Spelling: Practice of words ending tious/cious- can you practice some of the words you collected yesterday using the look, cover, write check exercise? If you would like you can login into Letterjoin (login details have been on the school newsletters, but if you don’t have these, let me know and I can pass them on) and Elm Class and I have created a practice worksheet using these words, the home learning task will pop up when you login and tell you what to do. You do not have to try this, it is just a different way of practicing your spellings, if you would like to try something different!
Arithmetic: Practice of long multiplication with 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Grammar: Revision of adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs- can you write a sentence using all of these word classes- can you underline each in a different colour?
Today I would like you to read chapter 12 from Goodnight Mister Tom.
In the PDF version of the book this is page 92-101 and the chapter is called The Show Must Go On. To find this quickly and easily on a computer, press ‘ctrl’ and ‘f’ together and find the word ‘November’. This takes you to the start of the chapter. In the book this chapter is 166-179. (On Amazon currently the book is £3.99 for the kindle edition and £5.59 for the actual book if you think this would be easier!).
Maths: Today, can you make a note of the times during the day you do things? Can you read an analogue clock and write down the times at which you have done things throughout the day (almost like a diary or schedule of your day) . For example:
Got up- 8am
Breakfast 8.15 am
Joe Wicks P.E session 9.00am
Can you use am and pm? If you have someone younger in your family can you help them to read the times on the clock? Challenge: Can you calculate the intervals of time in hours and minutes between each activity in your day?
Topic: Choose another activity from the list on Japan, what would you like to research or create today? I look forward to seeing your wonderful work!
Miss Coates.