Suggested Learning Elm Class Tue 21st April

Spelling: Practice of words ending tious/cious- can you practice some of the words you collected yesterday using the look, cover, write check exercise? If you would like you can login into Letterjoin (login details have been on the school newsletters, but if you don’t have these, let me know and I can pass them on) and Elm Class and I have created a practice worksheet using these words, the home learning task will pop up when you login and tell you what to do. You do not have to try this, it is just a different way of practicing your spellings, if you would like to try something different! 

Arithmetic: Practice of long multiplication with 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Grammar: Revision of adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs- can you write a sentence using all of these word classes- can you underline each in a different colour?


Today I would like you to read chapter 12 from Goodnight Mister Tom.

In the PDF version of the book this is page 92-101 and the chapter is called The Show Must Go On. To find this quickly and easily on a computer, press ‘ctrl’ and ‘f’ together and find the word ‘November’. This takes you to the start of the chapter. In the book this chapter is 166-179. (On Amazon currently the book is £3.99 for the kindle edition and £5.59 for the actual book if you think this would be easier!).

Maths: Today, can you make a note of the times during the day you do things? Can you read an analogue clock and write down the times at which you have done things throughout the day (almost like a diary or schedule of your day) . For example:

Got up- 8am

Breakfast 8.15 am

Joe Wicks P.E session 9.00am

Can you use am and pm? If you have someone younger in your family can  you help them to read the times on the clock? Challenge: Can you calculate the intervals of time in hours and minutes between each activity in your day?

Topic: Choose another activity from the list on Japan, what would you like to research or create today? I look forward to seeing your wonderful work!

Miss Coates.

Monday 20th April 2020 Suggested learning, Elm Class

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you have had a great Easter, I am missing you all!

As previously mentioned in the above post, the Maths and English tasks will remain in the same format but the afternoon tasks will be a list of suggested activities for the week involving our study of Japan. Don’t worry about completing all of these, just pick some that you would like to have a go at. You can even take inspiration from the lists in other classes. Below, I have uploaded the list of ideas if you wish to download them or print them off and decide which you would like to have a go at!

When you can, I have also set just like before, some short spelling, grammar and arithmetic activities to have a go at too, as well as daily reading.

Remember, do not worry, just have a go and I’m looking forward to seeing all of your fantastic work! I would love to see some of your work you complete throughout the week on this post, I love seeing all of your wonderful creations and the hard work you have put in!

Spelling: Practice of words ending tious/cious- can you create a word list?

Arithmetic: Practice of long multiplication with 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Grammar: Revision of adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs- can you find examples around the house? Reading book? Newspapers? Recipe book? Letters? 

English: Today, like we do at the start of every half term, is Mrs Godbold’s writing challenge! Look for Miss Brown’s post in the morning; she will be revealing the topic of the writing for the whole school! 

Maths: L.O- To create your own analogue clock. To start off the week, I would like you to have a go at making your own analogue clock! You can do this using anything from around the house: You could use a hula hoop and chalk in the garden, Lego bricks, paper plates, be creative! If not, I have attached a template to the class webpage to create your own if you like, or you can draw your own! Can you create some times on your clock using the hour and minute hands? Can you tell an adult the time you have created?  Remember, the minutes on an analogue go up in 5 minute intervals! If you have a younger sibling, can you help them to read the time they have created and explain why? Are there different ways of saying the time you have created? For example: 8.55 or 5 minutes to 9?

Below are some picture examples of clocks you could create with things around the house if you need some inspiration.

Japan topic ideas – see attached document below.

Thank you, Miss Coates.

Elm Class learning Friday 3rd April 2020

Hi everyone, you have made it to the Easter holidays, a well-deserved break!
Spellings: Can you get someone to test you on some of your ‘i before e except after c words?’

English: Following on from reading chapter 11 of Goodnight Mr Tom, I have added some reading comprehension questions to the class webpage, can you have a go at the reading ERIC before attempting the building block, word retrieval questions, and some of the challenge questions?

