Skylarks suggested learning 4th May

Maths Problem Solving Week 

This week is problem solving week in maths! As well as problem solving activities on our daily learning, please find below some links to interactive problems to have a go at as well as some downloadable PDF files of problems. Remember it is about how you approach these, not always getting the right answer! Good luck with any you have a go at! Can you beat your parents at any of them? – making squares – coded hundred square – HARDER – sorting months on a calendar 

Oak Class Mon 4th May

Maths: This week we are having a problem solving week. I would like you to use the website: the activities for ages 3-5 to start off with, you may need to select ages 5-7, but try some of these games first. I likes the dice one as a starter!

Japan: This week we are looking at traditions in Japan. The Samurai were the most noble warriors of Japan and had wore very ornate armour to symbolize strength and courage. Can you try and make you own Japanese armour or helmet? Or draw a picture of some?

Have fun!

Mrs T

Maple Class home learning for Monday 4th May 2020

Spellings – when a word ends with a short vowel followed by a consonant, double the last consonant before adding ‘ed’ (like drop=dropped,  trim=trimmed).

Try these, and put into sentences:

Trip, mop, trot, rub, pat

English – look at the Year 2 common exception word list (see attachment). How many of these words can you read? How many can you say in a sentence? Can you use more than 1 word in the same sentence?

Maths – this week our theme will be “puzzles and problems”. Today’s problem to puzzle over is: 

I can see 28 ‘arms’ on the beach.

How many children could there be?

How many starfish could there be?

Record all the different combinations. You could draw or write them. 

Theme – this week we will be learning all about some of the culture, traditions and language in Japan. Below is a suggested list of activities to choose from, maybe pick one a day to explore. 

  • which language do they speak in Japan?
  • Can you learn to say “hello”, “goodbye” and “thank you” in Japanese? 
  • Can you count to 10 in Japanese? 
  • Can you explore Japanese writing? 
  • Can you write your name in Japanese?
  • What is the national sport of Japan? Can you research and practise some of the actions?
  • What food is traditionally eaten in Japan? 
  • Do people in Japan have any traditional good luck symbols? Find out what a “Maneki Neko” is and draw or make your own. 
  • Remember to celebrate the traditional festival of “Children’s day” on May 5th (Tuesday).

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Elm Class Learning Monday 4th May

Good morning Elm Class, welcome back to Monday! I am missing you all lots!

Spellings: You may remember a couple of weeks ago, looking at spellings with the suffix cious or tious. I want to make sure we are really secure in our knowledge of all ous ending words. Here is the rule for adding the suffix:

1) If the root word doesn’t change, just add ‘ous’ – e.g danger —-> dangerous

2) If the word ends in ‘e’, drop the e and add ‘ous’ – e.g. fame —->  famous 

3) If the word ends in ‘y’ change it to an ‘i’ and add ‘ous’ – e.g. vary —-> various

Can you find as many ous words as you can? You could add these to a word wall or word bank in a notebook of other spellings you have been collecting.

Arithmetic: Multiplying one fraction by another fraction and multiplying fractions by a whole number. A hint to start off the week: When you multiply two fractions together, you multiply the numerators together and the denominators together. When multiplying a fraction by a whole number, you simply multiply the numerator. Can you have a go at the questions below? (See the photos at the bottom of this page). Challenge: Can you simplify your answer, or if the answer is an improper fraction, could you change this into a mixed number?

Grammar: Last week, we ended the week looking at relative pronouns. Remember relative clauses are added to sentences, to add more information about the noun in your sentence. Relative clauses add information to sentences by using a relative pronoun such as who, that or which. Your challenge today is to have a go at writing some sentences, which include a relative clause. For example: My dog, who has black and white fur, enjoys going out for walks.

English:  Today please read chapter 15 (Home) of Goodnight Mister Tom. This chapter is a very sad one, if you need to read a bit and skip a bit, that is ok. Tomorrow, we are going to start a piece of work on VE day- the 25th anniversary of this day is Friday the 8th of May!


Welcome to problem solving week! Please see Miss Brown’s introduction to problem solving in the separate post on the page today, explaining why problem solving is an important skill as a Mathematician! These problems we will set each day will get your brain thinking in different ways and are also a bit of fun! Don’t worry if you can’t get to the answer, these problems are about trying different strategies and using your Maths knowledge to have a go and think logically! Jottings and doodles to help you work out the problem are great and encouraged! I have also attached links to class webpage of other interactive online puzzles if you would like more to have a go at and some printable versions too, so you can choose which ones you prefer! Happy problem solving!

Reach 100!

Today I would like you to have a go at the ‘Reach 100’ challenge! For this challenge, you will need to a draw a grid with four squares like this: (Here is the link if you would like to view this online).

Your challenge is to choose four different numbers from 1-9 and put one in each box of your grid. If you look at my example below, I have a 5 and 2 in the top boxes and 1 and 9 in the bottom boxes.

