Well done everyone, you have worked super hard and deserve this half term break! Hopefully the good weather will stay with us for a little while to enjoy! Below is a list of activities as inspiration you could try over the half term, have a great week!
A lovely idea is to think about the future and the things you may like to do when these times are over. You could maybe write these down and put these into a jar to remind you!
Could you get outside and build yourself a reading den? A great way to relax is to have a comfy space to read in.
Could you make something for your room, as a memory of this time spent at home? A lovely idea is cutting the first letter of your name out of cardboard and wrapping it in different colour wools! They look really effective and can stand on a shelf or a desk in a room!
Could you try some new recipes when baking or cooking? I would love to see what you have made? Maybe you could help make dinner for the other members of your family?
Get outside and enjoy what nature has to offer! Go on a scavenger hunt, help with some gardening and help plant something, take some inspiration from nature to do some sketching or artwork! You could even lay down and look at the different shapes the clouds make! If you feel like being creative, you could collect some things from outside and create your own mobile!
The RSPB are also running a ‘wildart’ competition, find out more here:
I have attached some Lego building challenges to school website if you would like to have a go! For example, can you build some famous world landmarks using Lego?
You have made it to Friday, sharing assembly day and nearly a well-deserved break for half term! I would love to see anything you have been working hard on this week, I have seen some fabulous work over the weeks, you have all been working tremendously hard!
Spellings: Can someone test you on ten of the words you have learnt this week which start with the prefixes we have been practicing? (sub, re, im, il and ir)
Arithmetic: I have uploaded to the class webpage the next arithmetic test for you to have a go at and the answers for you to check back your working. Or you could get someone to make up some questions on the arithmetic topics we have been practicing in the last few weeks to have a go at?
Grammar: Can you have a go at the test style questions I have linked to this post about prepositions and determiners. We have practiced these this week, so these shouldn’t be too hard!
English: Today you are going to write a review of the story of Goodnight Mister Tom. You can present this in any way you like. Think carefully about the parts of the story which you liked/ disliked to back up your points.
Challenge: Consider the fact that the audience for the book is older children. Could you present your review in an engaging way for children? For example, in a poster format which is colourful and exciting!
Maths: This is the last day on position and direction, which activity will you choose today? Can you try something different? Have you described shapes and their properties yet? Have you thought about turns- clockwise and anticlockwise and their angles of degrees?
Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!
This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!
Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.
Happy Thursday! Hope you have been enjoying this glorious weather!
Spellings: Today for the prefixes we have looked at so far this week (im, ir, il, re and sub), can you practice a selection of these in your neatest handwriting? You will be tested on these words tomorrow!
Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvgV5REvDb4
7689 ÷ 31=
6879 ÷ 23=
3876 ÷ 27=
Grammar: Today we are going to recap determiners. Determiners are the words that come before the noun to give the reader more information about the noun. For example, this could indicate how many of the noun there is or who the noun belongs to. Can you have a go at this determiner activity attached to the post?
English: It has been said that the protagonist (main character) of a story can be identified by who has changed the most from the beginning to the end. Who do you think the protagonist of Goodnight Mister Tom was? Write a persuasive paragraph using evidence to back up your points to convince me that your choice is the actual protagonist.
Challenge: Imagine you are creating the film of the book. Who would you want to play the protagonist? What directions would you give them as to how the character grows and changes? Create an advert to find a good actor!
Maths: Have a look at the list of activities and choose your next Maths challenge! I would love to see some of your work and how you have got on!
Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!
This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!
Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.
Spellings: Today for the prefixes we have looked at so far this week (im, ir, il, re and sub), can you practice a selection of these words using a look, say, cover, write check method?
Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvgV5REvDb4
8784 ÷24=
6685 ÷ 35 =
5546 ÷47=
Grammar: Today we are going to recap determiners. Determiners are the words that come before the noun to give the reader more information about the noun. For example, this could indicate how many of the noun there is or who the noun belongs to. For example: I bought a chocolate bar.
or I bought two chocolate bars. ‘a and two’ show how many of the noun there is. Can you identify the determiner in each of these sentences?
1. The table was very low.
2. Quick! Our toast is burning!
3. Their hot food looked delicious.
4. There are many bridges in London.
5. I need another pen to carry on.
6. She lost her bike at the park today.
7. Five boats sailed away.
8. Would you like to read a book?
English: Read chapter 22 (Grieving) and chapter 23 (Post Script) of Goodnight Mister Tom. We are going to finish the book today!