Maths- Understanding the language of ratio- today I would like you to revisit ratio. A ratio shows how much of one thing there is compared to another. I have uploaded an activity sheet to have a go at, see how much you can complete. If you cannot access the sheet, or want to try something different as an extra challenge, you can also use objects around your house to create a ratio. Set up a pattern and see if you can write the ratio down for the pattern you have created. For example:
There are 3 bananas for every 2 apples.
There are 4 red lego pieces for every 5 blue lego pieces!

Arithmetic: I have uploaded the weekly test to the class webpage and have uploaded the answers to check back.

PSHE: Today, I would like us to think about the ‘power of positive thinking’. Positive thinking can have a big impact on your mood and emotions and in the changing times we are experiencing at the moment, it is really important to think about our mind set. I have uploaded to the school website an information sheet about positive mind set and what positive affirmations are. I have then uploaded some examples of positive affirmation postcards. Your challenge: Could you make your own positive affirmation postcards, maybe to go on the fridge door on up in your bedroom? Help spread some positivity!

P4C: (If you have time) and fancy a discussion with your family members! What do we really need in life to feel content? Does this change for different people? Have these different times changed your view on what you think is most important?

Thank you for your continued support and positivity. If you would like to share anything tomorrow for the sharing assembly, I would love to see some of your work and creations! Have a fabulous Easter break, try and enjoy some of the nice weather to come- get out in the garden and enjoy some fresh air, I know I will be!

Miss Coates. 😊

Elm Class learning Thursday 2nd April 2020

Hi everybody, we are going to be posting work and activities until Friday, and then some easier, fun activities for the Easter holidays from then on if you would like to have a go at them!

Grammar: Using your reading book, can you make a list of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs you find?
Challenge: Can you find any prepositions?

Spellings: To continue to practice ‘I before e except after c’ words- could you add these to a word wall or word scrapbook/ notebook? Keep all the new words you learn together!

English: Finish editing your newspaper article, if you would like to write it up in neat, I have uploaded a newspaper article template to the school website. I would love to see some of these posted to the Facebook page on Friday as part of our sharing if you would like to! After this, I would like you to read chapter 11 of Goodnight Mr Tom- the chapter has been uploaded onto the class webpage for you to read but you will need this password: GMTElm11 to open the PowerPoint, due to copyright.

Maths: Today, we are recapping rounding decimals up to 3 decimal places. I have uploaded an activity sheet to have a go at on the class webpage- questions 1-5 are the Bronze task, questions 1-8 are the Silver task and the Gold task is completing the activity sheet and having a go at the additional reasoning and problem solving questions on rounding decimals I have also uploaded. If you are struggling with this, I have attached a video to watch, to help to revisit rounding decimals.

Arithmetic: Final practice of percentages of amounts- test will be uploaded tomorrow.

Geography: Can you create/sketch your own map of Little Weirwold? You may include places such as Mister Tom’s house, the post office, the Church, the school and other areas that have been mentioned in the story. Can you include an 8 point compass and then use this to instruct someone around your map? With your instructions, can they guess which place they have reached on your map? If you want to see an example map of Little Weirwold for some ideas, you can see this on the class webpage.

Additional: Times table practice, daily mile around the garden, 20 mins reading, handwriting practice, board games!

Thank you, you are all superstars!!🌟
Miss Coates.

Elm Class Learning 1st April

Happy Wednesday everyone, you are nearly there! Almost time for a well-deserved break! 😊

Spellings: Practice using the spelling menu of ‘I before e, except after c words’.

Grammar: Can you write down as many subordinate conjunctions as you can remember? Can you write a sentence about an activity around the house using a subordinate and a main clause?
E.G: While I was playing football in the garden, the sun was shining.
If you need to recap this, see the video I have attached!

English: Can you finish your newspaper article, including your conclusion paragraph? This may be a summary of what is now going to happen in Little Weirwold, now that the war has been announced. After this, go back through your newspaper article- can you edit it? Could you add anything else to make it even better- look back at our Blitz example for ideas! Last but not least, give your newspaper a headline! Could you use alliteration, rhyme or a pun?

Arithmetic: Finding percentages of amounts.

