Owls Learning Wed 18th March

Maths – Subtracting

year 2 – Subtracting 2 Digit number from a 2 Digit number and 3 digit from a 3 Digit number using partitioning into tens and units. (see below) Begin to introduce the column method (not crossing the tens). For example

122 –

Year 1 – Subtracting 2D from 2D drawing dienes (chips and peas) picture below. Cross out the units then the tens you are subtracting and count what is left.

Reception – Take away within 10. Have 10 objects roll a dice and take away that amount. Extend by recording as a number sentence.

EnglishYear 2 – Inference activity. Reading a short extract (you could use one of your stories from home or your reading book) and answering questions. e.g. How do you think the character is feeling? What will the character do next?

Year 1 – Capital letters and Full stops. play https://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/full-stop-1.html

Reception – drawing a picture form the Easter story and writing the important information using phonic knowledge. Have a go at writing sentences remembering finger spaces.

Phonics R ‘ue’ sound. play Obb and Bob on phonics play, words with Ue

sound, segmenting for spelling.

Year 2 – Suffixes s/es/ies

Arithmetic – Subtracting

PE – Basketball – The children are working on target practise. Throwing a ball into a hoop or a bucket.

RE – Write a recount of the Easter story following on from last weeks Drama. Make a story map first to help with main events.

Thank you, Mrs Chisman