Elm Class learning 27th March

Happy Friday Elm Class!

Spellings– Can you get some one at home to test you on 10 of the ‘ure’ ending words we have been practicing this week.

English: P4C: What is freedom? Things to think about and discus: Is true freedom possible? When should people be entitled to freedom? Do parts of our daily lives reduce the freedom we have? Are there different views on what true freedom is? (Don’t worry we will come back to newspaper writing next week, building up to writing our final newspaper articles).

Maths: Yesterday, we recapped finding fractions of amounts. Today we are going to revisit our skills of finding percentages of amounts. If you can, I would like you to think about some of the items your family might put on their next weekly shopping list. Write down 6- 10 items. Then think of some percentages off, they might have, and have a go at working these out! I have uploaded an example to the school website if you are stuck, which you can have a go at.

Arithmetic: Weekly test and answers are up on the class webpage.

R.E: Revisit the Easter story and the dates in the Christian church calendar, which are celebrated at Easter time, for example Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. You can discuss these with someone else and if you like record some of the information down in your home learning book in a creative way, to refer back to next week, when we look further at the story.

PSHE: Feel-good Friday! We have been looking at emotional wellbeing and a great idea to support this is to create or think of a list of things you can do at home that make you feel good and make you switch off from everything else. Can you create your own ‘self- care’ list? It might be reading a book, helping with some baking, mindfulness colouring or Lego!

Enjoy a well-deserved rest this weekend and try out some of your things from your self- care list!

Hope you are all well, thinking of you all,
Miss Coates

Cedar Class Learning for 27th March

Spelling: Get someone to test your understanding of the ‘ch’ or ‘tch’ rule. Can you remember the rule off by heart? Get someone to test you on 10 of the words from your list (like how we do our Friday spelling test in school).

English: LO: to create a character. Next week we are going to be creating our own Arthur-inspired story. To get started, I would like you to create the character for your story today. Make sure they have a name, and write down at least 5 characteristics they have. For example, in Arthur and the Golden Rope, we found out very early some of Arthur’s characteristics: he likes exploring, he has lots of magical items from his adventures, he doesn’t have many friends, he lives in a small Icelandic town, he was quite short, he had glasses, he didn’t look like how a hero normally looks. Draw a picture of your character to show what they look like. Make sure that you like your character, as they are going to be the main person in the story we create next week!

Maths: On Wednesday you worked on adding amounts of money together. Today I would like you to create and solve similar problems, but subtracting money. Again, start off with problems which don’t cross boundaries, for example: £2.79 – 65p = ?. Which method do you think is best for solving this? If you have access to coins at home, you could use these to help. If not, try and draw a number line like you did on Wednesday; see the class website for an example of this. If you want a challenge or are a year 4, try some trickier problems (ones which cross boundaries such as £4.26 – £2.38). You might want to use column subtraction to help you find the solutions; an example of this will be on the class website. If you use column subtraction, don’t forget to include the decimal point.

Arithmetic: Please continue to practise your three times table, and see how well you can solve quick-fire multiplication and division problems using your three times table skills.

Science: On Purple Mash there are 2 items on your 2Do page (These go live on the 27 MAR 2020). Firstly, complete the soil quiz to test your understanding of the properties of individual soil types. Then write down in your home learning book which soil type you think you have in your garden. Use the descriptions on Purple Mash to explain why you think this.
Secondly, there is a ‘plant diary’ task on Purple Mash to complete. If you have access to seeds at home and want to keep a diary in your home learning book of what happens as it grows, that would be great – do this instead of the Purple Mash activity! If you don’t have access to seeds, the Purple Mash activity has pictures of each stage of a plants growth for you to describe. Drag an image of each growth stage into a box and write about it. If you click the ‘plus’ symbol in each box there are photos of plant growth you can use instead. Think about the key words we learned about when studying plants: roots, stem, leaves, flowers, light, soil, seeds. This is a chance to show off you writing skills as well as your understanding of plants.

Additional tasks: 20 minutes of daily reading, continual revision of times tables (2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s), red carpet run. All of the children should have their Purple Mash logins stuck into their yellow reading diaries. If you can’t find your child’s Purple Mash login, please comment on this post and I will send it over to you – Mr Keeble.

Oak Class Thursday 26th March

Another sunny day today so can we build a den either inside or outside to do our daily reading session!

Phonics: ur as in Thursday. Can you write a sentence with the word Thursday in?

Literacy: Rhyme Time. In the class we have a basket of objects and toys that we match up and rhyme. Can you find things that rhyme and put them in a bag or basket and play a game to find the matching rhyme. If you would like to make up a poem or a silly sentence, that would be great!

At school I have used a shell and a bell, a jug and a mug, a spoon and a moon picture. See what you can find! Have fun!

