Spelling: Practice of sion and tion words and year 5/6 spelling list words.
English: To write your final diary entry as Mister Tom or as Will from Chapter 9, Will’s birthday, making sure you convey the feelings of the character using a ‘show me’ not ‘tell me’ method. Challenge: Can you include examples of parenthesis, fronted adverbials for cohesion and examples of the passive voice?
Remember that your diary entry is in past, so this needs to be written in past tense.
Maths– We will be using our knowledge of co-ordinates to translate shapes across 4 quadrants. I have added a sheet to our class web page that the children can have a go at, this allows the children to describe how a shape has been translated and then to have a go at translating a shape. The difficulty of the work increases, with the number of stars at the bottom of the sheet. Choose a set of sheets you are comfortable with.
Arithmetic: Practice of multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers.
Geography: I have uploaded to our school website an ordnance survey map of London and Mundford. Have a look at these- can you write down some ways that an urban landscape is different to a rural landscape, as evacuees we have been discussing the differences between moving from a city to the countryside. We will then be practicing using 6- figure grid references to identify places on a map. Can you write the 6 figure grid reference for:
- Manor Farm
- Lynford Hall
- a church that you can find (see if you can spot the symbol)
- Northwold Lodge
- a point of the River Wissey.
P4C: Our question for this week: Are the best things in life for free? Can you discuss this at home? What are your thoughts? Do you have any examples?