Maths: L.O- I can answer word problems on fractions, decimals and percentages. I have uploaded to the class webpage, an activity on percentages, including using percentages within word problems for Year 6 and an activity on decimals and percentages for Year 5, using your problem solving skills. Only complete up to what you feel confident in completing, this task is to round off everything we have done on fractions, decimals and percentages.

History- I have decided to not carry on with the R.E at the moment, as it may prove difficult without some explanation. So, today I would like you research the events of Pearl Harbour and why this was an important event during WW2. Make some notes on what you find, can you explain these to another member of your household? Can you tell them something they didn’t know before?

Additional: Daily mile around your garden, reading for 20 mins, Joe Wicks P.E session, something from your self- care list you would like to do!

Thank you for all of your hard work,
Miss Coates.

Elm Class learning 31st March 2020

It’s nearly the Easter holidays! You have all worked super hard and I am very proud of you all! 🙂

Spellings: ‘I before e, except after c rule- can you practice, using the look, cover, write check method, spelling some of the words you collected yesterday?

Grammar: Can you think of some activities that have happened around the house the last few days? Can you write an active sentence about an activity and then change it into the passive voice?
eg. My mum cooked pizza for dinner. (active)
The pizza was cooked by my mum for dinner. (passive)
(Usually a passive sentence includes a was/ were/had or had been followed by the past tense verb).
The video I have attached below explains active and passive voice well and why it is used, if you need to recap!
Can you think of an example to use in your newspaper article? For example:
The announcement was made at 11 am across the country.

English: The next two days, you are going to write the final draft of your newspaper article. You have already written your introduction last week, now can you write the middle paragraphs of your newspaper article about the war announcement in Little Weirwold? What else do we need to inform the reader of about the war announcement and what happened in the village after? Can you include your direct and reported speech? Look carefully at the Blitz newspaper article example I have uploaded to the website, think about all of the features we identified last week that you could include in your newspaper article! We will write the conclusion and then edit!

Arithmetic- Finding percentages of amounts. See web page for a practice sheet if you would like one.

Maths: L.O- I can order and compare fractions, decimals and percentages in size. Yesterday, you converted between fractions, decimals and percentages, now can you use these skills to order a set of fractions, decimals and percentages? Choose Bronze, Silver or Gold, which I have uploaded to the class web page, along with a resource, which explains converting and ordering if you need to recap.

R.E- Last week, we revisited the key events for Christians Easter Story and the meaning of the Easter story. Today we are going to consider the evidence to support the story, which suggest that Jesus rose again on Easter Sunday- you are going to be detectives for the afternoon! I have uploaded a sheet onto the class web page, explaining your detective activity!

Additional: Spelling practice- 10 mins a day, reading for 20 mins a day, daily mile around your garden, practising times tables, handwriting practice.

Thank you,
Miss Coates.

Elm Class learning Mon 30th March

Spellings– This week we are focusing on the ‘i before e except after c’ spelling rule. Can you find some examples of these words? In words which have an ‘i’ and an ‘e’ next to each other, the ‘i’ always comes first unless they come after the letter ‘c’. If they do, then the ‘e’ comes first, followed by the ‘i’. Be careful with this rule, as there are some exceptions!

English: Today, I would like you to think about some direct and reported speech you could include in the newspaper. This could be from a worried resident of Little Weirwold after the news of the war or even the teacher of the local primary school and her views on how this will affect life in Little Weirwold from now on. On the class page of the school website, I have uploaded an example of direct and reported speech from the Blitz newspaper article- highlighting the key punctuation and grammatical features you will need to think about including. Can you write 1 or 2 paragraphs with direct and reported speech quotes for your newspaper article? Remember direct speech is a sentence in which the exact words spoken are written in speech marks, reported speech however is when the general points of what someone has said are reported and summarised, without actually writing the speech out in full.

Arithmetic: Finding percentages of amounts, I have uploaded a practice sheet onto the website for arithmetic if you would like some ideas of questions, if not you can make your own up!