This gives four two-digit numbers:

52    (reading along the 1st row)

19     (reading along the 2nd row)

51     (reading down the left hand column)

29    (reading down the right hand column)

In this case their sum is 151.

Try a few examples of your own, is there a quick way to tell whether the total is going to be odd or even?

Challenge: Your challenge is to find four different digits that give four two-digit numbers which add to a total of 100! If you struggle with this, which numbers get you as close to 100 as possible?

Super challenge: Is there more than one combination of numbers, which help us to reach 100?

Topic: This week, our focus of study on Japan is culture and tradition! See the next post for lots of ideas of research and activities, or you may come up with some of your own!

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates. 

Rowan Class Home Learning Week beginning 4th May

Each week, I will post lots of suggestions for home learning. You aren’t expected to do everything. Please pick out the things that will work best for your family. We are covering similar topics across all classes so that siblings can work together – feel free to also have a go at activities set by other class teachers or help your younger brothers and sisters with their learning too.

For those of you who prefer to print work for the children to complete offline, you will find downloads below. For those who like online activities, there are suggested weblinks.

Spellings: negative prefixes
This week we are focussing on prefixes that can be added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning to a negative: un, mis, dis, in, il, im, ir & in. In particular, children should learn the rules for when to use in, im, il or ir. Explanation & example words can be found in the download below.
You can also find more activities on letterjoin if you click on ‘Rowan’ after logging in.

Arithmetic: finding fractions of amounts
To find a fraction you divide by the denominator (bottom number) and multiply by the numerator (top number). In school, we often use a bar model to show this.

Japan: Culture & Language

Suggestions for research:
– Find out about traditional Japanese games, such as Otedama or Chopsticks. Have a go at playing them.
– What is it like to go to school in Japan?
– Look up Kanji and try some Japanese writing.
– Research Banruka. Can you make your own Japanese-style puppet theatre?
– Find out about the Japanese tea ceremony.
– Look at Chinese anime and manga. Try drawing illustrations in the style. Can you make your own comic?
– What foods are traditionally eaten in Japan?
– What is the national sport of Japan? What other sports are popular.

Suggested Activities:
– Otedama is a game played with beanbags. Try making a set of your own, before playing some of the games. You can find instructions here.
– There are lots of videos on youtube showing you how to draw manga, or download the step-by-step guide below for drawing Pikachu.
– Make a blossom collage. The photos show some suggestions, but you could use whatever materials you have at home.

Learn some simple Japanese phrases:
– Hai (hi-ee) yes – Iie (i-ie)no
– Ohayo (oh-hi-yo)Good morning – Sayonara (sigh-oh-nar-ah)Good bye
– Arigato (ah-ree-gah-toe)thank you
– Haha (Hah-hah)mother – Chichi (chiy-chiy)father


Reading Comprehension: Japan Factfile (download the text and questions below).

Activity Ideas:
– Do some research into Japan. This could be on the internet, using the reading factfile or you could ask people at home what they know about the country. What are the most interesting facts you have found out?
– Practise taking notes on what you are finding out. Remember that notes are short. Record only the key words that you need to remember. Try to think about what you have found out and describe it in your own way. DO NOT just copy from the book or internet.
– Try making memory notes WITH NO WORDS. Take a fact you have learnt and try to draw pictures, symbols or diagrams to help you remember it. At the end of the week, see if you can remember just by looking at the pictures the facts you were learning.
– Make a quiz about Japan. Don’t forget to use the correct punctuation for questions and answers.

Grammar – continue to practise recognising nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs:
– Create a bank of interesting words associated with Japan. Have one section for each word class.
– Play ‘I packed my bag and in it I put …’ with nouns. Start with A: I packed my bag and in it I put some apples. The next person has to remember what was said before and then add a word for the next letter of the alphabet: I packed my bag and in it I put some apples & a book. Keep adding words until someone gets it wrong: I packed my bag and in it I put some apples, a book & a carrot. The winner is the person who remembers the most.
– The game above can be adapted for different word classes. For verbs, start with the words Things I miss doing at school are … (asking questions, being with friends, clapping etc.). For adverbs, Miss Brown walked into the room … (angrily, briskly, carefully). For adjectives, That’s not my dog, it’s too … (angry, big, colourful).

Writing Challenge for the Week: Use what you have learnt about Japan so far this term to create a factfile on the country. Start with an introduction explaining what and where Japan is. Think of three headings that you could write detailed paragraphs about. Each paragraph should have at least four sentences on a similar topic. Make sure you use some complex sentences using conjunctions (because, when, while, if, although, even though, whereas). You could also include fact boxes or questions to engage the reader.

Maths: Problem-Solving Week

This video provides hints for parents to help children solve mathematical problems.