Maths: Could you have a go at a different challenge today? If you have already had a go at plotting co-ordinates, could you maybe have a go at reflection or translation? Have you made your own compass yet? See the list of activities attached to this post.
Japan Activities for the week!
Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!
This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!
Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.
Welcome to Tuesday! Looks like we are set for another beautifully sunny day! As always, I would love to see anything you have been working on!
Spellings: Today’s prefixes I would like you to focus on are: re (without a hyphen) for example- redo and sub, for example- submarine. Can you find out what these prefixes mean? How do they change the meaning of the word? Can you collect a list of sub and re words and practice these?
Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvgV5REvDb4
1750 ÷ 50 =
9072 ÷ 36 =
3200 ÷ 64=
Grammar: Today we are going to continue using prepositions. A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else.
Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside. Can you describe objects around your house or in your garden in relation to others? Can you use as many different prepositions as you can think of? For example: The dog likes to lay next to the sofa. The trampoline is in the middle of the garden.
English: Read chapter 20 (Spooky Cott) and chapter 21 (Back to school) of Goodnight Mister Tom. We are going to finish the book tomorrow!
Maths: Have a look at the list of activities attached; what will you have a go at challenge yourself to today?
Japan Activities for the week!
Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!
This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!
Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.
Good morning Elm Class! Welcome back to Monday, really missing you all, hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we are having!
Spellings: This week’s spellings are going to focus on different prefixes. We will collect and practice these for different prefixes each day. Today I would like you to collect as many spellings as you can which begin with ‘il, for example- illegible, im, eg- impatient and ir, eg – irregular. Can you write as many words down as you can find for each and practice these using a method of your choice?
Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvgV5REvDb4
996 ÷ 26=
928 ÷ 16=
3875 ÷ 25=
Grammar: Today we are going to look at prepositions. A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else.
Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside. Can you describe the picture I have attached with a few sentences, which include prepositions? For example:
The kite is flying high above the people.
English: Read chapter 18 (Recovery) and chapter 19 (The sea, the sea, the sea!) of Goodnight Mister Tom. We are going to finish the book this week!
Maths: This week in Maths, we are going to try something slightly different. Just like the topic work, attached to this post is a weekly list of activities for Maths, which gives lots of activities suitable for year 5 and 6. Some are practical, some use a sheet or a printable activity, so you can choose which ones you prefer each day. Have a look at the list below and choose what you would like to have a go at each day! The links for the printable activities are below.
Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!
This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!
Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.
Good morning Elm Class! Happy sharing assembly day! I am looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful work and achievements you have been working so hard on! It’s also a very exciting day as Miss Stanley will be interviewing SF Said, author of Varjak Paw and Phoenix today, so please comment below if you have any other questions you would like her to ask the author!
Spellings: This week, you have been focussing on spellings that begin co and re followed by a prefix, for example co-operate. Can you get an adult to test you on 10 of these spellings?
Arithmetic: I have uploaded the next arithmetic test along with the answers to have a go at or you could get a family member to test you on 10 short and long multiplication questions they have made up.
Grammar: I have uploaded a few test activities on fronted adverbials, which we have been focussing on this week. See if you can have a go at these! Or, choose a picture you really like and see if you can write some sentences about it, using fronted adverbials to start your sentences.
English: Watch the video with SF Said and take some notes! Write a review, is there anything you have learnt from this that you didn’t know before? What was the best piece of advice that SF gave you? Did he inspire you to do some writing?
If you are feeling very inspired, why not do some creative writing of your own!
Maths: Today, we are going to put all of our multiplication and division knowledge into practice with some word problems. You can either get an adult to make up some problems for you to solve, or I have uploaded a silver and gold set of word problems to challenge yourself with. Remember to show your working and check your working back. Happy problem solving!
Good morning Elm Class! A reminder, Miss Stanley and I would really like you to comment on this post or send me some questions you would like to ask author SF Said, who wrote Varjak Paw and Phoenix! Miss Stanley will be hosting a super exciting virtual zoom interview with the author on Friday, which will be recorded for you to all see!
