Mundford Church of England Primary Academy

Contact Us

Mundford Church of England Primary Academy

Contacting the school and absence messages

Messages can be sent by:

  • Arbor App message
    Please enable Push Notifications for Arbor in your phone settings, you should then receive a push notification whenever you have a new in-app message, whether you are logged into Arbor or not. If you aren’t receiving push notifications, or they vanish quickly, please follow these instructions.
    The push notification won’t contain the content of the message, it will just let you know there is a new message that you will need to log in to Arbor to read
  • Telephone 01842 878278 and select option 1 at any time including out of school hours.
  • by email to
  • Any classroom/educational enquires are best made directly to the class teacher:

Acorns Nursery:  

Nursery Admission/funding:

To contact class teacher:

Please note class emails may not be checked during the school day so anything urgent is best sent via the app, telephone or the messages email above.

Mundford Church of England Primary Academy
St. Leonard’s Street, Mundford, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 5ED

Tel: 01842 878278

Executive Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Godbold

Head of School: Miss Leona Brown

Secretary: Mrs Janice Pryer