Thursday 16th July 2020 Elm Class learning

Today and tomorrow are very exciting, as we are going to be partaking in a virtual sports day! All the activities can easily be done from home and when you have completed your activities, you can send me your times and distances covered via email. The winners for each event for each class will be announced when all of the entries are in!

Spellings: Can you practice the ‘ough’ spellings using a strategy from the spelling menu? Be as creative as you like in order to help you remember the spellings of the words.

Arithmetic: This week, I would like you to practice your long multiplication skills. Remember, when you are multiplying by a 10, you should always start with a zero in your column as a place value holder. Can you have a go at the questions below?

476 x 98 =

324 x 56 =

7784 x 34=

Grammar:  Today we are going to look at using apostrophes to show a word has been contracted. For example, does not become doesn’t and she will becomes she’ll. The apostrophe shows tow words have been joined together and certain letters have been dropped to join the two words together. Can you have a go at the activity below, adding in contracted words to the gaps, which make sense in the sentences?

English: Have a look at the suggested transition activities below. These are a great way to reflect on the year and think about the new class you are going into. Which activity will you try today? If you would like to finish reading Holes, I will keep the PDF on the class webpage for you to finish the book and find out what happens! Can you have a go at another transition activity today?

Maths: Today, we are going to be putting all of our skills involving time into practice, and having a go at some time words problems! I have uploaded a silver and bronze challenge to the class webpage for you to have a go at! Can you challenge yourself?

Topic: Happy virtual sports day! Can you have a go at the activities listed below? Remember to record the time you finished your event or the distance you covered to me and then we can announce a winner in each event for the class!

Good luck with the sports events!

Miss Coates.

Cedar class learning for 16 JUL 2020

English: LO: to create a class charter.

Back at the start of this academic year we created a class charter of all the rules and expectations we had of each other and how we would behave and treat the adults and other children in our class. Today, for your transition activity, I would like you to come up with a proposal for a class charter for your new class when you come back in September. What rules do you think there should be? How do you think the children and adults should behave towards each other? Come up with 5-10 points on your charter to share when you come back to school.

Maths: LO: to tell the time from an analogue clock.

Today I would like you to work on telling the time using a clock. There is a choice of activities today depending on what you have available to you. If you can, I would like you to keep a time diary throughout the day and write down the exact time you do day-to-day events. For example: you might have just sat down and started your school work. In your time diary you would write down the current time and write ‘started school work’ next to the time. If you are unable to do this, or want to do extra work, then below are two different challenge worksheets on telling the time from an analogue clock.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Maple Class home learning for Wednesday 15th July 2020

English – think about our previous work on jokes and riddles. Can you write a riddle for Mr Keeble to solve? Can you write some jokes to make him laugh? 

Maths – can you put events in chronological order? Make a time line of your life. What year where you born? Do you have any younger siblings? When where they born? Where there any major world events which occurred? Royal weddings, Olympics, World Cups? Can you plot the years on your time line? 

Theme – take part in a Zoom meeting with Mr Keeble at 11am and find out all about Cedar class. 

Skylarks suggested learning Wednesday 15th July

Today is a little different as we are having our new/returning class zoom call at 10:30. This is for year 3s going into year 4 and new year 3s. This will be at 10:30am. If you are in year 4 now, you will be having a Kestrels class call at 2pm. Fit your maths, English and afternoon work around this and don’t worry if you don’t get time to do it all! 

Maths – To calculate time intervals. There are 2 challenges to choose from here – 1 works with intervals in hours and 30 minutes and 2 uses hours, 30 minutes and intervals of 5 minutes. There is also an optional extension if you whizz through the challenges!

English – Choose another transition activity to try. 

Afternoon – This is your last day learning about Mexico! Finish any presentations or round up research. Tomorrow and Friday afternoon will be sports day! More information about that will be sent to you in an email today. 

Wednesday 15th July 2020 Elm Class learning

Spellings: This week, I would like you to revisit spellings with the spelling string ‘ough’. These spellings can be very tricky and there isn’t a specific rule for spelling these words! Can you practice the words you found yesterday using the look, write, cover, check method?