Spellings: This week, our spelling rule looks at using hyphens to join a prefix onto a word. A hyphen is often used to join a prefix to a root word when both the prefix ends in a vowel and the root word begins in a vowel. We are going to focus on words that begin with the prefix ‘co’ and ‘re’.
Can you think of a creative way to practice these spellings? You could use the spelling menu on this post!
Arithmetic: This week, linking to our new Maths topic this week of multiplication and division, I would like you to practice your short and long multiplication skills. Can you have a go at the questions below?
24 x 5=
65 x 9=
34 x 7 =
324 x 89=
245 x 67=
323 x 43=
If you need a recap on long multiplication, the video below will help remind you of the method.
Grammar: This week, we have been looking at using fronted adverbials. Remember we can use fronted adverbials to show place, manner and time. Today, can you write some sentences about the picture attached below, using different types of fronted adverbial? I have attached a fronted adverbial word bank if you need some help thinking of these.
English: Write a letter to Michelle Magorian about Goodnight Mister Tom. Make sure that you explain where we are at in the book and add your predictions about what will happen next. What did you like about the book? Would you like her to write a sequel? Would you like her to write any other books?
Lay out your letter properly and ensure that you use formal language. Finish you letter with ‘Yours sincerely’ as you know the recipient’s name.
Maths: Today we are going to look at the different ways that multiplication facts can be written or shown. You may see some multiplication facts shown as arrays. Have a look at some real life examples below.
An array is an arrangement of objects in rows and columns to represent a multiplication fact. For example, 3 rows of 5 will equal 15 objects and can be written as 3 x 5 = 15 or 15÷ 3 = 5 or 15 ÷ 5 = 3, or 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 Your challenge today is to have a go at creating your own array using objects around the house or finding a real life array in your house and writing different multiplication and division facts from the array you have created. Can you write two multiplication facts? Two division facts? Your multiplication as a repeated addition? Challenge: Can you write a BODMAS question where you array is your answer or a word problem where you array is your answer? I would love to see some photos of the arrays you have created and the Maths from these!
For example: If you array was equal to 12, you could write:
3 x 4= 12
4 x 3 = 12
12 ÷ 3 = 4
12 ÷ 4 = 3
0.3 x 4 = 12
0.4 x 3 = 12
300 x 40 = 12,000
(2×4) + 3 = 12
There are 56 eggs in a large tray and are shared between 8 people, how many will each person get? 12
Topic: Can you research something different about Japanese art? I would love to see some of your Japanese inspired artwork!
Spellings: This week, our spelling rule looks at using hyphens to join a prefix onto a word. A hyphen is often used to join a prefix to a root word when both the prefix ends in a vowel and the root word begins in a vowel. We are going to focus on words that begin with the prefix ‘co’ and ‘re’. Using some of the spellings you have collected, can you write a line each of a few spellings you have chosen, in your neatest handwriting?
Arithmetic: This week, linking to our new Maths topic this week of multiplication and division, I would like you to practice your short and long multiplication skills. Can you have a go at the questions below? 36 x 4= 45 x 9 = 567 x 6= 345 x 8= 352 x 65= 556 x 89= If you need a recap on long multiplication, the video below will help remind you of the method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joSEl7f4yiM
Grammar: This week, we have been looking at using fronted adverbials. Yesterday, we looked at fronted adverbials to show time. You can also use a fronted adverbial to show the place something happened. For example: Further into the woods, the darkness grew. Or fronted adverbials can also be used to show the manner in which something was done. For example: Out of breath, the runner crossed the finished line. Today, I would like you to look at the picture below called ‘The Magic Library’. You enter the Magic Library, what happens? Can you use fronted adverbials to start your sentences off? For example: Cautiously, I entered the room.
English: Today I would like you to do some research about Michelle Magorian, the author of Goodnight Mister Tom. Can you find out any information about how she wrote the book and why? You could write a book review about the book so far. Imagine you could tell Michelle Magorian you review. What would you like to say to her? What questions would you ask her?
