Maple Class home learning for Monday 13th July 2020

English – write some questions for your new teacher Mr Keeble, about your new class, Cedar Class. What would you like to know? Remember to include a ? at the end of each question. 

Maths – can you name all of the days of the week? Can you write them and spell them? Watch this song to help

Theme – this week you will be in charge of your own learning about Mexico. Below are some suggestions, but feel free to come up with your own ideas:

  • Did you write some questions about things you wanted to know about Mexico in week 1? Have you answered them? If not, complete some research to find out. 
  • Research what animals are native to Mexico. Have you seen any of them before? Draw and label some pictures. 
  • Make a presentation of everything you’ve learnt about Mexico. It could be in the form of a poster, leaflet or you could tell someone else all you know. Maybe write a letter to a friend or family member to tell them, or make a call, FaceTime, Skype.
  • Write your own quiz about Mexico.
  • Compare living in Mexico to living in England. What would be the same? What would be different? 
  • Would you like to visit Mexico. Tell someone else why or why not? 
  • Look at some of the other classes previous suggested activities on Mexico – is there a craft activity you would like to try? 

I can’t wait to see how you round up your research and learning on Mexico. Please email me or post on the Maple class facebook posts with what you’ve been up to!

Thank you, Mrs Keeler. 

Rowan Home Learning 13th – 17th July

VIRTUAL SPORTS DAY – see below for how to take part and make sure you email your scores for the events you want to compete in to me by the end of Friday (

Spellings: Homographs

We have looked at homophones before (words that sound the same but are spelt differently). This week I want you to collect homographs: words spelt exactly the same but that have more than one meaning. The pictures show a few to get you started. How many more can you find? Perhaps you could create your own pictures to illustrate the different meanings.

Arithmetic: Choose the calculation type you need to practice.
– There are ten arithmetic questions to try in the photo, or download a printable test below.
– Choose one question to improve and practise it every day this week.
– You can email me or send a message via the facebook page if you need help with the best method to use.

English: Transition Activities

Current year 4s will be going into Elm Class to be taught by Miss Beaumont next year and current Year 5s will be going into the new Sycamore classroom taught by Miss Coates.

Monday: What are your hopes for next year? What are you looking forward to? What are you worried about? Write some questions for your new class teacher. You should receive an email from them today so your parents can email any questions you want answered to your new teacher before your Zoom meeting on Wednesday.

Tuesday: Produce a poster or factfile to introduce yourself to your new class teacher. What are your hobbies? What do you like/dislike? Do you have any pets? What might you need help with?

Wednesday: Today you will have a virtual Zoom transition meeting with your new teacher and classmates.

Thursday: Now you have talked to your new teacher and know a little bit about next year, I would like you to write them a letter. What do they need to know about you? What are you looking forward to? Are there still things you want to know about next year?

Friday: Today you will edit and present your letter. This is a chance to show your new teacher how good your writing is. Can you include all the features that you’ve learnt this year: paragraphs, interesting words, punctuation, complex sentences and carefully editing your spellings? You can email the letters to your new teacher or bring them in September.

Maths – Time

This week we are going to be using units of time linked to our practise for sports day.

Suggested Activities:

Monday: The photo below shows a training schedule for an Olympic athlete. Can you turn all the times into 24-hour clock? Can you work out the total time they spend during the day on: training and on rest? If they followed this schedule every day for a week, how long would they spend over the whole week training and how long resting?

Tuesday: Can you create your own training schedule? This could be for something you are going to practise for our virtual sports day, or you could choose any sport you are interested in and write a plan for someone training for it. I would like you to record all your times in both 24-hour and 12-hour clock. Can you also illustrate it with picture of clock faces to show the time for each activity?

Wednesday: Try the Now & Then Maths Problem

Thursday: Estimating & Measuring
– Have a go at the different virtual sport day activities with your family.
– Help to measure the distances (using your knowledge of metric units – metre, centimetres & millimetres).
– Measure times using a stopwatch or clock.
– Play the estimating time game: One person has a stopwatch or clock, they set a time to estimate (e.g. 30seconds) and then says go. Everyone else sits down with their eyes closed. You stand up when you estimate that the 30seconds has passed. When everyone has stood up, the person with the stopwatch will tell you who was closest to the actual time.

Friday: Comparing Time
– Usain Bolt’s World Record for the 100m is 9.58 seconds. Can you set up a 100m course outside and time how long it takes you? You could always measure a 10m distance instead and just run back & forth 10 times to make the 100m. What is the difference between you & Usain Bolt? Try timing everyone in your family and then ordering them from fastest to slowest. Can you use your scores to predict how long it would take you to run 200m?

Theme: Mexico Round-up Research

Did you write some questions about things you wanted to know about Mexico in week 1? Have you answered them? If not, complete some research to find out.

This week I would like to create a presentation to share everything you have learnt about Mexico. It can be in any form you choose: an information text, make a book, a powerpoint presentation, a leaflet or maybe you want to talk about Mexico and someone could video you. Please email your presentation to me: I can’t wait to see what you have learnt!

Other Ideas:

  • Write your own quiz about Mexico.
  • Compare living in Mexico to living in England. What would be the same? What would be different?
  • Would you like to visit Mexico. Tell someone else why or why not?
  • Look at some of the other classes previous suggested activities on Mexico – is there a craft activity you would like to try?


