Maple Class home learning Monday 6th July 2020

Spelling – this week we are going to think about alternative word choices. Today, make a list of as many words as you can that mean the same as “said”, for example shouted, whispered. Challenge yourself to think of as many as you can. 

English – this week I would like you to create your own story on Purple Mash, using “2Create a Story”. You can make up a story from your own imagination, or use a story you know well and make some changes (e.g use “Little Red Riding Hood” to help you write your own story called “Big Blue Riding Hoodie” – How would the story change?). Each day I would like you to add a couple of pages, with words and pictures. Remember to save your work each day so that by the end of the week you have finished your story.

Maths – this week we are exploring algebraic thinking. Today, play “Ip dip sky blue!  Who’s ‘it’?  It’s you!” Have you ever used this rhyme to decide who is ‘it’ in a game? If you were playing a game with one friend and you wanted to be chosen to be ‘it’, would you start the rhyme, pointing at yourself or your friend? If there were three of you, how would you position yourself so that you were sure you’d  be chosen?

 How about with four of you?  Five …? Six …?  Seven …? Eight …? Nine …?  Ten …?  And so on? How would you predict where you should stand to be chosen for any number of players? (Visit for more information).

Theme – this week we are exploring Mexican arts and crafts. Can you:

  • Make your own sombrero using a paper plate and cup? Decorate it and make it as colourful as possible. 
  • Make your own maracas and perform a tune. 
  • Make a piñata with coloured paper and a cup. Ask a grown up for some sweet treats to put inside, then hang it up and bat it until the sweets fall. 
  • Luchadors are Mexican wrestlers that wear bright and colorful masks to keep their identity a secret – make your own mask.
  • Explore the artwork of Frida Kahlo and try to recreate your own painting or drawing in her style.  
  • Explore the sculptures of Sebastián and recreate your own at home with Lego or junk modelling materials.
  • Decorate an Aztec mask or pattern on Purple Mash (Home-Topics-Aztecs-Paint Projects).

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Monday 6th July 2020 Elm Class learning

Welcome back to Monday, hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for the week!

Spellings: This week, we are going back to looking at adding the suffixes able/ably and ible/ibly to words. I have attached posters to this post which explain the rules. Usually, able/ ably are added to words, where the full root word can be heard before the suffix such as enjoyable. Ible and ibly are usually added when the full root word cannot be heard, such as terrible and terribly.

Arithmetic: This week, we are going back to revising finding percentages of amounts. On the class webpage, I have attached a percentages knowledge organiser to help you if you are stuck cannot remember how to find certain percentages.

Here is how to find some of the common percentages:

10% = 1/10, so divide the number by 10.

5% = 5/100- find 10% and half your answer.

1% = 1/100, divide the number by 100

25% = ¼, divide the number by 4

50% = divide the number by 2

75% = 3/4 , divide the number by 4, multiply this by 3.

Can you have a go at these?

58% of 620 =

45% of 700=

600% of 500=

35% of 540=

Grammar: This week, we are going to look at synonyms and antonyms! A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word, while an antonym is a word that means the opposite. Can you have a go at the activity below, matching the word to a synonym and its antonym?

English: L.O- To compare Green Lake from past to present.

Can you go back to the book and read the beginning of chapter 23, a description on Camp Green Lake 100 years ago.

Things to consider and discuss:

Which parts of this description do you like? Why?

Consider the use of commas in the passage. How have they been used? Do they add to the description? Why didn’t the author use any short sentences in this description?

What has changed in 110 years? I would like you to write a description of Green Lake nowadays. Can you make sound like the description above but make it sound far less beautiful? Use a thesaurus to improve your vocabulary and try to use long sentences with different types of commas in.

Maths: L.O- I can use the inverse operation to work backwards and find missing numbers,

This week, we are starting a week on using algebraic skills in Maths. Can you have a look at the suggested activities below and how these skills build up our knowledge of being able to use algebra in Maths.

Topic: Please find attached, or see the class webpage for the list of activities this week. In our topic this week, we are focussing on art that has originated from Mexico!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Coates.

Oak Class Monday 6th July

Phonics: This week we are looking at blends at the end of words. Can you use the letters n and d to blend to make the words end, send, bend and mend. Use a laptop to write the words down or use letterjoin to work on your handwriting. Have a go at writing a sentence using one of the words.

Maths: Today we are looking at subtraction. Count out 10 objects, Lego bricks, Toys, Cars etc. Now use a dice to roll the dice and take away the number of dots on the dice. See how many you have left.

Literacy: This week we are looking at stories with comics. Can you find any comics at home or pictures of comics on the computer. The stories are mostly told by using pictures. What is your favourite comic character? Draw a picture of your favourite character.

Topic: Mexico. Today we are going to make a traditional Mexican clay pot. You could use playdough or saltdough if you do not have clay.

They are very simple spiral pots and easy to make! Have a go!
Have fun! Mrs T

Skylarks suggested learning Friday 3rd July

Maths – Can you guess which 3D shapes these nets will make? Try printing the nets and putting them together to create the 3D shapes. 

English – Have a P4C discussion about different parts and whether they are only useful when they are in a whole set. Use the pictures and Toy Story video to help you think about this. 

Afternoon – It is your last chance to learn about the culture, traditions and language of Mexico. Find out any last bits on this subject that you didn’t get a chance to this week. 