Maths: Today, we are going to practice our multiplication skills in a different way. Can you get someone to time yourself doing 20 star jumps? From this, can you work out how long it will take you to do 40 or 60 or 80 star jumps? What about 160? or 1000? or 1800? Can you see how your multiplication skills come in here? Here, you are actually using a ratio, as we are comparing one thing to another (the number of star jumps to the time it takes to complete them. As one increases, the other increases). Can you write down how many star jumps you will do at each stage in a ratio too? For example: 20 (star jumps) : 30 (seconds) so 40: 60 (for every 40 star jumps, it would take 60 seconds- because one side of the ratio has been multiplied by two the other side must be multiplied by two). Now can you get someone to time you doing something else? Running 10 lengths of the garden? Ten keepy uppys? Ten jumps of the skipping rope? Now can you calculate how long it would take you to do 50, 100 1000 or 2000 of these? What about 5 of these? Would you need to use multiplication or division?If you would like more of an explanation on ratio, this BBC Bitesize video explains it well.
I am loving all of the wonderful work you are sending me, so if you have any more examples, please send them across!
Spellings: This week, our spelling rule looks at using hyphens to join a prefix onto a word. A hyphen is often used to join a prefix to a root word when both the prefix ends in a vowel and the root word begins in a vowel. We are going to focus on words that begin with the prefix ‘co’ and ‘re’. Can you create a list of spellings that you find or think of that begin with these prefixes and a hyphen, for example: re-enter.
Your spelling task today: Can you practice some of the words you found yesterday, which fit the rule? You could use the look, say, cover, write check method, or get someone at home to call out a word and you have to write it down as fast as you can and show them!
Arithmetic: This week, linking to our new Maths topic this week of multiplication and division, I would like you to practice your short and long multiplication skills. Can you have a go at the questions below?
43 x 5 =
24 x 8=
67 x 7=
234 x 6=
128 x 8 =
453 x 9=
124 x 23=
745 x 32=
156 x 8=
If you need a recap on long multiplication, the video below will help remind you of the method.
Grammar: This week, we are going be looking at fronted adverbials, another way to add more information to a sentence. Last week, if you can remember, we looked at using parenthesis to expand our sentences. A fronted adverbial is a word, phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence that gives more details about the time, place, frequency, possibility or manner of the action in the main clause. We always use a comma after a fronted adverbial to mark it from the main clause. Today I would like you to think about adverbials of time. These fronted adverbials show when something happened, for example after dinner, later that afternoon, at night. Your challenge today: Can you add a fronted adverbial of time to the beginning of each of these sentences?
1. _________Sheila ate her breakfast.
2. ___________Jack cleaned his teeth and got ready for bed.
3.____________we went to Spain for a holiday.
4.____________we ate a delicious dessert.
5.____________Ryan did some warm-up exercises.
6._____________Ben and Holly ate popcorn.
7._____________Phoebe started to cry.
8._______________Dad burnt his hand.
English: On Friday we have our chat with the author of Varjak Paw and Phoenix! (See Miss Stanley’s post for more details!)
Therefore, this week we are going to do some work on authors. Today I would like you to write a profile about your favourite author. Research them and find out how they got into writing. Why are they your favourite author?
Maths: Tuesday: We often use our multiplication skills in the kitchen! When using a recipe, it may not always be for the number of people you are cooking or baking for, so in order to make the recipe bigger or smaller, you may need to multiply or divide the amount of each ingredient. Here, you are using something in Maths known as proportion. As the number of people increases, the proportion of each ingredient increases. Can you find a recipe at home that says for 2 or 4? Can you multiply the ingredients for a group of 6, 8 or 12 people? Maybe your recipe is for four and you only need it for two people? If you can, see if you can have a go at the sheet I have attached to the class webpage, which looks at ingredients for different recipes and working out the ratio and proportion of ingredients you need for different amounts of people or number of the bake required. You don’t need to print this off, just have a look at the questions and record your answers. I have attached a bronze, silver and gold activity for you to choose from, which include the answers at the end for you to check back against your own answers.
Topic: This week, we will be looking into Japanese art. Can you research something different today about Japanese art? Or create your own piece of artwork?
Elm Class learning, welcome back to Monday! I hope you enjoyed some of the beautiful sunshine at the weekend!
Spellings: This week, our spelling rule looks at using hyphens to join a prefix onto a word. A hyphen is often used to join a prefix to a root word when both the prefix ends in a vowel and the root word begins in a vowel. We are going to focus on words that begin with the prefix ‘co’ and ‘re’. Can you create a list of spellings that you find or think of that begin with these prefixes and a hyphen, for example: re-enter.
Arithmetic: This week, linking to our new Maths topic this week of multiplication and division, I would like you to practice your short and long multiplication skills. Can you have a go at the questions below?
