Maple Class home learning Tuesday 7th July 2020

Spelling – Today, make a list of as many words as you can that mean the same as “nice”, for example delightful, pleasing. Challenge yourself to think of as many as you can. 

English – return to Purple Mash. Can you open your saved story beginning from yesterday? Start by reading through what you have written and then continue writing and adding more pages today. Don’t forget to add colourful illustrations too.

Maths – today, explore the ‘Super Shapes’ problem (see photo). Visit for more information.

Theme – this week we are exploring Mexican arts and crafts. Can you:

  • Make your own sombrero using a paper plate and cup? Decorate it and make it as colourful as possible. 
  • Make your own maracas and perform a tune. 
  • Make a piñata with coloured paper and a cup. Ask a grown up for some sweet treats to put inside, then hang it up and bat it until the sweets fall. 
  • Luchadors are Mexican wrestlers that wear bright and colorful masks to keep their identity a secret – make your own mask.
  • Explore the artwork of Frida Kahlo and try to recreate your own painting or drawing in her style.  
  • Explore the sculptures of Sebastián and recreate your own at home with Lego or junk modelling materials.
  • Decorate an Aztec mask or pattern on Purple Mash (Home-Topics-Aztecs-Paint Projects).

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Oak Class Tuesday 7th July

Phonics: Use the end blend of nd to make the words sand, hand, land and band. Use a computer to type out the words. Can you type out a sentence too? Can you add a picture to add to your sentence! That would be amazing!

Maths: Count out 10 objects. Now shake a dice and take away the same amount as number of spots on the dice. Today I would like you to write your number sentences down. 10-5=5

Literacy: Use your comic character to start thinking of your story. Have you chosen a super hero? What will your super hero do in your story? Start to draw out your ideas for your story. Use a comic strip to help you.

Topic: Mexico. Can you get creative and use paint, crayons, cut and stick to make a jungle picture. Add an animal to your picture too!

Have fun!
Mrs T x

Skylarks suggested learning Tuesday 7th July

Maths – To investigate the number of blocks needed to make different sized staircases. 

English – Today I would like you to plan your newspaper report about the lighthouse incident. Copy the template on the slide and think carefully about what your heading will be, what information about the event you will put in each paragraph and what your closing statement will be. Remember to include your quotations from yesterday! 

Afternoon – Carry on with your fabulous Mexican arts and crafts! 

Learning for 07 JUL 2020

English: LO: to write an informal review.

Over the course of the rest of the week I would like you to write a review of a different type of product or service each day. I will tell you what you will be reviewing, who the intended audience will be, and where the review will be being published; you’ll have all of the information you need to plan the type of language you will use and the level of formality/informality you feel is appropriate.

Today’s review:

What am I reviewing? – Your favourite video game, film, or TV show.

Who will be reading my review? – All of the children in the school.

Where will my review be being published? – A book which will be given to each class, the children will be able to read the reviews if they want to discover a new game or something to watch in their free time.

What will the possible impact of my review have? – Children in the school will listen to your review and get the game/watch what you were reviewing; if this happens, the company which makes the game or show/film may be able to afford to make more content. If you give it a bad review then the children may not buy/watch it and so the company might not make more content.

Maths: LO: to solve missing number problems around addition and subtraction.

Today I would like you to work on some missing number problems. Fill in the blanks to complete the problems! You can either count on to help you get the answer, or invert the problem.

Let’s look at question 1 as an example: 3 plus something equals 20.
I could do this in two ways:

1) Count up from 3 to 20 and see how many more 20 is than 3.

2) Invert the problem to 20 – 3 = ? This way I can carry out a simple subtraction and still get the same answer!

Skylarks suggested learning Monday 6th July

Maths – This week we will be looking at algebraic thinking. Today you have some 3 and 4-digit numbers to try to partition in different ways. If you are in year 4, try to partition the 4-digit numbers. 

English – Today I would like you to turn your responses from the lighthouse keeper into quotations for a newspaper report. Recap how to use speech marks (inverted commas) and punctuate your speech correctly. 

Afternoon- Try some Mexican-inspired arts and crafts!

Rowan Learning Week Beginning 6th July

Spellings: short i sound spelt with a y
– Usually the short ‘i’ vowel sound is made with the letter i. However a few words use a y instead. Most of these words have Greek origins.
– Example words: pyramid, myth, Egypt, hymn, gym, crystal, system, symbol, syrup, crypt.
– Challenge words for Y5: rhythm, physical, sympathetic, oxygen, anonymous .
– There are online activities to practise this here or you can access the word bank on letterjoin.

Arithmetic: What do you need to practise?
– For the last few weeks of term you are going to choose which calculation types you need to practise. Each week I will provide an arithmetic test – have a go and choose one of the questions you got wrong to practise all week.
– A printable version of the arithmetic text is provided in the downloads below, or you can see the questions in the photos.

Mexico Theme: Arts & Crafts

Research Suggestions
– Find out about Mexican worry dolls and what they are used for. You could even try and make a set of your own.
– Research one of these famous Mexican artists: Frida Kahlo, Leonora Carrington or the sculpter Sebastian (sometimes known as the Mexican Banksy). Can you produce a piece of artwork in their style?
– Research Mexican Folk Art. A lot of it is made from paper so it is easy for you to create your own, but can you also find out what other materials are used?

Things to do:
– Look at the examples of Mexican Folk Art. Can you see any similarities between this and the Aboriginal art we looked at when we were learning about Australia? Can you have a go at producing your own art in this style. You can try collage with different coloured pieces of paper, using felt pens or painting.
– You can download some instructions below (written by our friends in Pod 5) for making Mexican pinch pots out of clay. If you don’t have clay, you could use any form of modelling material.
– Make your own set of Maracas. One way is to stick together two paper or plastic cups with something inside to make a rattle.
– Stone Cactus. I know that lots of you have been painting pebbles with positive messages and hiding them. Did you know you can collect some large stones from the garden and paint them to make a cactus? (see photo for idea)
– You can find some easy ideas for making paper flowers and plants here.
– Design and make a Mexican mask. There is an example you could try and copy in the photos or you can follow the instructions here.

