School Council
A warm welcome to our School Council page!

Our School Council is democratically elected in the Autumn Term, each candidate prepares a speech as to why they believe they would be a good School Council candidate and then the classes vote on who they believe a good School Council member.
Following the election, each class then has two School Council members. The School Council meets regularly to discuss developments and issues that relate to the whole school. Council members are invited to share their views as well as the views from their class mates so that we can make an informed decision.
As members of the School Council, we are a voice for our classes and school. We work hard to raise money for the school and our chosen charities by organising our own fund raising events. We use School Council as a way to encourage discussions about raising awareness for local, national and international needs and issues.
Minutes from our meetings:
The School Council is a flourishing part of our school life. Our School Council is democratically elected in the Autumn Term when we hold an Election Day.
Children are supported by their teacher to write a manifesto and stand for election if they wish to. Our hall is turned into a polling station and every child is able to vote.
Following the election, each class then has two School Council members. Our School Council meets on a regular basis to discuss whole school developments and issues and to share the views of every child. The School Council is one of the ways in which we encourage courageous advocacy, raising awareness for local, national and international needs and issues.
The Pupil’s Voice
As members of the School Council we are ambassadors for our classes and our school. We meet every week to discuss pupil’s views, ideas and concerns on how we can improve our school. We also work hard to raise money for the school and chosen charities. Fund raising events are always popular and fun for the whole school.
School council members should attend all meetings and be the voice of their class. They must ensure that time is given for them to read the minutes of each meeting to their class and ensure that issues and ideas are discussed. They should ensure that a suggestion box is in their class for pupil’s to put their written ideas, views and concerns into and also be approachable for class mates to come and talk to them about school issues.
We have a Council notice board where the minutes of each meeting are posted, plus you will find photos of all School Council members on the board. Each member has a special School Council badge to wear so they can be recognised.