Topic: Can you find out where Africa is on a map? What animals live there?

Take Care
Mrs Tinkley 🌞  

Rowan Class Thursday 26th March

English:  Y4 Punctuating direct speech; Y5 writing both direct and indirect speech.  Interview someone in your house about their views on the school closure.  Can you record their answers as direct speech (e.g. “I’m bored of being at home.” complained my little brother.)  Year 5 challenge: how could you record this as indirect speech too (e.g. My little brother complained that he was bored.)  Make sure you remember ALL the punctuation needed.

Maths Y4:  Solving problems involving fractions & decimals.  Maths Y5: Solving problems involving converting measures.  There are problem sheets to download from the class webpage for both Y4 and Y4 Maths.  If you are unable to access these, the children could make up their own real life problems using things at home to inspire them.  E.g.   A large bottle holds 2.5 litres of lemonade; Each glass holds ¼ of a litre.  If we drink four glasses, how many millilitres will be left in the bottle?  How many more drinks can we have before we run out?

RE: What is a monk?  A monk is someone who has devoted their life to religion.  They tend to live alone or in monasteries and live a very simple life spending their time praying or doing things to help others.  Possible Activities: discuss why someone might choose to become a monk, design a daily timetable for a monk, use lego or other construction equipment to build a monastery, research different types of monks (both now & from throughout history).  https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/monk/353486

Additional Activities: Purple Mash, do something active for PE, PIXl times table app, research what it was like to be a Saxon or Viking child.

Maple Class learning for Thursday 26th March 2020

Phonics – explore how many words have the ‘ei’ sound in them (like in eight, neigh, weight). Can you write some of those words in a sentence? 

Maths – can you find 3 liquids in the kitchen (maybe milk, water, squash, juice, oil). How many millilitres does each container hold? Can you order them from most to least? Remember to use ml after you record each number. 

English – sit back to back with someone else. Both people to have a piece of paper and a pencil. One person to draw a picture and give instructions for the other person to draw the same picture, without looking. At the end, turn to face each other and share your pictures. What is the same about them? What is different? 

Geography – research the flag for Scotland. Can you draw it, colour it and find out its name? What is the capital of Scotland? 

Additional – read school book, practise 10x tables on Pixl Times Table App, make up a dance routine to your favourite song and then teach it to your family. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler 

Skylarks suggested learning Thursday 26th March

Hello! Please find below the powerpoint for Skylarks suggested learning. 
Hopefully a lot of it can be done outdoors in your garden, so have fun and make the most of the sunshine!

Maths – create a long jump and challenge members of your family to take part. Measure the distances jumped in m and cm and create a table and bar chart of the results. Challenge yourself to measure to 2 decimal points (for example 3.45m) if you would like to or round your measurements to the nearest decimal point.

Arithmetic – find times tables in leaf patterns and petals

English – choose a favourite story and write a completely different ending for it!

Spelling – try learning some dis, il, im and in prefix words using funny ways of saying and acting them.

Afternoon activities – create a habitat to keep a hibernating dormouse warm or a polar bear living in your garden cool (Science) Draw a maze and use compass directions to guide someone through it (Geography)

Elm Class Learning Thursday 26th March 2020

Spelling: Can you think of an inventive way to practice your ‘ure’ spellings? Rainbow colours? Backwards? Different fonts? Try out some new ideas!

English: Today, I have uploaded onto our class webpage, a reading inference session. The questions are based on the first chapter from Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden, which I have also uploaded to the website. Can you have a go at the reading ERIC and then choose challenge questions 1, 2 or 3 to have a go at? I have picked out some new vocabulary from the chapter, could you keep these somewhere at home? Create your own word wall or keep them in a notebook or scrapbook to look back on!

Maths: L.O- I can find fractions of amounts (Both year 5’s and 6s). This will be a revision session, to keep your skills ticking over!
I have uploaded differentiated learning packs for each year group, which include a step by step guide on how to find a fraction of an amount and a ‘mild and hot’ challenge to have a go at depending on how confident you are.

Arithmetic: Final practice of adding and subtracting decimals. If you would like to have a go at the weekly Arithmetic test tomorrow, I will upload it to the school website.
2.5+ 0.05=
4- 1.15=
______ + 2.5 = 4.16
9- 3.45=
_______ – 4.26= 8.15

Geography: In our History lessons, we have looked at the Allies and Axis countries to Great Britain. The Allies were Russia, USA, France and China. The Axis powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. Can you point these out on a World Map? Can you choose one of the countries and create a fact file about the country in your home learning book.

Additional: Daily mile, reading, practice of times tables, board games!
Hope you are all ok, and managing to enjoy some of the sunshine! 🙂

Miss Coates