Pupil Questionnaire – March 2017

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Parent Questionnaire – March 2017

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Emergency School Closure in Bad Weather

As some of the country is expecting particularly bad weather at the moment, we thought we should remind you of our emergency school closure procedure, just in case…

If the school needs to be closed in the event of an extreme emergency such as:

  • blizzard conditions,
  • heavy snow preventing sufficient staff from being able to get to school,
  • heating and/or lighting problems due to power failure,
  • lack of water due to burst and/or frozen pipes,
  • then a decision will be made, as soon as possible, and the Emergency School Closure Plan will be activated with the Local Authority (LA).

In such circumstances, please listen to local radio stations, e.g. Radio Norfolk, Radio Broadland, KLFM, SGR, who will broadcast the list of schools closed.

School closures will also be posted on the Local Authority website at:


PLEASE NOTE:   Unless school is officially closed, then parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children attend.  Non-attendance when the school is officially open is classified as an unauthorised absence.

The decision as to whether the minibus or taxi runs is made by the driver of that vehicle, as the safe conveyance of pupils is his responsibility.  In this case, absence would be authorised.