Friday 3rd July 2020 Elm Class learning

Spellings: Can you get someone to test you today on a mixture of the words below? Remember to think carefully about the rules you have learnt when using tial and cial.













Arithmetic: Can you have a go at the next arithmetic test I have uploaded to the class webpage? I have included the answers, so you can check your test back. Is there anything that you may need to practice after checking your test?

Grammar: Can you have a go at the test style parenthesis questions below, using your knowledge from parenthesis this week?

English: Friday- L.O. To write a non-chronological text about a Mexican animal.

Today you are going to write up your non-chronological text about the Mexican animal! Remember to be a risk-taker and to consider your audience. What did you want to know about the creature? Would your audience want to know the same things?

Try to use some extended vocabulary and maybe include a glossary!

Maths: L.O- I can work out the volume of cubes and cuboids.

Can you have a go at the suggested activities below?

Topic: Today is our last day on culture and tradition, I would love to see the wonderful work you have been doing!

Suggested activities for the week:

•        Learn some numbers/ greetings in Spanish. There are some great videos on YouTube for this and the free language learning app Duolingo has a course in Spanish (this app is excellent!).

•        Mexican Spanish is slightly different to Spanish from mainland Spain, can you find out more about this?

•        Research the traditional sports of Mexico and present these as a poster or try some yourself (unless they are dangerous!)

•        Try some Mexican food. There are lots of Mexican dishes in our local supermarkets!

•        Research the main religions in Mexico.

•        Research the Mayans! What happened to them? Have they influenced any of modern Mexico?

•        Research the clothing in Mexico and design your own traditional outfit.

•        In England we have the monarchy and government. Is this the same as Mexico? Do they have any laws which are different?

•        Is there anyone who is famous who was born in Mexico?

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Coates. 

Oak Class Friday 3rd July

Wow! We have made it through another week! Well done Oak Class! Next week we are going to be making some clay pots! See if you have any clay to make your pot at home!

Phonics: Use the letters s and l to blend together to make the sound sl. Make the words slip, slap, slop and sleep. Say the words, sound them out. Today I would like you to try typing the words using a computer. Can you write a sentence using one of the words?

Maths: Today we are going on a 3D shape hunt. What 3D shapes do you know? Can you draw any 3D shapes? Can you see any 3D shapes in your home or garden? Why not try to make your own 3D using playdough?

Literacy: Can you finish off your story today. How will it end? Will it be a happy ending or a sad one? Why not draw a picture of your story when it is finished!

Topic: Mexico. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico and built upon the former Aztec site of Tenochtitlan. You can see pyramids built by the Ancient Aztecs. What can you find out about the Aztecs? Can you build your own pyramid using straws or lolly sticks?

Keep up the good work everyone!

Take care and have a great weekend!

Mrs T x

Maple Class home learning for Friday 3rd July 2020

English- continue with your joke book collection. Add some more pages, or record yourself telling some jokes to share on the Facebook post or email to Mrs Keeler. Will they make me laugh?

Maths – write some of your own shape assessment questions for someone else. Can you give them to someone else in your house, send them to a friend, post them on the Facebook post for someone else in class or email them to Mrs Keeler.

Theme – this week we will be learning all about some of the culture, traditions and language in Mexico. Below is a suggested list of activities to choose from, maybe pick one a day to explore. 

– which language do they speak in Mexico?

– How would you say “hello”, “goodbye” and “thank you” in Mexico?

– How would you count to 10 in Mexico? 

– Can you explore writing in Mexico? 

– How would you write your name in Mexico?

– What is the national sport of Mexico? Can you research and practise some of the actions?

– What food is traditionally eaten in Mexico?

– Do people in Mexico have any traditional good luck symbols?  

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Cedar class learning for 3 JULY 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at short division. Get someone to give you 10 questions and see how quickly you can solve them using this method.

English: LO: to have a P4C discussion.

Today I would like you to hold a mini P4C session at home. Have a discussion with someone in your home around the following question:

If everyone was a billionaire, would the world be a better place?

Maths: LO: to understand symmetry.

To finish off our week on shape I would like you to do some work on symmetry. If you can, use squared paper for this activity. If you don’t have any squared paper, try and use lined or draw a grid on some plain paper to help you.

With a ruler, draw a square on your paper. Then, draw a line directly down the middle of the square. On one side of the line, draw a shape (see the picture). To start with, draw a simple shape such as a square or an equilateral triangle.

Now, I would like you to draw the shape on the other side of the line as if it was reflected in a mirror. For the shape in my example, see the other picture.

Practise drawing 3 shapes symmetrically. To check if you have done this correctly, you can fold the paper down the centre line; the two shapes should completely cover each other.

If you want to get your art skills involved in this activity you could take a picture of something (even yourself) and cut it in half. Stick it onto a piece of paper and then try and draw the other half of the picture.

Skylarks suggested learning Thursday 2nd July

Maths – To draw 2D shapes. Choose challenge 1, 2 or 3 depending on how confident you feel!

English – Yesterday you came up with questions to ask the lighthouse keeper. Today you can either imagine what his answers would be yourself, or interview someone pretending to be him! Write down his responses in your exercise book. Next week we will look at how to put these into direct speech to turn them into quotations for a newspaper report. 

Afternoon – Learn a bit more about Mexican traditions, culture and language.