If not, complete some research to find out. 
  • Research what animals are native to Japan. Have you seen any of them before? Draw and label some pictures. 
  • Make a presentation of everything you’ve learnt about Japan. It could be in the form of a poster, leaflet or you could tell someone else all you know. Maybe write a letter to a friend or family member to tell them, or make a call, FaceTime, Skype. 
  • Karaoke originated in Japan – why not hold a karaoke party with your family and sing along to your favourite songs. 
  • Write your own quiz about Japan.
  • Compare living in Japan to living in England. What would be the same? What would be different? 
  • Would you like to visit Japan. Tell someone else why or why not? 
  • Look at some of the other classes previous suggested activities on Japan – is there a craft activity you would like to try? 

I can’t wait to see how you round up your research and learning on Japan. Please email me or post on the Maple class facebook posts with what you’ve been up to. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Oak Class Thursday 21st May

Happy Thursday! Hope you have enjoyed the lovely sunshine!

Phonics: I would like you to use the ure sound, write a list of all the ure words from this week, then use a reading book to see if you can find any of the words! Time yourself for 1 minute to see how many you can get! Who can find the most in 1 minute! Good luck!

Maths: Use the grid below to go on a virtual tour. Get on the bus and use different directional language to move the bus and see the different animals! Can you write down your directions and see if someone in your house can see all the same animals on your trip!

Japan: I would like to see if you can find out how to say hello and goodbye in Japanese. What other Japanese words can you learn?

Have a great day!

Mrs T is missing you all.

Elm Class Learning Thursday 21st May 2020

Happy Thursday! Hope you have been enjoying this glorious weather!

Spellings: Today for the prefixes we have looked at so far this week (im, ir, il, re and sub), can you practice a selection of these in your neatest handwriting? You will be tested on these words tomorrow!

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvgV5REvDb4

7689 ÷ 31=

6879 ÷ 23=

3876 ÷ 27=

Grammar: Today we are going to recap determiners. Determiners are the words that come before the noun to give the reader more information about the noun. For example, this could indicate how many of the noun there is or who the noun belongs to. Can you have a go at this determiner activity attached to the post?

English:  It has been said that the protagonist (main character) of a story can be identified by who has changed the most from the beginning to the end. Who do you think the protagonist of Goodnight Mister Tom was? Write a persuasive paragraph using evidence to back up your points to convince me that your choice is the actual protagonist.

Challenge: Imagine you are creating the film of the book. Who would you want to play the protagonist? What directions would you give them as to how the character grows and changes? Create an advert to find a good actor!

Maths: Have a look at the list of activities and choose your next Maths challenge! I would love to see some of your work and how you have got on!

Japan Activities for the week!

Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!

This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!

Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates.