Maple Class home learning for Tuesday 19th May 2020

Spellings – before adding ‘er’ and ‘est’ to words ending in a consonant, followed by a ‘y’, change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ (like lazy=lazier, lovely=loveliest). Try these words, and put into sentences:

Sandy, happy, curly, crazy, fancy, dry

English – today we will think about full stops. Can you explain to someone else when we use full stops? Be a full stop detective and see how many you can find. Look back through your home learning book. Have you put all the full stops in the right place? If you’ve missed some, add them in now. 

Maths – today can you identify left and right? Can you point to the left and the right? Can you put your favourite soft toy to your right? Can you jump to your left? Look at the true/false photo? Is the bug to the right of the turkey? Can you design your own true or false question with a grid picture? 

Theme – this week you will be in charge of your own learning about Japan. Below are some suggestions, but feel free to come up with your own ideas:

  • Did you write some questions about things you wanted to know about Japan in week 1? Have you answered them? If not, complete some research to find out. 
  • Research what animals are native to Japan. Have you seen any of them before? Draw and label some pictures. 
  • Make a presentation of everything you’ve learnt about Japan. It could be in the form of a poster, leaflet or you could tell someone else all you know. Maybe write a letter to a friend or family member to tell them, or make a call, FaceTime, Skype. 
  • Karaoke originated in Japan – why not hold a karaoke party with your family and sing along to your favourite songs. 
  • Write your own quiz about Japan.
  • Compare living in Japan to living in England. What would be the same? What would be different? 
  • Would you like to visit Japan. Tell someone else why or why not? 
  • Look at some of the other classes previous suggested activities on Japan – is there a craft activity you would like to try? 

I can’t wait to see how you round up your research and learning on Japan. Please email me or post on the Maple class facebook posts with what you’ve been up to. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Elm Class Learning Tuesday 19th May 2020

Welcome to Tuesday! Looks like we are set for another beautifully sunny day! As always, I would love to see anything you have been working on!

Spellings: Today’s prefixes I would like you to focus on are: re (without a hyphen) for example- redo and sub, for example- submarine. Can you find out what these prefixes mean? How do they change the meaning of the word? Can you collect a list of sub and re words and practice these?

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap:

1750 ÷ 50 =

9072 ÷ 36 =

3200 ÷ 64=

Grammar: Today we are going to continue using prepositions. A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else.

Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside. Can you describe objects around your house or in your garden in relation to others? Can you use as many different prepositions as you can think of? For example: The dog likes to lay next to the sofa. The trampoline is in the middle of the garden.

English: Read chapter 20 (Spooky Cott) and chapter 21 (Back to school) of Goodnight Mister Tom. We are going to finish the book tomorrow!

Maths: Have a look at the list of activities attached; what will you have a go at challenge yourself to today?

Japan Activities for the week!

Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!

This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!

Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.

Missing you all,

Miss Coates. 

Cedar class learning for 19 May 2020

English: LO: to create informative slides.

Yesterday you created titles for your slides. Today, you will be putting the information onto your slides. A slideshow shouldn’t have lots and lots of writing on each slide, otherwise the audience just end up reading what you are presenting and not listening to you! So, work out exactly what you are going to be presenting on each slide and then write down the key points.

For example, on my slide about what I like about Brownies, the information written on the slide might look like this:

– Can be made with milk, dark or white chocolate.

– Cheap to make.

– Fun to make.

– Can have different toppings and special ingredients mixed in.

– Delicious!

– Best brownie: Chocolate orange.

To make your slides more interesting you could choose a fun font (style of writing) or write in a different colour. Tomorrow we will be making our slides a bit more interesting to look at.

Maths: LO: to use position and direction.

Yesterday you looked at what position and direction mean in maths. Today, I want you to try and use your mathematical vocabulary to instruct someone how to move around your house.  Find a partner, and then try and get them from one part of your house to another. Use vocabulary like: turn 90 degrees left, step forward once, step right once, etc. Try and give your partner all of the steps at once to see if you manage to instruct them correctly; try not to get them to walk into any walls!

If you want a real challenge, and it is safe to do this, you could ask your partner to put on a blindfold and trust you to move them from once place to another; just stay clear of any stairs and trip hazards!

Skylarks suggested learning Monday 18th May

Hello! Please find the PowerPoint with the following learning.

Maths – Today we will look at grids and grid references. Using coordinates can you find the different coloured squares on the grid? Can you then colour the squares of a grid using coordinates given to you?

English – Here is a rather unusual poem – read through it thinking carefully about your intonation (how you say the words) to give them different meanings. Talk or write about the question prompts. If you would like an extra challenge, try writing your own poem in this style! 

Afternoon – This is your chance to find out anything else about Japan that you didn’t get a chance to look at over the past weeks. Do some round up research to finish off the topic 🙂 

Elm Class Learning Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning Elm Class! Welcome back to Monday, really missing you all, hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we are having!

Spellings: This week’s spellings are going to focus on different prefixes. We will collect and practice these for different prefixes each day. Today I would like you to collect as many spellings as you can which begin with ‘il, for example- illegible, im, eg- impatient and ir, eg – irregular. Can you write as many words down as you can find for each and practice these using a method of your choice?

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap:

996 ÷ 26=

928 ÷ 16=

3875 ÷ 25=

Grammar: Today we are going to look at prepositions. A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else.

Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside. Can you describe the picture I have attached with a few sentences, which include prepositions? For example:

The kite is flying high above the people.

English: Read chapter 18 (Recovery) and chapter 19 (The sea, the sea, the sea!) of Goodnight Mister Tom. We are going to finish the book this week!

Maths: This week in Maths, we are going to try something slightly different. Just like the topic work, attached to this post is a weekly list of activities for Maths, which gives lots of activities suitable for year 5 and 6. Some are practical, some use a sheet or a printable activity, so you can choose which ones you prefer each day. Have a look at the list below and choose what you would like to have a go at each day! The links for the printable activities are below.

Japan Activities for the week!

Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!

This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!

Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.

Missing you all,

Miss Coates. 

Maple Class home learning for Monday 18th May 2020

Spellings – when the suffix ‘full’ is added to the end of a word, one of the ‘l’s’ has to be dropped (like hope=hopeful, use=useful)

Try these words, and put into sentences: 

Truth, play, fear, peace, dread, joy 

English – this week we are going to be looking at punctuation. Today we will think about capital letters. What are they? When do we use them? Can you write the alphabet in capital letters? Can you write a definition for when we use capital letters? Can you look for capital letters around the house? Can you spot any in the kitchen? Bathroom? Bedroom?

Maths – this week we will be learning about position and direction. Today, can you identify forwards and backwards directions? Can you walk forwards? Can you jump backwards? Play ‘Simon Says’ with someone in your family, using only forwards and backwards commands (e.g. Simon says take 3 steps forwards, Simon says take 4 steps backwards).

Theme – this week you will be in charge of your own learning about Japan. Below are some suggestions, but feel free to come up with your own ideas:

  • Did you write some questions about things you wanted to know about Japan in week 1? Have you answered them? If not, complete some research to find out. 
  • Research what animals are native to Japan. Have you seen any of them before? Draw and label some pictures. 
  • Make a presentation of everything you’ve learnt about Japan. It could be in the form of a poster, leaflet or you could tell someone else all you know. Maybe write a letter to a friend or family member to tell them, or make a call, FaceTime, Skype. 
  • Karaoke originated in Japan – why not hold a karaoke party with your family and sing along to your favourite songs. 
  • Write your own quiz about Japan.
  • Compare living in Japan to living in England. What would be the same? What would be different? 
  • Would you like to visit Japan. Tell someone else why or why not? 
  • Look at some of the other classes previous suggested activities on Japan – is there a craft activity you would like to try? 

I can’t wait to see how you round up your research and learning on Japan. Please email me or post on the Maple class facebook posts with what you’ve been up to. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Oak Class Monday 18th May

Welcome to another week of learning at home! I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend in the lovely weather!

Phonics: Today we are learning the sound ure as in the words pure and cure. This is a tricky one this week! But give it a go!

Use the words in a sentence and read the sentence to someone at home.

Literacy: I would love to hear what you have been up to! Can you draw a picture of something you have enjoyed doing and then write about it. It is a bit like doing your news at school!

Japan: This is our round up week for learning about Japan. If you have any suggestions of something we have missed, let me know and we can give it a go! Today I have included a picture of a Koi Carp fish which link closely to Japanese culture. Can you draw your own Koi Carp picture? Do you have any fish as pets in a pond at home or in a tank? Can you try drawing them?

Good luck!

Stay safe everyone

Mrs T