Cedar Class Learning 2nd April

Please see the weekly activities post/the corresponding section on the class website for the spelling and arithmetic focus for this week, along with additional tasks which can be completed.

I’m sure you’ve been working very hard on writing your story, so today will be a more relaxed day!

English: LO: to edit and review my story.

If you haven’t yet finished your story then use today to finish it off; take your time with it and make sure you’re happy with it. If you have finished your story, use today to go through and use your editing skills to fix any spelling or punctuation mistakes you may have made.

Then, put your best story-teller hat on and read your story to someone at home. Don’t forget to read with emphasis and use speed and noise level to make your listener focus on what you are saying!

Maths: LO: to measure accurately.
Today I would like you to practise your measuring skills, with a particular focus on weight. If you have ingredients at home with which you could make a cake, you could use this as a way to practise! If not, experiment with weighing things using kitchen or bathroom scales. What is the heaviest thing you can find in your house? Is there anything in your home which is too lightweight to weigh?

Computing: As per yesterday’s post, please carry on with your game design today!

Italian: Today start by practising any Italian words you can remember from our lessons. Can you remember how to count to 10, or how to say your name?
I would like you to create a poster for me using some Italian words. Think of a topic, for example: food, places, etc., and use a translation website to find some Italian words linked to that topic.

E.g. if you were doing a topic of food, you would find the names of foods in Italian. Write them down and draw pictures next to them so you know what they mean.

Rowan Class Wednesday 1st April

English:  Plan a newspaper article on the Viking raid on Lindisfarne.  There are resources to help you with this on the class webpage.  You may also want to look back at the home learning archive for last Tuesday (24th March) where we explored the features of a newspaper report.

Maths:  Reading Measuring Scales.  Weigh things at home & use measuring jugs to measure capacity.  Can you use your measuring skills to help with cooking?  Perhaps you could experiment with making a mocktail and then share your recipe.  Y5 could also look at imperial measurements (e.g. pounds & ounces; pints) and how these approximately relate to metric measures.

PSHE:  Staying at home might mean more time spent online so here is a lesson to help you balance your use of technology with your own physical and mental wellbeing.   There is a video version on our facebook page and you can also download a powerpoint or pdf version of the lesson from the class webpage.  You can work through this by yourself, but you will get the most out of it, if you can talk about it with someone so I really recommend looking at it as a family or with a brother or sister if you can.

Rowan Class Wed 1st April

English:  Plan a newspaper article on the Viking raid on Lindisfarne.  There are resources to help you with this on the class webpage.  You may also want to look back at the home learning archive for last Tuesday (24th March) where we explored the features of a newspaper report.

Maths:  Reading Measuring Scales.  Weigh things at home & use measuring jugs to measure capacity.  Can you use your measuring skills to help with cooking?  Perhaps you could experiment with making a mocktail and then share your recipe.  Y5 could also look at imperial measurements (e.g. pounds & ounces; pints) and how these approximately relate to metric measures.

PSHE:  Staying at home might mean more time spent online so here is a lesson to help you balance your use of technology with your own physical and mental wellbeing.   There is a video version on our facebook page and you can also download a powerpoint or pdf version of the lesson from the class webpage.  You can work through this by yourself, but you will get the most out of it, if you can talk about it with someone so I really recommend looking at it as a family or with a brother or sister if you can.

Maple Class learning for Wednesday 1st April

Phonics – write a sentence for each of the following tricky words – ‘could’, ‘looked’ and ‘oh’.

Maths – go on a shape hunt around the house. How many rectangles can you find? Can you draw and label some in your book? How would you describe a rectangle to an alien? How many sides and corners does it have? Are they straight or curved? 

English – write 5 questions for Mrs Keeler  about what she has been doing since school closed. Remember to include a ? at the end of each question. You could write your questions in a letter to Mrs Keeler if you’d like. 

PE – complete a variety of physical activities, for 1 minute at a time, and record how many of each you can do. How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute? How many high knees? How many squats? 

Additional – read school book, practise 8x tables on Pixl Times Table App

Thank you, Mrs Keeler 

Elm Class Learning 1st April

Happy Wednesday everyone, you are nearly there! Almost time for a well-deserved break! 😊

Spellings: Practice using the spelling menu of ‘I before e, except after c words’.

Grammar: Can you write down as many subordinate conjunctions as you can remember? Can you write a sentence about an activity around the house using a subordinate and a main clause?
E.G: While I was playing football in the garden, the sun was shining.
If you need to recap this, see the video I have attached!

English: Can you finish your newspaper article, including your conclusion paragraph? This may be a summary of what is now going to happen in Little Weirwold, now that the war has been announced. After this, go back through your newspaper article- can you edit it? Could you add anything else to make it even better- look back at our Blitz example for ideas! Last but not least, give your newspaper a headline! Could you use alliteration, rhyme or a pun?

Arithmetic: Finding percentages of amounts.

Maths: L.O- I can answer word problems on fractions, decimals and percentages. I have uploaded to the class webpage, an activity on percentages, including using percentages within word problems for Year 6 and an activity on decimals and percentages for Year 5, using your problem solving skills. Only complete up to what you feel confident in completing, this task is to round off everything we have done on fractions, decimals and percentages.

History- I have decided to not carry on with the R.E at the moment, as it may prove difficult without some explanation. So, today I would like you research the events of Pearl Harbour and why this was an important event during WW2. Make some notes on what you find, can you explain these to another member of your household? Can you tell them something they didn’t know before?

Additional: Daily mile around your garden, reading for 20 mins, Joe Wicks P.E session, something from your self- care list you would like to do!

Thank you for all of your hard work,
Miss Coates.