Cedar class learning for 21 MAY 2020

English: LO: to create cue cards.

By now, you should have your slides all set up and ready! If not, spend some time today finishing them off. When you have completed them, today’s task is to begin to prepare to present our presentation.

Your slides should only hold key information on them to aid your audience. In a presentation, the bulk of what is being presented is what you actually say, not what is written on the slides. The difficulty arises when remembering exactly what to say to the audience! Today, I would like you consider very carefully what it is you are going to say. Once you know, write down a mini script for yourself on a small piece of paper which you can hold in your hand. You can either write down exactly what you will say and read from the paper, or just make a few bullet points if you are very confident in what you will be talking about!

This way, the audience will see your slide to give them a visual aid, but will spend their time listening to you and not just reading the slide – there is no point in you presenting it otherwise!

Maths: LO: to use references.

One of the things you may have identified when you defined position and direction on Monday could have been the use of maps and grid references. Today I would like you to use grid references when playing a game of battleships, so you will need a partner for this.

If you have the actual game, then you can use that. If not, the below picture can be printed or copied out onto paper and used. Don’t forget, when reading a grid we state the reference on the horizontal axis, and then the reference on the vertical axis (along the corridor and up the stairs).

Oak Class Wednesday 20th May

Phonics: Use the sound ure to make the words mixture and picture. They are really tricky words so might need some help today! Say the words, sound them out, write them down. Tick if you get them right, or fix if you have left out some letters! Now use the words in a sentence.

Maths: Use your toy to plan a route around a tree in your garden, or table in your house. How will you direct it? Use language including forwards, backwards, left, right, turn. See if you can write down your instructions and get someone in your house to follow the instructions. Where does the toy end up!

Japan: Yesterday you might have seen the Pokemon pictures and you might have designed your own Pokemon! If you have finished your design can you make up an adventure for your Pokemon and draw pictures like a comic to help tell your story!Have fun today!

Mrs Tinkley x

Maple Class home learning for Wednesday 20th May 2020

Spellings – double the last letter before adding ‘er’ or ‘est’ to words that have a short vowel followed by a single consonant (like fit=fittest, travel=traveller). Try these words, and put into sentences:

Spin, sit, drum, run, begin, stop

English – today is about question marks. Write a definition for when you would use a question mark. Write a letter to a friend or family member and include at least 5 questions. 

Maths – look at the bird and bug grid photo. Can you describe, using forwards, backwards, left and right, how each creature can get to the leaves? Can you write those instructions down? Design your own grid with bugs and birds, and write down how the creatures can get to their food. 

Theme – this week you will be in charge of your own learning about Japan. Below are some suggestions, but feel free to come up with your own ideas:

  • Did you write some questions about things you wanted to know about Japan in week 1? Have you answered them? If not, complete some research to find out. 
  • Research what animals are native to Japan. Have you seen any of them before? Draw and label some pictures. 
  • Make a presentation of everything you’ve learnt about Japan. It could be in the form of a poster, leaflet or you could tell someone else all you know. Maybe write a letter to a friend or family member to tell them, or make a call, FaceTime, Skype. 
  • Karaoke originated in Japan – why not hold a karaoke party with your family and sing along to your favourite songs. 
  • Write your own quiz about Japan.
  • Compare living in Japan to living in England. What would be the same? What would be different? 
  • Would you like to visit Japan. Tell someone else why or why not? 
  • Look at some of the other classes previous suggested activities on Japan – is there a craft activity you would like to try? 

I can’t wait to see how you round up your research and learning on Japan. Please email me or post on the Maple class facebook posts with what you’ve been up to. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Wednesday 19th May 2020, Elm Class learning

Happy Wednesday Elm Class!

Spellings: Today for the prefixes we have looked at so far this week (im, ir, il, re and sub), can you practice a selection of these words using a look, say, cover, write check method?