Here are some suggested problems for Rowan Class, but feel free to have a go at ones from other classes too – all the problems can be explored at different levels and it is great if your whole family can work on a problem together. Discussion, trying things out comparing different ideas is encouraged. It doesn’t matter if you don’t reach the end point, and don’t worry if you are not familiar with the methods the children are using. In Maths, the process is just as important as the answer. Doodling, drawing pictures & scribbles are all encouraged and remember that getting stuck and making mistakes is an essential part of learning too. Here are some questions that might help when you are exploring the problems:
– Do you notice anything interesting?
– Can we predict what will happen next?
– What if … ?
– Are there any patterns?
– Which moves might be good moves to make (e.g. in a game)?

Links to Interactive Problems:
calendar sorting problem
treasure hunt
Factors & Multiples Game

Monday: Cut a square into four triangles as shown in the picture. How
many different shapes can you make by fitting the four triangles back
together? You may only fit long sides to long sides and short sides to
short sides. The whole length of the side must be joined. Can you name
the shapes you make? Can you describe them? How could you record
the different shapes you made?

Tuesday: This is a basic form of the ancient game, Nim. You’ll need an adult to play with. You will also need seven objects such as counters, blocks, coins or toys. Place the 7 objects in a pile and take turns to take away either one or two objects. The person who takes the last object wins. Swap who goes first, and keep playing until you work out a winning strategy. Some things to think about:
– Does it matter who has the first turn?
– What happens when there are three objects left?
– How can you win at this game?
– What happens if you start the game with more than 7 objects?

Wednesday: Another game. Each player draws a grid like this. Take turns to throw
a dice and put each number in one of the squares. When all nine squares are full,
the winner is the person whose total is closest to 1000. After playing a few times,
start thinking about strategy and how to have the best chance of winning:
– Which squares are the most important?
– Does it help to see where other players are putting their numbers?
– Are some numbers better to roll than others?

Thursday: On the planet Wed there are two sorts of creatures. The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs. The great planetary explorer Nico, who first discovered the planet, saw a crowd of Zios and Zepts. He managed to see that there was more than one of each kind of creature before they saw him. Suddenly they all rolled over onto their backs and put their legs in the air. He counted 52 legs. How many Zios and how many Zepts were there? Do you think there are any different answers?


Japan Factfile & Questions

Spellings Negative Prefixes

Maths Problems:

Draw Pikachu

Useful Links

Japan Facts

National Geographic

Japan Activities

Kirigami for Kids

Easy Origami

Cedar class learning for 04 MAY 2020

Cedar class learning for 04 MAY 2020

English: LO: to read instructions.

This week in English we will be looking at written instructions and the features of these. To get started, I would like you to find some written instructions somewhere in your house. Try looking in manuals for things you have around the home (TV, fridges, board games, etc.). Read some of the instructions. What can you notice about the instructions? What kind of words are used in them?

Maths: LO: to solve problems and puzzles.

Today we will be looking at skeleton shapes. Skeleton shapes are made with balls of modelling clay and straws.


This shows a cube and a skeleton cube:

How many balls of modelling clay and how many straws does it take to make the cube?

The problem:

Here are some piles of modelling clay balls and straws:

Look at the shapes below and decide which piles are needed to make a skeleton of each shape.

You may find it easy to draw the shapes out yourself, or even use straws/sticks/toothpicks and clay/sweets of your own. If you want a challenge, present your findings in a table.

Oak Class Friday 1st May

It’s feel good Friday! I hope you are all still feeling good!

Phonics: Use the er sounds in the words sister and brother. Can you use these words in a sentence? Can you write the sentences down? Can you read the sentences to someone in your family.

Maths: Money, counting coins. Today could you please get some 2p coins to help you count in sets of 2. How much is each coin worth? Now add 2p more. How much have you got now?

Could you try counting with 5p coins? What about 10p coins?

If you can find the You Tube Count in tens by hopscotch clip, you could learn your tens times table! Perhaps you could video it and post it of you singing! I have missed our singing sessions!

Japan: Japan has lots of different interesting festivals. Which other festival could you find out about and share it with us all.

Take care and have a great weekend.

Mrs T 😆

Skylarks suggested learning Friday 1st May

Please find here the suggested learning for Friday 1st May: 

Maths – using multiplication to scale up a shopping list for different sized families. 

English – practice your P4C skills with a question about bravery. Follow the link to a spots and stripes video where you will be asked to think about whether it is braver to be scared of something but do it anyway, or not to be scared at all? What do you think? 

Afternoon – It is our last day looking at the festivals of Japan! Finish off your projects or start a new activity from the list.

As well as the PowerPoint there are also two PDF files of spellings for those who may find our current spelling focus very tricky. If you would prefer to download and practice words from either of these lists that is fine!

Have a great weekend and don’t forget I would love to see some of your work if you can email me a picture or two at