Elm Class Learning Tue 24th March 2020

Spelling focus: To practice ‘ure’ ending words- look, say, cover write check.

English: We will be writing a newspaper article based on the announcement of World War 2 in Little Weirwold, from Goodnight Mr Tom. Today, I would like you to write the introduction to your newspaper article. Your introduction should include the 5W’s- the who, what, where, when and why- and should be short and snappy. I have uploaded this chapter to the website, so you can refer back to this when writing, to remind yourself of the facts.

Maths: You looked at 2D shapes yesterday. Can you find examples of these 2D shapes around your house or think of your own example and discuss their properties? Can you create a poster on the different 2D shapes, to help remember their names and properties?

Arithmetic: Practice of adding and subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places.

P.E: If you can, go out into the garden and get some fresh air! Can you practice your netball passing skills if you have access to a ball? If not, can you have a go at the daily mile around your garden and try some simple exercises? Joe Wicks is also providing good videos to follow for exercise activities.

Additional: Read a book, practice times tables, play a board game!

Thank you,
Miss Coates.

Maple Class learning for Tuesday 24th March 2020

Phonics – explore how many words have the ‘ay’ sound in them (like in birthday, away, display). Can you write some of those words in a sentence? 

Maths – choose 5 food packets/boxes in the kitchen. How many grams/kilograms does each box hold? Can you order them from heaviest to lightest? 

English – write instructions for making a sandwich. Use bossy verbs (doing words, like cut, slice). What do you do first, second, last?

Computing – on Purple Mash, explore the “Labelling parts of a plant” activity (in the Science section, 2DIY)

Additional – read school book, practise 3x tables on Pixl Times Table App, play a board game. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler 

Hazel Class learning for Monday 23rd March

The lessons are produced in powerpoint on the Hazel Class webpage or videos of the powerpoint. on facebook. 

Phonics- Phonicsplay is now available to use for free. Carry on from the ‘o’ sound.

Maths—This week we are introducing capacity and volume.

English- We have been reading Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann if you are unfamiliar with the book it is available on youtube (apologies for the reader) . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJxMruF837I

It only takes about 5 mins to read. We are currently on the illustration following the page that ends

‘but no one was brave enough to talk to him’.

PE- We are looking at dance. Refresh your memory with a 5 minute warm-up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBTvnJpwcKw

Now put on your favourite tunes from your dancing days and show them how you throw some shapes!

Music – Singing the seasons song.

Additional- practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, read books and play maths and word games.

Rowan Class Home Learning Monday 23rd March

English:  Reading Comprehension Activity on Predicting.  There is one for Y4 and one for Y5, both contain a text to read, a set of questions for the children to answer and the last slide contains extra information for parents and answers.

Maths Y4: ordering Decimals on Number Lines.

Maths Y5: Writing metric measures using decimals and converting these (e.g. 3.4 kg = 3400g)

Geography:  Can you use the eight-point compass?  Possible activities: draw a treasure map and write instructions to help someone find the treasure; use compass points to write directions for someone to get around your house; set up an obstacle course outside and use compass points to direct a sibling around the course.

Music: Choose a favourite song to listen to.  Why do you like it?  Can you clap along to the beat?  What instruments can you hear?  Can you learn the words?

Elm Class Learning Monday 23rd March 2020

Spellings: This week, we will be practicing  ‘ure’ ending words- for example: Measure, treasure, creature- can you create a list of these spellings? What other examples can you find?

English: Can you identify the key features of a newspaper article? I have uploaded two examples of newspaper articles to the school website. Can you annotate these with the features that make a good newspaper, what can you pick out from these newspaper articles that make them a good piece of writing for a Year 5 or 6?

Some example features:

  • Newspaper features-
  • A bold headline, which uses a pun, alliteration or rhyme
  • Clearly structured paragraphs.
  • An introductory paragraph, which answers the 5W’s of the news story.
  • A picture related to the newspaper article and caption.
  • Direct and reported speech from eye witnesses.

 Grammatical features:

  • Parenthesis and relative clauses to add more information to sentences for the reader.
  • Fronted adverbials.
  • Varied length of sentences.
  • The use of past perfect tense ‘had asked’
  • Passive voice.

You may be able to identify even more features!

Arithmetic: Adding and subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places: for example: 2.34- 1.265=

Maths- Identifying the properties of 2D shapes- Have a look through the PowerPoint I have attached to the school website, to remind you of some of the different properties of 2D shapes. I have also attached some work to our school website- you can choose a Bronze, Silver or Gold challenge to have a go at. Describe each shape numbered, answering the questions on its properties as you go. EXT: Can you spot any of these shapes around the house?

Grammar, punctuation and spelling:

Can you add extra information as relative clauses to these sentences below, using a relative pronoun (who, whose, which, that)

The waiter dropped the dishes.

The little girl and her family went for a walk through the woods.

The children enjoyed watching the animation film.

The storm lasted over an hour.

History: To research the role of women in WW2. Can you write this up as a non-chronological report?

Art: To sketch the landscape of London during WW2 and Will’s home now in Little Weirwold- think about how they are very different- you could even get out in your garden to look at the nature- this may help you when sketching the village of Little Weirwold!

Maple Class learning for Monday 23rd March 2020

Phonics – explore how many words have the ‘ai’ sound in them (like in paint, train, contain). Can you write some of those words in a sentence? 

Maths – measure how tall/long your favourite toys are. Can you use a ruler or a tape measure? Can you order them by size, from shortest to tallest? Remember to use cm for centimetres after the number measured. 

English – help a grown up to make lunch. Think carefully about how to make sandwiches. What do you do first, second, third? Could you explain to an alien how to make a sandwich. 

Science – look out of the window or explore in the garden. What signs of spring can you see? Could you draw some of the signs and label them? Keep watch and see how they change over the next few weeks. 

Geography – for our “All Around the World” theme, research the flag for England. Can you draw it, colour it and name it? 

Additional – read school book, practise 2x tables on Pixl Times Table App. 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler