Maple Class home learning for Thursday 23rd April 2020

Spelling rule 4 – when words end in ay ey iy oy and uy add an s to make the plural (like boy=boys, alley=alleys). Add ‘s’ to these words and put into sentences: 

Day, Monkey, Trolley, Key

English – complete task 6 of your dictionary skills work (see Year 2 Dictionary skills download). Today is all about homophones, which are words that sound the same but mean different things and are spelt differently (for example, knight and night).

Maths – keep a diary of the times you do different activities today. For example, what time did you wake up? What time did you eat breakfast? Did you join Joe Wicks for a workout? What time was that? Did you go for a walk? Play in the garden? Read a story? Write down the times you completed different activities. For a challenge, you could also record how long you spent on those activities.

Theme – this half term we will all be learning about Japan. Below is a list of activities for this week to help you find out more about the climate and geography of Japan. Pick those you would like to do, maybe one a day. 

  • where in the world is Japan? Find out which continent it is in. 
  • What is the capital of Japan?
  • What does Japan look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city? 
  • Which oceans are near Japan? Can you label them on your map? 
  • What does the flag of Japan look like? Can you make your own Japanese flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks. 
  • What would you like to learn/find out about Japan? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.
  • What is the weather like in Japan today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Japan? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Japan? Is the temperature in England higher or lower? 
  • What is the population of Japan? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)
  • What is the name of the mountain range in Japan?
  • Can you name some Japanese rivers? 

The website is a useful place to look for help! 

Additional – read a book, PE with Joe Wicks at 9am, explore handwriting joins on the letter join app. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Elm Class Suggested Learning Thursday 23rd April 2020

For the work suggested below, I would love to see some photos of your work on your post!

Spelling: Practice of words ending tious/cious- Continue to practice words ending tious and cious- could you write the words you have found throughout the week in a sentence? Add these to a word wall or word scrapbook if you have created one at home!

Arithmetic: Practice of long multiplication with 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Grammar: Revision of adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs,

Can you pick out the adjectives, nouns verbs and adverbs from this passage?

20 minutes reading a day.

Mr Peter’s house was old and decrepit. He had lived there for years and it was obvious he had never cared for it. The crooked gate hung off its hinges and creaked noisily in the wind, annoying the neighbours. A winding garden path could just be seen in the overgrown garden, underneath the damp moss and intertwining weeds.

English: Today you are going to write a reply postcard from Willie’s mum to him. Would she like the boy he is turning into? Think carefully about how she would speak to him (but bear in mind the fact that the postman could read the postcard!) Perhaps she would only show her true feelings in a letter…

Maths: Today we are going to look at time intervals. Can you have a look on your television at the TV guide? Can you pick some of your favourite television programmes and work out how long they last? If you can’t access this on your TV, there are lots of online TV guides. If you are doing any baking this week, can you work out when you are baking what time you will need to get your bake out of the oven, depending on how long it needs to be in the oven for and when it went in? Challenge: Can you find a bus timetable online? Can you work out how long it takes to get from one place to another?

Topic: Today, you can go back to the list of activities on Japan, can you find out something different today about Japan? How are you going to present your work? I look forward to seeing all of your amazing creations and information you have found out!

Take care,

Miss Coates.

Cedar class learning for 23 APR 2020

Please see the weekly activities post/the corresponding section on the class website for the spelling and arithmetic focus for this week, along with additional tasks which can be completed. The weekly activity post also has a list of tasks for the afternoon work – a project on Japan.

English: LO: to consider how to write for different audiences.

When we write, we use different words and styles of writing depending on who we think the reader will be. For example, a story written for 3-4 year old children will look a lot different to a story for 10 year old children. A non-fiction piece of writing giving the reader information about something will look a lot different to a story.

Today, I would like you to think about the style of writing and types of words used in non-fiction texts. Find a non-fiction piece of writing (this could be a book, newspaper article or leaflet) and compare it to a fiction book. Write down the main differences you can see between the two.

When you are completing your project work on Japan, the list of features in the non-fiction text are probably going to be better suited for your writing. Try and use some of the things you have identified in other non-fiction texts.

Maths: LO: to use the 24 hour clock.

At the start of the week you looked at the 24 hour clock. Today, I would like you to see how well you can write and tell them time in the evenings and night. Pretend you are secretly a superhero. When you go to bed, you actually put on your superhero outfit and go out and save the world, fight crime, and do other superhero things. Write a timetable of what you will do tonight on your superhero duties. Don’t forget, you can only start once your family think you are asleep, and you have to be back in bed before they normally come and get you up!

For example:

20:00 – bed time.
20:10 – put on my superhero suit.
20:20 – activate the secret trapdoor in my wardrobe which takes me down to my superhero cave so that I can collect my gadgets and flying car.

Oak Class Wednesday 22nd April 2020

It is Earth Day 2020. Miss Coates has posted some exciting activities for you to try today! I would love to see what you have done!

Phonics: wh sound. Use the word why and ask as many questions as you can about the world? Can you write them down? Have a family quiz!

