Elm Class Home Learning – Friday 18th March 2020

Spelling: Practice of sion and tion words and year 5/6 spelling list words.

English: To write your final diary entry as Mister Tom or as Will from Chapter 9, Will’s birthday, making sure you convey the feelings of the character using a ‘show me’ not ‘tell me’ method. Challenge: Can you include examples of parenthesis, fronted adverbials for cohesion and examples of the passive voice?

Remember that your diary entry is in past, so this needs to be written in past tense.

Maths– We will be using our knowledge of co-ordinates to translate shapes across 4 quadrants. I have added a sheet to our class web page that the children can have a go at, this allows the children to describe how a shape has been translated and then to have a go at translating a shape. The difficulty of the work increases, with the number of stars at the bottom of the sheet. Choose a set of sheets you are comfortable with.

Arithmetic: Practice of multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers.

Geography: I have uploaded to our school website an ordnance survey map of London and Mundford. Have a look at these- can you write down some ways that an urban landscape is different to a rural landscape, as evacuees we have been discussing the differences between moving from a city to the countryside. We will then be practicing using 6- figure grid references to identify places on a map. Can you write the 6 figure grid reference for:

  • Manor Farm
  • Lynford Hall
  • a church that you can find (see if you can spot the symbol)
  • Northwold Lodge
  • a point of the River Wissey.

P4C: Our question for this week: Are the best things in life for free? Can you discuss this at home? What are your thoughts? Do you have any examples?

Elm Class learning- 19th March 2020

Spelling- We will be continuing to practice words ending in sion (a zhun sound) and tion (a shun sound) Please continue to practice words from the year 5/6 spelling list.

English: We will be planning our final drafts of our diary entry as either Mister Tom or Will, after Will has had his birthday. Can you plan your diary entry- could you think about the description you will add in from the Chapter, how you will convey the character’s feelings throughout the diary entry and some of the grammatical features we have looked at- fronted adverbials, the passive voice, parenthesis?

Arithmetic: Practice of multiplying fractions by whole numbers and dividing fractions by whole numbers.

Maths- We will be working together to answer effectively ‘explain how you know’ questions from the Maths reasoning and problem solving papers- I have attached a word document with these on for the children to have a go at on the Elm Class page of our school website. 

Grammar: Practicing the use of subordinate and co-ordinating conjunctions: For example-

Time : after, before, as soon as, while, when, as, until

Cause : because, since, as,

Condition : if, provided that, as long as, unless

For each sentence add in the best conjunction:

  1. Take the cake out of the oven __________________ the timer goes off.

2. Don’t cross the road on a sharp bend ___________________  it is dangerous.

3. Keep your hand on the wound ______________ the nurse asks you to take it off.

4. Only use the apples ___________ they are in date.

Art: We are creating some Blitz Art, creating sunsets, using our blending skills, behind the silhouettes of the buildings of London. Additional: Reading comprehensions- these can be found online, reading book at home, times table practice. 

Elm Class learning for Wednesday 18th March 2020

In Elm Class today, we will be looking at describing character feelings through a ‘show me not tell me’ strategy. For example, if the character is feeling anxious, their heart may be beating out of their chest and they may have sweaty palms. To write in role for our final draft of our diary entry as Will or Mister Tom from Chapter 9, after Will has had his birthday, we will be having a go at describing their feelings using a show me not tell me method. Can you think of some of the feelings of each character from this Chapter and describe how they felt from the character’s point of view, using their actions?

Maths – We will be looking at identifying and plotting co-ordinates on a grid to create different shapes.

R.E. – We will be revisiting the Easter Story and creating a story map of the story. We will also be looking at why Easter is an important time for Christians and the meaning of the different days in the Christian calendar.

History – A recount of the first night of the Blitz- you could put yourself in the shoes of a fireman, soldier, a nurse or doctor. Then create a non- chronological report on the Battle of Britain. 

Thank you, Miss Coates.