Mundford Church of England Primary Academy

Notices & Reminders

  • The Cricket Club car park should be used for drop-off and pick-up purposes only, so no long-term parking please or parking well in advance of the pick-up time. Engines to be turned off and not be left running whilst waiting – this is an air pollution issue and noise nuisance.
  • If areas are coned off, then this must be respected as this will allow members using the club to access a parking space to use the facilities (most likely on Wednesdays and Fridays).
  • The car park may be closed on occasions for special events e.g. afternoon cricket games. A notice board will be placed outside the gate if this is the case or alternatively the gates may be locked when a large number of visitors are expected.
  • Please ensure that access to the car park for pedestrians is by the main gate only. On a regular basis people are crossing the fence and this border area has been recently planted up.
  • If club members wishing to use the car park and facilities make reasonable requests to do so, we will not tolerate any further abuse, which will risk the car par being closed permanently.
  • We will continue to lock the gate at night for club security purposes.

Please can we all ensure we are following the rules so we do not find ourselves in this situation again.

Please be mindful of others, we need to work together as a community to make sure everyone stays safe.

Zig Zag Yellow Lines are there for the safety reasons, please do not park on them whilst dropping off and collecting children at any time of the day. 

We have noticed a variety of items being eaten at breaktime for snack.  As part of our drive to be   a healthy school we have a policy that only fruit or veg should be consumed at breaktimes.  Fruit and veg options are provided daily by the school for pupils in EYFS and KS1.  We are happy for you to provide a snack for your child but it should be fruit or veg and we will be reminding the children of this over next week.

So that we can ensure that any child who is allergic to nuts does not come into contact with them please do not include items containing nuts in packed lunches. The Food  policy can be found on the school website

Can we kindly request that children do not bring water bottles with loose lids and straws. These aren’t suitable for the classroom, as they can easily leak or will spill if knocked over. Sports-style bottles with leakproof lids are preferred. If your child does bring in an unsuitable bottle, they may be asked to keep it outside or by the classroom sink to prevent spillages on work.

Thank you for your understanding.