Maths: If you have made your clock, use it to tell the time for O’clock and half past today. Can you say what you do at different times of the day. At 9 O’clock I do PE with Joe. At 7 O’clock I go to bed!

Have a great day!

Mrs T

Earth Day 2020!

This is a global event, which is celebrated every year on the 22nd of April. This year, Earth Day is particularly special as it marks 50 years of celebrating this special day!

Why is Earth Day so important?

We only have one planet Earth and therefore it is important that we look after our world for future generations to come! On this day, people across the world raise awareness of climate change, pollution and other important climate issues that our Earth is facing. This is the first time in History the day has gone digital and it is a great time to do things at home to raise awareness, help our planet and celebrate this special day. Below are some activities you could try or if you find something of your own you would like to do, linked to Earth Day, go for it! We would love to see some photos of your work and activities!


Can you research more about our Earth- find out some facts you didn’t know before! Could you write these down? You could present these as a fact file or magazine article? You could even create a quiz to test someone else with the facts you have found! NASA have some great facts and you can explore our planet from Space!

Could you create a poster encouraging people to do the 3R’s at home? Reduce, reuse, recycle. You could even write a letter to a friend, to encourage to reduce, reuse and recycle and why it is important!

Could you do some recycling? Could you discuss which materials are recyclable and which are not and sort these? Could you take some pictures doing your recycling?

Could you help plant something in the garden?

Could you find a bird-watching guide and spend some time outside in your garden or on a walk listening and looking out for the birds you see. Can you identify any birds by their call? How many birds did you spot – can you create a tally chart? What do you think could be done to encourage more birds to come to the local area?

You could listen to this story called Curious George Plants a Tree which is about how George the monkey tries to look after the world –

Could you recycle some materials and make something new? Maybe a bird feeder or a desk tidy? Be creative!

Enjoy your daily walk, and take in what nature has to offer- you could do a nature scavenger hunt! I have attached a tick list of things to find on your walk to the school website.

Could you create some artwork? This could be based on inspiration from daily walks and nature, or could show our Earth melting maybe from climate change? Could you art inspire others to look after the planet?

Salt dough is also great way to make a model of our Earth!

Could you discuss your energy consumption at home? Can you make some pledges on what you could differently at home to help our planet?

Could you research plastic pollution or climate change? Could you write a fact file or persuasive text informing people on how they can help our planet?

Could you write a diary entry about a place in the world you would love to visit and have researched? The WWF has lots of information about our planet and how we can help!

Could you write a letter to our Prime Minster, explaining what you think we should do to help reduce climate change?

P4C: Could you have a discussion at home about our planet- Can one person change the world? Could you draw and label a new invention which would help our world become a better place?

Suggested learning, Elm Class Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Today we are going to have a little break this afternoon from our Japan work as it is Earth Day! A day to celebrate our wonderful world and a day which raises awareness of ways we can protect our Earth for future generations! See the whole school post below for ideas of activities you might like to do as part of this day!

Spelling: Practice of words ending tious/cious- Continue to practice words ending tious and cious- you could use the spelling menu on the class webpage for inspiration of different ways to practice these or you could use letterjoin, just type in cious tious into the search bar and some activities to practice these words will come up, the school login is:

Username: mund Password: ford

Arithmetic: Practice of long multiplication with 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Grammar: Revision of adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs- Can you give a definition of each of these words to an adult?

English: Willie has changed a lot throughout the book so far! I would like you to write a postcard home from Willie to his mum. Think carefully about what he would include and what he would leave out. For example, would he want his mother to know that he is friends with Zach? 

You could design the front of your postcard to go along with this.

Maths:  Can you go back to your diary you kept yesterday of the different times you completed activities throughout the day? Can you have a go at converting these times into the 24- hour clock? Can you remember how to convert a time into the 24 hour clock? Are there any other clocks in the house that are in 24 hour format? Can you read their time aloud in the 12 hour clock? Challenge: Can you look at when some of your favourite TV programmes start in the day? Can you write these in 24 hour clock?

Missing you all,

Miss Coates.

Maple Class home learning for Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Spelling rule 3 – when the letter before a ‘y’ is a consonant, change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ before adding an ‘es’ (like pony=ponies, berry=berries). Remove the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’ to these words and put into sentences: 

Family, Daisy, Army, Lady, Jelly, Party

English – continue to look at dictionary skills, complete tasks 3, 4 and 5 from the “Year 2 Dictionary Skills” sheet. These skills will help you identify word types, meanings and incorrect spellings (see attached dictionary skills sheet). 

Maths – can you solve the one hour forwards and backwards Maths challenge cards? (see below attachment). Remember to read through the problem twice and carefully. Write down your answer or draw it on a clock. 

Theme – today is Earth Day, so please see the separate post for some topic ideas to celebrate it. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler

Skylarks suggested learning Wednesday 22nd April

Today is Earth Day! To join in please see the separate post on ideas or the school Facebook page. You can have a go at these activities instead of your Japan project today if you would like. Feel free to find your own activities for Earth day too if you wish, I would love to see what you do. 

Maths – revising the number of days in each month 

English – practicing our predicting skills during reading 

Have a good day and take care 🙂