Arithmetic: This week, I would like you to practice your long multiplication skills. Remember, when you are multiplying by a 10, you should always start with a zero in your column as a place value holder. Can you have a go at the questions below?

345 x 67 =

2213 x 89=

598 x 73=

Grammar:  Can you write some of your own sentences using apostrophes for possession to show something belongs to someone else? You could use the character from your book you are reading as inspiration for your sentences, or your favourite character from a film?

English: Have a look at the suggested transition activities below. These are a great way to reflect on the year and think about the new class you are going into. Which activity will you try today? If you would like to finish reading Holes, I will keep the PDF on the class webpage for you to finish the book and find out what happens! Can you have a go at another transition activity today?

Maths: Today we are going to have a go at timetables and be able to use a timetable to interpret data. You will often come across timetables when using public transport, so it is important that we know how to use them! Have a look at the activities below and see if you can have a go!

Topic: Today are our zoom meetings for next year’s class. The class zoom for year 5’s going into Year 6 in Sycamore is at 2pm and I know the year 6’s have zoom meetings with their form groups throughout the week with high school.

Enjoy meeting your new class!

Miss Coates.

Oak Class Wednesday 15th July

Phonics: Use the end blend lt to make the words melt, melt and felt. Say the words, sound them out, write them down. Use the words to write your own sentences.

Maths: Use a timer to see what you can do in 1 minute! How many times can you write your name in 1 minute? How many times can you jump in 1 minute? How many times can you skip in 1 minute? How much of your bedroom can you tidy in 1 minute!Do you know how many seconds there are in 1 minute?

Literacy: Speaking and listening with Miss Gannon on your zoom meeting. Don’t forget to talk about the things you would like to learn about in September.

Topic: Mexico. Finish off your work about Mexico and get ready to present it. You could record it and send it to me, or present it to someone at home.

Have fun today!
Mrs T x

Cedar class learning for 15 JUL 2020

English: LO: to write an autobiography.

An autobiography is a piece of text written about your own life. People write autobiographies to share their life stories with readers; they are written in the first person (I/my/me).

For today’s transition activity I would like you to write an autobiography in which you share details about your life, your family, and anything else you feel is important. This is like a factual story all about your life where you tell the reader what you think the most important bits to know are. Bring your autobiography to school in September to share with your new teacher and classmates!

Maths: LO: to order times and events.

Today I would like you to work on putting times and events into the correct order. In your book, break your page into quarters and write the following headings in each quarter: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night.

Now look at the below list of events and times. Write them in the correct quarter in your book.

Going to bed,

Getting ready for school,

Brushing your teeth,


3 o’clock in the morning,



4 P.M.,

Sunset in summer,




8 o’clock at night,





What other events can you think of? Try and come up with 5 more.

Skylarks suggested learning Tuesday 14th July

Maths – To crack a code using your knowledge of the 12 and 24 hour clock. This builds on the work we did yesterday. Once you have cracked your code can you write another using the code? There is an ordering times extension for you to try too. Hint: Remember to convert a 12 hour time to a 24 hour time you add 12 hours!

English – Choose another transition activity to get ready for next year or to reflect on this year. 

Afternoon – Finish off your Mexican work and create a presentation on your learning. This could be in PowerPoint form, a leaflet or information booklet or some other way. 

Maple Class home learning for Tuesday 14th July 2020

English – write some sentences about yourself to help Mr Keeble get to know you better. What are your hobbies? What do you like/dislike? Do you have any pets? What are your favourites? Food, games, song? 

Maths – can you name all of the months of the year? Look on a calendar, what special events happen during different months for your family? Can you write the names of the months and spell them? Watch this song to help 

Theme – continue with your round up research all about Mexico. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Oak Class Tuesday 14th July

Phonics: Use the letters l and t to make the end blend of lt.

Make the words salt, quilt, built and guilt. Say the words, sound them out, write the words down. Talk about the meaning of the words.

Maths: Use the clocks you have made to work on times quarter past and quarter to.

Literacy: All about me. Write down some things for Miss Gannon that you are good at. Include things you are good at in school and things you are good at doing at home or in clubs.

Topic: Mexico. Round up learning. Continue making your poster or leaflet so we can see all the things you have been learning about Mexico.

Have a great day!
Mrs T