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvgV5REvDb4

8784 ÷24=

6685 ÷ 35 =

5546 ÷47=

Grammar: Today we are going to recap determiners. Determiners are the words that come before the noun to give the reader more information about the noun. For example, this could indicate how many of the noun there is or who the noun belongs to. For example: I bought a chocolate bar.

or I bought two chocolate bars. ‘a and two’ show how many of the noun there is. Can you identify the determiner in each of these sentences?

1. The table was very low.

2. Quick! Our toast is burning!

3. Their hot food looked delicious.

4. There are many bridges in London.

5. I need another pen to carry on.

6. She lost her bike at the park today.

7. Five boats sailed away.

8. Would you like to read a book?

English:  Read chapter 22 (Grieving) and chapter 23 (Post Script) of Goodnight Mister Tom. We are going to finish the book today! 

Maths: Could you have a go at a different challenge today? If you have already had a go at plotting co-ordinates, could you maybe have a go at reflection or translation? Have you made your own compass yet? See the list of activities attached to this post.

Japan Activities for the week!

Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!

This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!

Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates. 

Cedar class learning for 20 MAY 2020

English: LO: to make slides more interesting!

So far, you should have your slides with titles on as well as the key information you will be presenting to your audience. However, chances are these slides are looking a bit dull at the moment! Today, your task is to add elements to your slides which will make them more interesting for the audience to look at. For example: On my slide about brownies I could add some pictures of brownies, or use some pictures of some of the ingredients, or even put a small graphic of a brownie recipe in one of the corners. I might also change the background of the slide so that it is not just a stark white colour. Add some engaging elements to your slides today. Make sure that anything you add is relevant and has a purpose; adding a picture of the moon to a slide on brownies might make it look nice, but it adds nothing to the presentation and will most likely confuse the audience!

Maths: LO: to use reflection.

Today you will need to find a mirror which you can position on a table or hold in your hand.

I would like you to take a piece of paper and draw a line straight down the middle of the page. Then, draw a shape on the left hand side of the line: this task will be easier if you draw a regular shape using a ruler (square, triangle). Take a mirror and do your best to line it up on the line you drew; you should now be able to see the shape you just drew in the reflection; use this to visualise the next part of the task. Try to draw the shape on the right hand side of the page, as if it were an exact reflection of the shape on the left. What do you notice about the reflected shape?

If you want to use your art skills, you could try drawing half of something naturally symmetrical (like a butterfly) and then drawing the other half afterwards.

Tips: The easiest way to do this is to have the shape on the left actually touching the centre line; it makes reflecting it that much easier.

Try measuring the distance from the line to each corner of the shape you drew on the left, and then measuring the same distance out on the right. You can then plot each corner and join them up.

Draw the shape further from the centre line for a trickier challenge.

Draw a more complex shape (pentagon, hexagon, etc.) for a trickier challenge.

Skylarks Suggested learning Tuesday 19th May

Hi! Please find the learning below in the PowerPoint. 

Maths – We will be continuing to work on coordinates today. I would like you to try to read coordinates and decipher a secret message. Then can you write your own message using the grid. You could also play battleships!

English – There is a special guest appearance in our English lesson today! Can you spot who it is? I would like you to revise adverbs and how they describe an action, then select adverbs to fit the pictures. 

Afternoon – continue your round up research on Japan. 

Oak Class Tuesday 19th May

Phonics: Use the ure sound to make the words figure and injure. Say the words, sound them out, stretch the words. Now use the words in a sentence and write it down.

Maths: This week we are looking at direction and position. Today I would like you to use a toy and place is around your house and in your garden and say where it is. The teddy is under the table. The teddy is next to the fridge. See where your teddy can go! If you can draw a picture and write a sentence about where your teddy has been, that would be amazing!

Japan: Pokemon is a very popular Japanese video, TV and games and movie creation with many interesting characters. Can you make up and draw your own Pokemon character?

Have fun and get creative! Why not make a collage of your character!

Mrs T x