Suggested learning Elm Class Friday 1st May 2020

Spellings: This week, I would like you to look at words ending cian, tion and sion. The rules for adding these suffixes to a root word are as follows:Can someone at home test you on 10 of the spellings you have been working on this week?

Arithmetic:  I have uploaded the weekly test below along with the answers if you would like to have a go at this. 

Grammar: I have attached a photo of an example test question on the different types of pronouns, can you have a go at it? Using your knowledge from this week, can you write one sentence using a personal pronoun, one using a possessive pronoun and one using a relative pronoun?

Please make sure you are also reading 20 minutes daily. 

English:  P4C question to discuss: 

Is letter writing a lost art or should we stop writing letters?

Maths: L.O- I can create and stick to a simple budget.  Below are a few options for this, one where you will need to access the internet to look at the costs of an actual shop and two worksheets which I have attached below (silver and gold challenge) where you are already given prices of foods in different shops and have to compare these to see if you can stick to your budget and which may be the cheapest!

With lots of time at home, you may have found yourselves doing some cooking or baking of nice things! Imagine you and your family are making pizzas tonight! An adult could always give you an imaginary budget, can you make a list of things you would need and, with the help of an adult, you could use an online grocery site to find some prices for your shopping list- can you stick to the budget? If not, you could help an adult with finding some prices of ingredients of meals they may be making next week, can you help them stick to a budget for their shopping list? Giving yourself a budget is a great way to save money and to make sure you do not spend more than you need to! If you would prefer to do the sheet activity that is absolutely fine too! Can you find the cheapest shop? Can you stick to the budget! Off you go!

Topic: Can you have a go at a Japan activity you have yet to do this week? Could you research a different festival and present it in a different way?  Could you make something linked to a festival?

For example, below I have attached a picture of the flying fish decorations, which are created to celebrate the festival known as ‘Kodomo no hi’ or the Children’s Day Celebration. Can you find out what this festival is? Why are carps used? Why are the windsocks created?

Thank you for all of your support and engagement this week,

Miss Coates. 

Maple Class home learning for Friday 1st May 2020

Another week of home learning completed! Please share what you are most proud of on our sharing assembly post – I love to see them! 

And lookout for tonight’s story 😉

Spellings – can you ask someone at home to pick some of the plural words we have been practising this week and ask you to spell them? You could either spell them out loud or write them down. 

English – this week we have explored a lot of suffixes (-ful, -est, -ing, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness). Can you go on a suffix hunt? See how many you can find in books, magazines, newspapers at home. Can you make a word search with all these words? 

Maths – look at some of the prices and amounts you have made this week. Which coins would you use to make those prices? How many different ways could you make those amounts? Which coins would you use? Explore as many different possibilities as you can. 

Theme – today is the last day this week of learning about “Festivals” in Japan. Pick an activity you haven’t tried yet. 

  • can you research festivals in Japan? What are the names of the festivals? When in the year are they celebrated?
  • What special food do Japanese people have during these festivals? Can you draw and label a plate of festival food?
  • What special clothes do people in Japan wear during times of festival? Can you draw them? Can you design your own festival clothing? 
  • Hina Matsuri – Doll Festival– March 3rd – people pray for their daughters’ future happiness, health and growth. Can you write a prayer for your future? Can you write a prayer for the future of your family?
  • Here’s an old traditional song that’s sung for the Festival in Japanese, and with a loose English translation.
  • Hina Matsuri Song 


Akari o tsukema sho bon bori ni 

O hana o agemasyo momo no hana 

Gonin – bayashi no fue daiko 

Kyoo wa tanoshii Hina Matsuri

Loose English Translation

Let’s light the lanterns on the tiered stand Let’s put peach blossoms on the tiered stand 

Five court musicians are playing flutes and drums 

Today is a happy Dolls’ Festival.

  • can you write your own song? Can you include parts of your prayer?
  • Can you perform your song for your family?
  • Can you add music to your song, with instruments you have at home (or you could make your own). 

Tango no Sekku– Boys’ Festival – officially called Children’s Day or Kodomo no hi –May 5th

  • Large carp windsocks, called koinobori, are displayed outside houses of families with boys. There’s one windsock for each boy in the house. The largest windsock is for the oldest son of the house.  The carp is a symbol of Tango no Sekku, because carp are considered strong and determined.
  • Can you make your own windsock?

Tanabata – The Star Festival – July 7th

One fun tradition on this day: “Children write their wishes on strips of fancy paper and put them on displays made of the branches of bamboo trees.”

  • can you write your own wish and hang it on a tree or branch in your garden?

Thank you for all your support and engagement this week.

Have a good weekend, Mrs Keeler.

Cedar Class Learning for 01 MAY 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at adding and subtracting using the column method. Get someone to test you with 2 questions on each to see how well you can now do this. Don’t forget to use exchanging!

English: LO: to create a poem.

This week we have looked at haiku poems and created our own style of poem. Today, to round this off, I would like you to create a poem about something you have so far researched on Japan. For example: if you particularly liked the cherry blossom festival you could create a poem on this. Once you have finished your poem, write up a super neat version and draw a picture to illustrate it.

Maths: LO: to use money.

Today, to round off our weeks work on money, we are going to look at items which cost a lot. I would like you to work out how many bank notes you would need to buy an expensive item.

For example: if a new pair of trainers costs £120, how many £10 notes would you need to pay for this? How many £5 notes would you need? Can you pay for this item using just £20 notes?

Here are some example items for you, but feel free to make up your own!

1) A basic phone – £80

2) A weekly shop – £150

3) A new TV – £200

4) A dining room table – £320

5) A used car – £1220

Oak Class Thursday 30th April

We have made it through April! Well done everyone.

Phonics: Use the er sound to make the words stranger and danger. Can you use the words in a sentence?

I am seeing some amazing handwriting and fantastic stories! Thank you everyone! Lets keep it going!Handwriting: Use letterjoin to help you with the letter formation of e and b.

Maths: Today I would like you to play shops. Use some toys and write how much each would be, make a label for each toy. Can you add up what 2 or 3 of your toys would cost.

Japan: Tanabata, or the star festival is where people write their wishes on small colourful pieces of paper and hang them on bamboo branches. What would your wishes be? Ask your family to think of their wishes too. You could hang them on a tree when the weather gets better!

Have a great day everyone!

Mrs T

Maple Class home learning for Thursday 30th April

Spellings plural rule 8 – sometimes, a word may stay the same in both its singular and plural form (like aircraft=aircraft, salmon=salmon). Make these words plural and write in a sentence:

Deer, sheep, offspring, tuna, species

English – explore words ending in the suffixes -ment and -ness. Can you think of any examples? Can you find any words in your reading book? 

Add a suffix to these words and put into a sentence:

Enjoy, move, assort, kind, happy, good 

Maths – continuing from yesterdays shop work, can you record some of the items brought, their cost, the amount paid and if any change was given. What did your Mum or Dad buy from your shop? How much was it? Did your brother or sister buy two items? How much were they altogether? Did the people have the right money? If you’d prefer a printable, you can complete the “Check your change” sheet (see download below).

Theme – “Festivals” – continuing our theme of learning about Japan, below is a list of activities for this week to help you find out more about festivals in Japan. Pick those you would like to do, maybe one a day. 

  • can you research festivals in Japan? What are the names of the festivals? When in the year are they celebrated?
  • What special food do Japanese people have during these festivals? Can you draw and label a plate of festival food?
  • What special clothes do people in Japan wear during times of festival? Can you draw them? Can you design your own festival clothing? 
  • Hina Matsuri – Doll Festival – March 3rd – people pray for their daughters’ future happiness, health and growth. Can you write a prayer for your future? Can you write a prayer for the future of your family?
  • Here’s an old traditional song that’s sung for the Festival in Japanese, and with a loose English translation.
  • Hina Matsuri Song 


Akari o tsukema sho bon bori ni 

O hana o agemasyo momo no hana 

Gonin – bayashi no fue daiko 

Kyoo wa tanoshii Hina Matsuri

Loose English Translation

Let’s light the lanterns on the tiered stand Let’s put peach blossoms on the tiered stand 

Five court musicians are playing flutes and drums 

Today is a happy Dolls’ Festival.

