
‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity’
– National Curriculum, 2014.

At Churchside Federation, we are passionate about and committed to providing a music curriculum that engages and inspires children to develop a love of music, as well as their talent as musicians.  Using Charanga as our scheme, children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, evaluating, improvising and composing across a wide variety of styles, traditions and musical genres. We also use music to provide an enriched stimulus for the children’s learning, relating it to areas of the curriculum they are enjoying and the children enjoy performing music daily during our Collective Worship.

Music contributes to SMSC through:-

  • Teaching that encourages pupils to be open to the music of other cultures.
  • Considering the role of music in society and to see how music can cause conflict and differences of opinion.
  • Looking at the way music can change moods and behaviour.

Lockdown Learning

During lockdown we have been doing some fantastic learning, see below for some examples:

In Maple class, the children have been listening to pieces of music and thinking about what the music makes them visualise. Below are some pictures of their work after listening to music from Jurassic Park:

In Oak, the children have also been listening to music and drawing how it makes them feel & what it makes them think of:

Kestrels class have been having Zoom sessions with Norfolk Music Hub every week to practice their musical skills.

Skylarks have been creating their own instruments at home:

Owls have also been listening to music from Jurassic Park, and have done a great job at articulating what this makes them think and feel:

Archived long term planning

Music Long Term Plan 2019-20

Music Long Term Plan 2018