Maths: Practice of converting between fractions, decimals and percentages- on the class webpage I have uploaded differentiated activities, you can choose between red, amber and green depending on how confident you are. The ‘E’ section is an extension and if you’re feeling really brave, I have uploaded some fraction, decimal and percentage reasoning challenges!

Science: Using the knowledge organiser and what we have covered, can you create your own Fact file about everything we have learnt on light? This could be in the form of a mind map, poster, leaflet, magazine style page- however you wish, be creative!

If you get stuck on anything, do not worry! Just have a go and move on.

Additional: The children should be reading for 20 mins a day and practicing spellings 10 mins a day. Try and get out for some fresh air? Daily mile in the garden, colouring, board games, baking? Practice of times tables.

Hope you are all ok, missing you all!
Miss Coates.😊

Elm Class learning 27th March

Happy Friday Elm Class!

Spellings– Can you get some one at home to test you on 10 of the ‘ure’ ending words we have been practicing this week.

English: P4C: What is freedom? Things to think about and discus: Is true freedom possible? When should people be entitled to freedom? Do parts of our daily lives reduce the freedom we have? Are there different views on what true freedom is? (Don’t worry we will come back to newspaper writing next week, building up to writing our final newspaper articles).

Maths: Yesterday, we recapped finding fractions of amounts. Today we are going to revisit our skills of finding percentages of amounts. If you can, I would like you to think about some of the items your family might put on their next weekly shopping list. Write down 6- 10 items. Then think of some percentages off, they might have, and have a go at working these out! I have uploaded an example to the school website if you are stuck, which you can have a go at.

Arithmetic: Weekly test and answers are up on the class webpage.

R.E: Revisit the Easter story and the dates in the Christian church calendar, which are celebrated at Easter time, for example Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. You can discuss these with someone else and if you like record some of the information down in your home learning book in a creative way, to refer back to next week, when we look further at the story.

PSHE: Feel-good Friday! We have been looking at emotional wellbeing and a great idea to support this is to create or think of a list of things you can do at home that make you feel good and make you switch off from everything else. Can you create your own ‘self- care’ list? It might be reading a book, helping with some baking, mindfulness colouring or Lego!

Enjoy a well-deserved rest this weekend and try out some of your things from your self- care list!

Hope you are all well, thinking of you all,
Miss Coates

Elm Class Learning Thursday 26th March 2020

Spelling: Can you think of an inventive way to practice your ‘ure’ spellings? Rainbow colours? Backwards? Different fonts? Try out some new ideas!

English: Today, I have uploaded onto our class webpage, a reading inference session. The questions are based on the first chapter from Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden, which I have also uploaded to the website. Can you have a go at the reading ERIC and then choose challenge questions 1, 2 or 3 to have a go at? I have picked out some new vocabulary from the chapter, could you keep these somewhere at home? Create your own word wall or keep them in a notebook or scrapbook to look back on!

Maths: L.O- I can find fractions of amounts (Both year 5’s and 6s). This will be a revision session, to keep your skills ticking over!
I have uploaded differentiated learning packs for each year group, which include a step by step guide on how to find a fraction of an amount and a ‘mild and hot’ challenge to have a go at depending on how confident you are.

Arithmetic: Final practice of adding and subtracting decimals. If you would like to have a go at the weekly Arithmetic test tomorrow, I will upload it to the school website.
2.5+ 0.05=
4- 1.15=
______ + 2.5 = 4.16
9- 3.45=
_______ – 4.26= 8.15

Geography: In our History lessons, we have looked at the Allies and Axis countries to Great Britain. The Allies were Russia, USA, France and China. The Axis powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. Can you point these out on a World Map? Can you choose one of the countries and create a fact file about the country in your home learning book.

Additional: Daily mile, reading, practice of times tables, board games!
Hope you are all ok, and managing to enjoy some of the sunshine! 🙂

Miss Coates

Elm Class Learning – Wednesday 25th March 2020

Spellings- continue to practice ‘ure’ ending words- could you get someone to test you?