Friday 10th July 2020 Elm Class learning

Spellings: Can you get someone today to test you on ten of the able/ably or ible/ibly ending words? Are there any words you need to practice again? Add these to a word wall or a spelling log in a notebook to practice again.

Arithmetic: I have uploaded the next summer test to the class webpage. Can you have a go at the test? You can check your answers back with the answers I have uploaded to the class webpage. Which areas might you need to revisit for next time?

Grammar: Can you have a go at the test style activities based on synonyms and antonyms that we have worked on this week?

English: L.O. To consider Kate’s character.

Today you are going to complete a role on the wall activity for Kissin’ Kate Barlow.

Draw a gingerbread person and on the inside write all of the things we know about Kate’s personality. On the outside write anything we know about the way she looks. Try to include evidence from the book to back up what you think.

Maths: Today your challenge is to have a go at some word problems, using the skills we have been using this week including working backwords and substituting numbers into missing values. Can you have a go at the activities linked to this post? They will also be available to download on the class webpage.

Topic: Our last day on the art of Mexico, I would love to see what you have researched or created!

Well done for all of your hard work!

Miss Coates.

Oak Class Friday 10th July

It’s Friday! Well done everyone! We have made it to Friday! I hope you have all had a great week! Thank you to those sending me all your hard work at home! I love seeing all your amazing crafts, writing and maths. Thank you.

Phonics: Use the letters n an k to make the blend at the end of words nk. Make the words sink, wink and think. Say the words, sound them out and write them down. Use a computer to write a sentence with one or two of the words in. What other words can you think of that end in a nk sound. Write a list, see how many you can get!

Maths: Make your own missing number addition sentences. Try working out 3+?=10, or ? + 6 = 8. See how many you can do!

Literacy: Read your comic to someone at home. Why not try and record it and send it to me!

Topic: Mexico. Art work. Why not try making your own Mexican art work using lots of vibrant colours, patterns and shapes.Have a good day Oak Class!

Take Care x

Maple Class home learning Friday 10th July 2020

Spelling – can you recall all the alternative words we’ve looked at this week? Pick some of the words and practise spelling them out loud, or writing them down. Can you ask a grown up to test you on some of the words? How many can you remember?

English – complete your Purple Mash story today. Can you add a front cover title page? And a back cover with a blurb. Save them in the Maple folder so I can have a read too. 

Maths – today write your own ‘Plenty of Pens’ problem. What would you buy from the stationary shop? How much would each item cost? 

Theme – this week we are exploring Mexican arts and crafts. Can you:

  • Make your own sombrero using a paper plate and cup? Decorate it and make it as colourful as possible. 
  • Make your own maracas and perform a tune. 
  • Make a piñata with coloured paper and a cup. Ask a grown up for some sweet treats to put inside, then hang it up and bat it until the sweets fall. 
  • Luchadors are Mexican wrestlers that wear bright and colorful masks to keep their identity a secret – make your own mask.
  • Explore the artwork of Frida Kahlo and try to recreate your own painting or drawing in her style.  
  • Explore the sculptures of Sebastián and recreate your own at home with Lego or junk modelling materials.
  • Decorate an Aztec mask or pattern on Purple Mash (Home-Topics-Aztecs-Paint Projects).

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Cedar class learning for 10 JULY 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at addition and subtraction when using near-tens. Get someone to give you 10 questions and see how quickly you can solve them using your skills around adding and subtracting near-tens.

English: LO: to write a creative review.

Over the course of the week you have written 3 reviews with different briefs (what you are reviewing, where it is published, who will read it, what the impact will be). Today, I would like you to review something of your choosing. Pick a product and create a brief of your own (or get someone at home to create your brief for you). If you can’t think of anything, review an imaginary holiday to Mexico and use some of the things you learned this week in your review.

Maths: LO: to solve missing operation problems.

Today I would like you to finish off your week by solving the following problems. I have removed the operation (add, subtract, multiply, divide) in the following questions. Find and insert the correct operation to complete each question.

Maple Class home learning Thursday 9th July 2020

Spelling – Today, make a list of as many words as you can that mean the same as “bad”, for example rotten, unpleasant. Challenge yourself to think of as many as you can. 

English – return to Purple Mash. Can you open your saved story? Start by reading through what you have written and then continue writing and adding more pages today. Don’t forget to add colourful illustrations too.

Maths – have a look at the Plenty of Pens problem today. 

Amy went into her local stationery shop. Her mum had given her £2.50 to spend.

Amy liked the look of some luminous pens, which cost 15p each, and some fancy pencils, which cost 10p each. She bought four times as many pens as pencils and was given 40p change.

How many of each did she buy? Visit more information and questions. 

Theme – this week we are exploring Mexican arts and crafts. Can you:

  • Make your own sombrero using a paper plate and cup? Decorate it and make it as colourful as possible. 
  • Make your own maracas and perform a tune. 
  • Make a piñata with coloured paper and a cup. Ask a grown up for some sweet treats to put inside, then hang it up and bat it until the sweets fall. 
  • Luchadors are Mexican wrestlers that wear bright and colorful masks to keep their identity a secret – make your own mask.
  • Explore the artwork of Frida Kahlo and try to recreate your own painting or drawing in her style.  
  • Explore the sculptures of Sebastián and recreate your own at home with Lego or junk modelling materials.
  • Decorate an Aztec mask or pattern on Purple Mash (Home-Topics-Aztecs-Paint Projects).

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.