  • can you write your own song? Can you include parts of your prayer?
  • Can you perform your song for your family?
  • Can you add music to your song, with instruments you have at home (or you could make your own). 

Tango no Sekku – Boys’ Festival – officially called Children’s Day or Kodomo no hi – May 5th

  • Large carp windsocks, called koinobori, are displayed outside houses of families with boys. There’s one windsock for each boy in the house. The largest windsock is for the oldest son of the house.  The carp is a symbol of Tango no Sekku, because carp are considered strong and determined.
  • Can you make your own windsock?

Tanabata – The Star Festival – July 7th

One fun tradition on this day: “Children write their wishes on strips of fancy paper and put them on displays made of the branches of bamboo trees.”

  • can you write your own wish and hand it on a tree or branch in your garden?

Thank you, Mrs Keeler 

Elm Class Suggested Learning Thursday 30th April 2020

Hasn’t April gone by so quickly! We are very much missing you all! If you would like to post any work on this thread or send it to me, I would love to see all the brilliant work you have been doing!

Spellings: This week, I would like you to look at words ending cian, tion and sion. The rules for adding these suffixes to a root word are as follows:

 –tion is the most common spelling. It is used if the root word ends in t or te. –ssion is used if the root word ends in ss or –mit. 

–sion is used if the root word ends in d or se. 

Exceptions: attend – attention, intend – intention.

 –cian is used if the root word ends in c or cs.

Can you use the spelling menu on the class webpage, to practice the words you have collected, ready for someone to test you tomorrow?

Arithmetic: BODMAS! (I’m sure you and family members would love to see the youtube video on how to remember the order of Bodmas- I will link it below!) 

Can you have a go at these questions?

4³+ 15 ÷ 3=

3 + ( 3² + 3) ÷ 3=

17 + 16 x 2=

30- 4² + 3=

You may also want to practice anything you struggled with on the test from last week, ready for the arithmetic test tomorrow.

Grammar: Today I would like you to think about relative pronouns. Remember relative clauses are added to sentences, to add more information about the noun in your sentence. These clauses could be removed from the sentence and the sentence would still make sense by itself. Relative clauses add information to sentences by using a relative pronoun such as who, that or which.

Can you add the correct relative pronoun to these sentences? Tomorrow I will set you a challenge, which uses you knowledge of all the pronoun types we have looked at this week! Challenge: Can you add brackets, commas or dashes to mark the relative clause in the sentence?

The boy ________ ran the race is called Simon.

The book _______ I left on the bus was my favourite.

The pens _______ I lent you were a birthday present from my friend.

He bought a watch _________ was very expensive.

English:  Write a letter to Willie as Zach. Think carefully about the way he speaks in the book and about his character. What kinds of things would he want Willie to know? What kinds of questions would he want to ask? Zach does not know about Willie’s mother and the way she treats him so how would he react to the fact that Willie has been allowed to go home for a bit (would he be jealous)?

Maths: L.O- I can work out which items are best value for money. Sometimes in shops, there are many deals which we have to be aware of, it may save us money, but sometimes it may not! This where our money skills come in! In some shops, you may have seen ‘4 for the price of 3’ but individually, is it actually cheaper to buy 4 of that item and it still be cheaper? I have attached a document below with some real life discount ‘fails’ where the discount actually sometimes works out more expensive! For each of these pictures, can you work out the original price and the discount or multi- buy price, which is best value for money?

Topic: Can you choose a different activity from the Japan activity list on festivals today? Could you research a different festival or create something on a festival you have been looking at so far?

Take care, 

Miss Coates.