34 x 9 =
53 x 7 =
65 x 4=
45 x 39=
72 x 26=
243 x 21=
124 x 87 =
If you need a recap on long multiplication, the video below will help remind you of the method.
Grammar: This week, we are going be looking at fronted adverbials, another way to add more information to a sentence. Last week, if you can remember, we looked at using parenthesis to expand our sentences. A fronted adverbial is a word, phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence that gives more details about the time, place, frequency, possibility or manner of the action in the main clause. We always use a comma after a fronted adverbial to mark it from the main clause. Your challenge today:
Can you add a comma in the correct place of each sentence to mark the fronted adverbial?
a) Baffled by the mathematical problem the professor felt frustrated.
b) Under the bridge the misunderstood troll waited patiently for his goat friends.
c) Once a year the people put on their costumes and partied at the carnival.
d) Before the holidays the Y6 pupils had a farewell celebration at their junior school.
e) Almost certainly Eva’s team would win the upcoming sports day.
English: Read chapter 16 (The Search) and chapter 17 (Rescue) of Goodnight Mister Tom. Again, these chapters are very sad, if you need to read a bit and skip a bit, that is ok.
Maths: Welcome back to Monday! Today our next topic in Maths is multiplication and division! To get your brains straight into your multiplication and division knowledge, I would like you to have a go at playing countdown! (See the picture guide below).
All you’ll need to do, is to create some number cards (2 sets of 1-9) and on a different colour- a 25, 50 and 100. Can you get another member of your family to choose a number for you to make using the numbers they have given you? You may not be able to make the actual answer, but how close could you get?
Or you could play a Maths card game? (See the picture below) Can you make the number you are given with the cards you are dealt, using the different operations- + – x ÷? Can an adult make it harder for you? Can you achieve a 3 digit number or close, using the numbers you are given and the four operations.
Topic: This week, we will be looking into Japanese art. Can you research different forms of art traditions in Japan? Can you create your own Japanese inspired piece of artwork? I have uploaded some ideas to the top of the page.
You have almost made it to a long weekend! As it is a bank holiday tomorrow, I would love to see some photos of your wonderful work on this thread today! Spellings: ous ending words- Can an adult choose 10 of the words you have collected this week ending ous and test you on these? Arithmetic: Firstly, I would like you to have a go at multiplying mixed number fractions by a whole number (see below). This is the same strategy, you just have to convert the fraction into an improper fraction first before multiplying the numerator. Then, I have uploaded the next arithmetic test onto the class webpage, or you could get an adult to write down some multiplying fractions style questions to test you this week. The answers for the arithmetic test will also be up on the class webpage. 2 2/5 x 4= 3 2/9 x 8= 4 1/12 x 4= 5 x 3 4/5=
Grammar: We have been looking at parenthesis for the last few days. Today, I would like you to have a go at writing a few of your own sentences, which use parenthesis. You could write these about a character, setting or event from your reading book, or you could write some sentences, using the information you have found out about Japan.
English: Today I would like you to imagine that you are the mayor of your town and it is your job to write and deliver a speech to celebrate the end of the war on VE Day 1945. You could look up speeches from the actual day to help you write yours. Think carefully about what you would want to say to the people: would you need to thank particular people for their help for example? When you have written your speech, why not perform it to your family and ask for their feedback- did you speak clearly and slowly, how did your speech make them feel?
Maths: For today’s challenge you will need an adult to play with and you will also need a number line from 1-20. You could simply draw one on a scrap of paper, or I have linked the challenge above, where you can print off a simple number line.
The adult chooses two numbers in this grid and either multiplies or divides them. They then mark the answer to the calculation on the number line. You then choose two numbers and either × or ÷ , and mark that number in a different colour on the number line. If the answer is too big or too small to be marked on the number line, the player misses a go. The winner is the person to get four marks in a row with none of their opponent’s marks in between. What good ways do you have of winning the game? Does it matter if you go first or second? How are you deciding which number to aim for next? Can you find a winning strategy? (I have attached the poster for this problem at the bottom of the post). https://nrich.maths.org/10094
Topic: Your last Japan culture and tradition activity of the week, could you look at something different about the culture and tradition? Maybe you could give origami a try if you haven’t already? I have attached a few examples on this post, but there are many other origami models online you could have a go at!