Oak Class Friday 24th April

It’s feel good Friday! I can hear the weekend calling! What a busy week!

Phonics: wh sound. Use the words whale and wheel in a sentence. Write the sentence, read it back and check that you have got those finger spaces for smiley faces😃, a full stop dot at the end and a capital clap at the beginning!

It has been lovely to see so many pictures of your writing at home! With that in mind I think we could do some handwriting, so log on to Letter Join ( home.www.letterjoin.co.uk) with the school Log in and have a go at letters c, o , and a.

Maths: Using language relating to time can you use the words before, after, next, later in simple saying sentences, if you can write them down even better, but there is a lot or writing today so perhaps get an adult to write it down. Try sentences like, before I go to bed I clean my teeth.

Japan topic: Can you find out what sort of plants and trees grow in Japan? Then can you find any that are the same in your garden? Can you find different leaves and work out what trees they come from? You could make a picture of all the different leaves you find.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs T, Missing you

Elm Class Friday 24th April 2020

Suggested learning, Elm Class.

Today is sharing assembly day! I would love to see some of the fantastic work you have been working on this week!

Spelling: You have been practicing tious and cious ending words all of this week, could you get someone else to test you on 10 of the words you have been learning?

Arithmetic: I have uploaded to the school website the first arithmetic test for the Summer term for you to have a go at, or you can get someone at home to write down some questions to test you on. I have also uploaded the answers for the test, for you to check your own answers.  

Grammar: Revision of adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs,

Can you rewrite these sentences, making them more descriptive by adding adjectives?

1.     In the forest stood a tree.

2.   The River ran down the mountain.

3.   The spider spun a web.

4.  Flowers grew at the edge of the lake.

English: Lots of people have been brightening the days of people they know by writing letters to them. Think of the people who you know who you would like to cheer up and write them a letter or an email. Make sure you lay out the letter correctly and write properly, using appropriate punctuation and grammar (if you are writing to a friend, you could add in some colloquial language/slang). 

When you have finished, send your letter!

Maths: Today we are looking at converting between units of time. For today, you will need to remember how many seconds are in a minute and how many minutes are in an hour. Can you find a few of your favourite DVD’s? Usually on the back of the box, it will say how long the film lasts in minutes. Can you convert this into hours and minutes? Challenge: How long do the films last in seconds? Do you have a calendar in your house? Can you work out how many days are in each month if you can’t remember? How many days are in a year? Using your knowledge from today, can you have a go at these challenges?

1.     Convert the following 

a)   8 days = how many minutes?

b)   3 weeks = how many hours?

c)   Half an hour = how many seconds?

2.    Write these times in order, starting with the shortest:

24 days, 600 seconds, 48 hours.

Topic: Can you choose another activity based on the climate and geography of Japan to have a go at today? Next week we will have a different theme as a focus of our research on Japan!

Remember I would love to see anything you have been working hard on!

Have a restful weekend, enjoy the weather, 

Take care,
Miss Coates

Maple Class home learning for Friday 24th April 2020

Another successful week of home learning nearly completed! Well done everyone!

Don’t forget to share something you’re really proud of on our sharing assembly post – I can’t wait to see them! 

And make sure you listen to the bed time stories posted daily – you might recognise some familiar faces!!! 

Spellings – visit the BBC Bitesize website and look at the film clips and activities about homophones. These can be found in the primary, KS1, English, spelling section. 

English – make your own dictionary at the back of your home learning book and begin to keep a record of new words you learn when reading. Write down the word and a brief definition.

Maths – visit the BBC Bitesize website and explore some of the time film clips and activities. These can be found in the primary, KS1,maths section.

Theme – today is our last day thinking about the climate and geography of Japan, so pick an activity you haven’t looked at yet. 

  • where in the world is Japan? Find out which continent it is in. 
  • What is the capital of Japan?
  • What does Japan look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city? 
  • Which oceans are near Japan? Can you label them on your map? 
  • What does the flag of Japan look like? Can you make your own Japanese flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks. 
  • What would you like to learn/find out about Japan? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.
  • What is the weather like in Japan today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Japan? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Japan? Is the temperature in England higher or lower? 
  • What is the population of Japan? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)
  • What is the name of the mountain range in Japan?
  • Can you name some Japanese rivers? 

The natgeokids.com website is a useful place to look for information! 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Cedar Class Learning for 24 APR 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we recapped on the 6 times table. Get someone at home to test you on the 6 times table. Can you say it backwards starting from 12 X 6?

English: LO: to use specific words.

This weeks Japan project focus has been on the climate and geography of Japan. One of your tasks was to consider what the weather was like in Japan, and how it was different to the weather in the United Kingdom. Whilst doing this, you should have used some specific words which are about weather. Make a list of all the words you have used about weather? If you haven’t done this task yet then you can use this session to prepare the words you will use! What similarities are there between the weather words you have used? Can you challenge yourself and think of any other weather related words which you could maybe use in your project? For example: you might have spoken about how much rain Japan has. We know that rain is associated with certain cloud types, can you find out the names of the clouds which normally mean that we will have rain? Can you use the scientific names (precipitation for example). You could combine all of your weather related knowledge into a knowledge organiser!

Maths: LO: to make and play a time game.

Today I would like you to create a game all about time. I recommend a game of pairs, because you can play it on your own, but if you have a better idea then I would love to see that!

To create a time-related pairs game:

1) Cut out an even number of squares or rectangles from paper or cardboard to make your playing cards (for this example I will use 10 cards).

2) Split the cards so that you have 2 equal piles (2 piles of 5 cards).

3) One of the piles will have 24 hour clock times written on them, the other will have 12 hour clock times. Write a time on one card from the 12 hour pile, and then write the same time using the 24 hour clock on a card from the other pile. (07:00 PM [Pile 1] , 19:00 [Pile 2]).

4) Label all of your cards with different times.

5) Shuffle your cards, then spread them out face down in front of you.

6) Turn over 1 card and read the time, then pick up another card and read the time on it. If they are the same time you can leave them face up. If they aren’t the same time, turn them back over and pick another 2 cards. You need to remember where the cards were that you have already turned over so that you can pair them off. How many moves can you win the game in?

If you are going to play with another person, you need an odd number of pairs – for example 13 pairs (26 cards in total), otherwise you could draw and there will be no winner!

Oak Class Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone! It is going to be a lovely day so lets get started with our Joe workout and then enjoy ourselves today!

Phonics: letter sound wh. Use the words whisper and whistle to say a sentence. Show the children how to write them down and then work together to write a sentence using one of the words, or both if you can try!

Today it would be great to make a reading den in the garden to have some time outside to make a den. Use blankets and cushions to make it comfortable and have some time to read. You could video it and share it on fb! Would be lovely to see how the reading is coming on.

Maths: If you can, why not draw around your shadow at different times of the day to see what happens? Would it be the same if you checked it tomorrow. Try 11 O’clock, then 12 O’clock etc, to make your own shadow clock!

ICT: Use Google to find out the name of Japan’s tallest mountain and anything else about it’s landscape.

Have a great day everyone!
Sun times, fun times!

Missing you all,
Mrs T