English: Today, I would like you to edit your introduction to your newspaper article you wrote yesterday. I have uploaded a document onto the school website, highlighting the key features of the introduction to the Blitz newspaper article, that would be good to use in your introduction, which will help you with editing Then, I would like you, using the extract from Goodnight Mr Tom that I uploaded to the website yesterday, to plan out the topics for rest of the paragraphs in your newspaper article. What happened during the announcement of the war? What was the reaction of the villagers in Little Weirwold at the church? What is the village doing in response?

Arithmetic: Continuing adding and subtracting decimals with a different amount of decimal places.
Maths: Today, we are looking at reflecting shapes! There is a Bronze, silver and Gold challenge to have a go at on the class webpage. I have also linked a youtube video below to help if you are stuck.  

Science: Can you research how light helps us to see different colours? Can you draw a diagram of light bouncing off an object and write a short explanation on how this helps us to see different colours? A light knowledge organiser is on the class page to help with this.

Additional if you would like: Now you know about how we see colours and the spectrum of colour, it’s time to get creative! You may have seen that to keep up spirits and to make people smile, people are putting rainbows in their windows. You could draw, colour, paint or use other craft materials to make a rainbow for your own window!

Thank you,
Miss Coates.

Elm Class Learning Tue 24th March 2020

Spelling focus: To practice ‘ure’ ending words- look, say, cover write check.

English: We will be writing a newspaper article based on the announcement of World War 2 in Little Weirwold, from Goodnight Mr Tom. Today, I would like you to write the introduction to your newspaper article. Your introduction should include the 5W’s- the who, what, where, when and why- and should be short and snappy. I have uploaded this chapter to the website, so you can refer back to this when writing, to remind yourself of the facts.

Maths: You looked at 2D shapes yesterday. Can you find examples of these 2D shapes around your house or think of your own example and discuss their properties? Can you create a poster on the different 2D shapes, to help remember their names and properties?

Arithmetic: Practice of adding and subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places.

P.E: If you can, go out into the garden and get some fresh air! Can you practice your netball passing skills if you have access to a ball? If not, can you have a go at the daily mile around your garden and try some simple exercises? Joe Wicks is also providing good videos to follow for exercise activities.

Additional: Read a book, practice times tables, play a board game!

Thank you,
Miss Coates.

Elm Class Learning Monday 23rd March 2020

Spellings: This week, we will be practicing  ‘ure’ ending words- for example: Measure, treasure, creature- can you create a list of these spellings? What other examples can you find?

English: Can you identify the key features of a newspaper article? I have uploaded two examples of newspaper articles to the school website. Can you annotate these with the features that make a good newspaper, what can you pick out from these newspaper articles that make them a good piece of writing for a Year 5 or 6?

Some example features:

  • Newspaper features-
  • A bold headline, which uses a pun, alliteration or rhyme
  • Clearly structured paragraphs.
  • An introductory paragraph, which answers the 5W’s of the news story.
  • A picture related to the newspaper article and caption.
  • Direct and reported speech from eye witnesses.

 Grammatical features:

  • Parenthesis and relative clauses to add more information to sentences for the reader.
  • Fronted adverbials.
  • Varied length of sentences.
  • The use of past perfect tense ‘had asked’
  • Passive voice.

You may be able to identify even more features!

Arithmetic: Adding and subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places: for example: 2.34- 1.265=

Maths- Identifying the properties of 2D shapes- Have a look through the PowerPoint I have attached to the school website, to remind you of some of the different properties of 2D shapes. I have also attached some work to our school website- you can choose a Bronze, Silver or Gold challenge to have a go at. Describe each shape numbered, answering the questions on its properties as you go. EXT: Can you spot any of these shapes around the house?

Grammar, punctuation and spelling:

Can you add extra information as relative clauses to these sentences below, using a relative pronoun (who, whose, which, that)

The waiter dropped the dishes.

The little girl and her family went for a walk through the woods.

The children enjoyed watching the animation film.

The storm lasted over an hour.

History: To research the role of women in WW2. Can you write this up as a non-chronological report?

Art: To sketch the landscape of London during WW2 and Will’s home now in Little Weirwold- think about how they are very different- you could even get out in your garden to look at the nature- this may help you when sketching the village of Little Weirwold!