English: Narrative

We will be continuing our work from last week based on the Hero Twins myth.  If you did last week’s work based on a different story that you have read, then you can use that instead. 

Monday Reading: Revisiting the myth of the Hero Twins
– Myths are stories from long ago which have been passed down through the generations by people telling them. Small details in the stories often get changed over time so we end up with many different versions of the same myth. Today I would like you to read some different versions of the Hero Twins myth.
– The first version can be found online here and also has a quiz to check your understanding at the end. Another version can be read here. All of these can also be downloaded and printed from the links below.
– How are the stories similar? Can you spot any small details that are different between them?


Tuesday: Planning our own myth 
– Today we are going to use the ‘boxing-up’ technique to create our own version of the Hero Twins myth.  The table below shows the main points of the original story. For each can you follow the same pattern but change a few details to create your own version (e.g. change the reason they angered the gods, create different tasks for them to overcome). 
– You can download a copy of the table below if you want to print it or just make your own notes on each part of your story. 

Wednesday: Using conjunctions and fronted adverbials to tell your story 
– Can you tell the story you have planned to someone? 
– You could just practise telling it or you could act it out. 
– When you are telling the story, try to use the fronted adverbials and conjunctions we have been practising over the last few weeks to link your ideas. 

Thursday & Friday: Write your story. 
– Can you write your own version of the story? 
– Make sure you remember to organise it into paragraphs (Tuesday’s boxing up plan will help). 
– You should try and use some of the description of the Underworld that you wrote last week within your story.  Can you also use a range of fronted adverbials? 
– If any of the characters in your story are speaking, you will need to punctuate this with inverted commas (speech marks) with a capital letter and punctuation inside the speech marks. 

Maths: Algebraic Thinking

This week we are looking at solving puzzles that will develop the skills you need to understand algebra. Algebra doesn’t just mean equations and letters like, but is all about skill of working out something that is unknown from clues.

Monday: Working Backwards
– When we work backwards we use the inverse operations to ‘undo’ a calculation. This skill helps you to solve algebra problems when you get older.
– What is the inverse of: a) halving? b) adding? c) dividing?
(Answer for parents: a) doubling b) subtracting c) multiplying)
– Play a I’m thinking of a number game with someone: I’m thinking of a number. I double it, then subtract 5. My answer was 135. What was my number?
– Solve these empty box calculations by working backwards: □ + 578 = 2309 □ x 9 = 270 □ ÷ 4 = 92 □ – £5.99 = £8.76

Tuesday: Super Shapes
– This problem will require you to use your working backwards skills from yesterday.

– Can you work out the value of the red shape in each calculation?
– Hint: First substitute in the values you know for the green triangle and yellow rectangle. Then you will need to use your working backwards skills (inverse operations) to find out what they red shape must be worth. Once you have an answer, check it into the calculation and seeing if it works.
– If you prefer, you can download and print a version of this below. There is also a more advanced challenge that Year 5 & 6 might like to try!

Wednesday: Triangle Investigation
– You can explore today’s puzzle using matchsticks, cocktails sticks, felt pens or anything else similar you have at home. You can also simply draw the lines.

– If you get struck, try a table like this to record your results:

Thursday: Using algebra for area & perimeter.
– Last Friday you learnt about area & perimeter. The area of a rectangle can be worked out using an algebraic formula: area = length x width. The perimeter of a rectangle can also be worked out: perimeter = (2 x length) + (2 x width)
– Using this knowledge you can work out missing dimensions on rectangles. Similar to the work on Monday & Tuesday, you will need to substitute what you know into the formula and then work backwards to find the missing information.
– If a rectangle has an area of 36 cm2 and the rectangle is 4cm wide, what is its length?
– If a rectangular field has a perimeter of 40 metres and one of the sides is 10m long, how long is the other side?

Friday: Can you use the skills you have learnt this week to solve these problems?


The Hero Twins Version 3

The Hero Twins Version 2

Super Shapes Challenge

Super Shapes Advanced Challenge

Printable Maths Problems

Hero Twins

Boxing Up Story Plan

Arithmetic Test Y4

Arithmetic Test Y5

Mexican Pinch Pot Instructions

Useful Websites

National Geographic for Kids

DK History Aztecs


Cedar class learning for 06 JUL 2020

English: LO: to consider the function and features of a review.

This week we are going to take an in depth look at how we use reviews for different products or services. I’d like you to start the week off by writing down what a review is, what we use reviews for, and the features of a review. We have written book reviews in class to recommend (or not recommend!) books we have read to our classmates, so you should have a good idea of the main features of a good review. If you can, look at a website which sells things (Amazon or eBay for example) and read some of the reviews of products on there. How do these reviews differ from a more formal review you might find on a website such as ‘Which?’?

Think carefully about the different language you might use in different types of review; a book review which will be read by your classmates will be informal compared to a review you are going to post online of a brand new washing machine!

Maths: LO: to think algebraically.

This week we will be looking at some problems which require thinking and often have multiple answers. This is what we call algebraic thinking in primary school; we don’t use algebra in more advanced forms until a few years time!

Today I would like you to try a problem which requires trial and error, a lot of thinking, and has multiple answers. If you already did the first problem (we looked at this in class prior to the school closures and something similar in home learning) , then please try the second problem (the ark problem). If you didn’t do the first problem, or struggled with it before, feel free to do this one again.